Wednesday, December 31, 2014
GeoEngineering ("Chemtrails") - Perth, Western Australia, Dec 2 2014
#GeoEngineering #Chemtrails #Perth #Australia Dec 2 2014
Sunil Raman "most obvious case I've seen" #GOP
Sunday, December 28, 2014
42nd Knowledge Seekers Workshop Dec 25 2014
42nd Knowledge Seekers Workshop 12 25 14 #Energy #maddow OIL
#Keshe Jean-Francois #GANS based Starship Reactor config
Wednesday, December 17, 2014
CHEMTRAILS - HAARP ACTIVITY - December 15 2014 London #1
#CHEMTRAILS #HAARP ACTIVITY Dec 15 2014 #London #opChemTrails #GOP
Sunday, December 14, 2014
O________O: Bill Gilbert — Walking Constellations and Grids
"I use an arbitrary system of navigation to subvert my conscious mind ... "
O________O: Bill Gilbert — Walking Constellations and Grids: Not enough can be said about Bill Gilbert, co-founder and director of the Land Arts of the American West program at the University of New ...
O________O: Bill Gilbert — Walking Constellations and Grids: Not enough can be said about Bill Gilbert, co-founder and director of the Land Arts of the American West program at the University of New ...
Sunday, November 30, 2014
~~ Bryan Ferry Alphaville ~~
#eceti #ufos #chemTrails #opChemTrails
Images recorded 4 posterity's sake Black Helicopters
Bryan Ferry - Alphaville
Saturday, November 29, 2014
Sage of Quay Radio - Jim Nichols - Nazi Technology, Secret Space and the...
#eceti #ufos
Sage of Quay Radio - Jim Nichols - #Nazi Technology, Secret #Space and the #Occult (Nov 2014)
Friday, November 28, 2014
Sunday, November 9, 2014
Sage of Quay Radio - Michael Murphy - Geoengineering: The Co-opting of a...
(Nov 2014)
Sage of Quay Radio - Michael Murphy - #Geoengineering
Thursday, November 6, 2014
Geo-Engineering - contre le réchauffement climatique ou contre les terri...
le réchauffement climatique?
#GeoEngineering Against global warming or against the land?
Thursday, October 30, 2014
Documentation of geoengineering and chemtrails.
#Geoengineering, Chemical aerosol dispersion documentation Oct 30 2014
Chemtrails, HAARP, and the Full Spectrum Dominance of Planet Earth
#Chemtrails, #HAARP & the Full Spectrum Dominance of Planet Earth:
Saturday, October 25, 2014
Extreme Chemtrails Anchorage, AK 10/23/14
Extreme #Chemtrails Anchorage, AK 10/23/14:
Friday, October 24, 2014
Vive les #Chemtrails, Corrèze Brive la gaillarde, 24/10/2014 12:00
Wednesday, October 15, 2014
Heavy Chemtrails Sky Anchorage, AK 10/14/14 4:40PM
Heavy #Chemtrails Sky #Anchorage #Alaska 10/14/14 4:40PM:
Saturday, October 11, 2014
GeoEngineering the Planet - Michael Murphy (The justBernard Show)
#GeoEngineering the Planet Michael Murphy justBernard Oct 9, 2014
CHEMTRAIL ATTACK over Aerospace Valley California, October 10, 2014
#CHEMTRAILS ATTACK over Aerospace Valley California, Oct 10, 2014
I Do Not Consent
I Do Not Consent:
Saturday, October 4, 2014
Pilots, Doctors and Scientists Tell the Truth about Chemtrails
Pilots, Doctors and Scientists Tell the Truth about #Chemtrails
Wednesday, October 1, 2014
Geoengineering In Alaska 9/28/14 6:05pm
#Geoengineering In #Alaska 9/28/14 6:05pm
Sunday, September 28, 2014
Mega chemtrails in the morning, 28/09/2014, Yvelines, France
Mega #chemtrails morn 28/09/14 #Yvelines #France
Saturday, September 27, 2014
Global MARCH Against Chemtrails and Geoengineering
#skyderAlert #chemTrails #GMACAG
Montreal - Marche Mondiale Contre les Chemtrails
Friday, September 26, 2014
Geoengineering Chemtrail Proof 9/25/14
#Geoengineering #Chemtrails Proof 9/25/14 #Alaska
Tuesday, September 23, 2014
Chemtrail Grid Being Completed Over My House
#Chemtrails Grid Being Completed Over My House
Boggles the Mind Anyone Thinks This Normal
Saturday, September 20, 2014
Glasgow Under Chemtrail Attack
#Glasgow Under #Chemtrails Attack:
Tuesday, September 16, 2014
Chemtrail spotting - A view from plane to plane ====✈
#skyderAlert #chemTrails
"If anybody will try to tell me that this is normal or that it is condensation trail I will personally bitchslapp him" Love it!!!
Friday, September 5, 2014
#McCanney #Wing Generator Distributed #Energy Nat'l Grid WORLD PROJECT
#McCanney #Wing Generator Distributed #Energy Nat'l Grid WORLD PROJECT
Monday, September 1, 2014
Michael Murphy: Target of Psyop Dane Wigington
#skyderAlert #chemTrails
U B the Judge
Michael Murphy: Target of Psyop Dane Wigington:
Saturday, August 30, 2014
HOLLAND UNDER ATTACK: Chemie is overal.. [720pHD]
#skyderAlert #chemTrails
14-10-11 utrecht netherlands eu zog
Tuesday, August 26, 2014
Sunday, August 3, 2014
Saturday, August 2, 2014
Friday, August 1, 2014
Thursday, July 31, 2014
Wednesday, July 30, 2014
Sunday, July 27, 2014
Saturday, July 26, 2014
Wednesday, July 23, 2014
Has The Chemtrail/Geoengineering Movement Been Co-opted?
Has The Chemtrail/Geoengineering Movement Been Co-opted?
Has The #Chemtrails / #Geoengineering Movement Been Co-opted? Michael J. Murphy
Has The #Chemtrails / #Geoengineering Movement Been Co-opted? Michael J. Murphy
Friday, July 18, 2014
Thursday, July 17, 2014
Monday, July 7, 2014
Sunday, July 6, 2014
Geoengineering is Destroying the Ozone Layer
Geoengineering is Destroying the Ozone Layer
#Geoengineering is Destroying the Ozone Layer "lens effect"
#skyderAlert #chemTrails
#Geoengineering is Destroying the Ozone Layer "lens effect"
#skyderAlert #chemTrails
Monday, June 30, 2014
To Help Put An End To GeoEngineering : Geoengineering: A Phenomenon Causing Unbelievable ...
To Help Put An End To GeoEngineering : Geoengineering: A Phenomenon Causing Unbelievable ...: There are many facts, researches and experiments happening around us which we might not be aware or acquainted with. There are several i...
Wednesday, June 25, 2014
To Help Put and End To GeoEngineering : Geo Engineering: Unveiling The Curtain!
To Help Put and End To GeoEngineering : Geo Engineering: Unveiling The Curtain!: Geo Engineers have come up with a new term named “Global Cooling” which is going viral these days. The people who support this new phe...
Sunday, March 30, 2014
Kevin Galalae - The worldwide global depopulation agenda
Killing Us Softly - Kevin Galalae
Ep 456 Global Depopulation - Killing us softly
Kevin Galalae joins us to speak about the worldwide global depopulation agenda that is being carried out worldwide. Kevin Galalae is a Canadian human rights activist, author, journalist and historian.He is also an ardent defender of the last bastion of freedom, and a frequent contributor to The Real Agenda, The U.S. Independent, The Sleuth Journal, the European Journalism Centre, Stop Secrets, Education is Our Addiction and several other media organizations.
His most notable accomplishment took place in 2012, when he exposed for the first time in its 68-year old history the chemical and biological methods employed by the UN-delegated Global Depopulation Policy and showed that demographic objectives are carried out by covertly undermining human fertility as a substitute to war.
In 2013, he published part of his research on the history of the Global Depopulation Policy, its causes and consequences; the first account of the world’s best-kept secret and the central axis of the international framework for peace and security post-World War II.
More works here.
14.03.27 K Galalae.mp3
Works cited:
Water, Salt, Milk, Killing, our, unborn, children.pdf
[Note: All images - I have nothing against our new pope. But I do wonder why he doesn't speak out against chemTrails, etcetera. I mean, can he be that uninformed? God gave him eyes to see, no?]
About discerningdem:
Thursday, March 6, 2014
Monday, January 20, 2014
Strange filaments in the news – test results Filaments étranges dans les nouvelles – les résultats des tests Chemtrails Traînées chimiques
"Focus on the bloggers and the activists who do not profit."
-- Barack Obama
One blogger's thoughts on chemTrails / geoEngineering:
On commence à parler de ces drôles de filaments dans les journaux ainsi que dans les médias alternatifs qui se sont fait l’écho de ces résultats d’analyses.
We start talking about these strange filaments in the newspapers and in the alternative media that have echoed these test results.
Les choses avancent doucement et le phénomène “chemtrails” devient presque officiel.
Things are moving smoothly and the phenomenon of “chemtrails” is almost official.
Avec le dernier rapport 2013 du GIEC (Groupe d’experts intergouvernemental sur l’évolution du climat), on est passé de la “théorie de la conspiration” à “la solution” pour contrer le réchauffement global.
With the latest 2013 report of the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change), we went to the “conspiracy theory” to “solution” to combat global warming.
Solution en projet selon les officiels, mais en réalité déjà en application depuis des dizaines d’années.
Solution according to project officials, but in reality already applied for dozens of years.
Et bientôt la masse, bien préparée par des images subliminales de traînées chimiques dans les pubs, bulletins météo, films, jingles, clips, dessins animés…, passera du déni total à l’acceptation complète.
And soon the ground well prepared by subliminal chemical trails in pubs, weather reports, films, jingles, music, cartoons … will total denial to complete acceptance.
La plupart des gens diront alors que les chemtrails, bien sûr que ça existe, et pour notre bien en plus.
Most people will say that chemtrails, of course it exists, and for our good and more.
Tout le monde sait ça enfin!
Everyone knows that last!
Après des années à lutter pour ouvrir les yeux des gens quant à l’existence même des chemtrails, il va falloir désormais se battre contre la propagande qui voudra nous faire croire que ceux-ci sont indispensables à notre survie sur terre.
After years of struggle to open people’s eyes about the existence of chemtrails, you will have now to fight against the propaganda wants us to believe that they are essential to our survival on earth.
(Page 1)
Objet: Dépistage systématique DTD-GC/MS sur échantillons de « filaments aéroportés » .
(Page 1)
Subject: Routine screening DTD-GC/MS on samples of “airborne filaments.”
Plusieurs échantillons de « filaments aéroportés » collectés entre Novembre et Décembre 2012 sur l’ensemble du territoire français ont été adressés à notre laboratoire, en provenance de Thénioux, de Saint Clément des Levées, de Saint Martin de Crau et de Malabat (points de collecte localisés sur la carte de France page 118).
Several samples of “airborne filaments” collected between November and December 2012 across the French territory were sent to our laboratory from Thénioux, St. Clement of Exercise, Saint Martin de Crau and Malabat (collection points located on the map of France page 118).
Pour chacun de ces échantillons, deux expériences de désorption thermique directe à Point-de-Curie ont été conduites à 445°C, d’une part directement et d’autre part avec méthylation « in-situ » (un processus favorisant la détection des composants polaires éventuellement présents).
For each of these samples, two experiments of direct thermal desorption of Curie-Point were conducted at 445 ° C, on the one hand directly and on the other hand with methylation “in situ” (a process to detect polar components may be present).
Les différents composés organiques engendrés dans cette série de huit expériences ont -chaque foisété séparés par chromatographie gaz et identifiés par spectrométrie de masse (GC/MS).
The various organic compounds generated in the series of eight experiments, each separated by gas chromatography and identified by mass spectrometry (GC / MS) foisété.
Les données obtenues ont été interprétées et les résultats obtenus sont détaillés dans le présent rapport analytique.
The data were interpreted and the results are detailed in this summary report.
Il apparaît que ces « filaments aéroportés » sont des polymères organiques complexes, contenant des composants chimiques de synthèse, comme le démontre le dépistage GC/MS systématique réalisé sur les nombreux produits de leur décomposition thermique, parmi lesquels figurent plusieurs molécules couramment rencontrées dans les carburants et lubrifiants de réacteurs d’aviation.
It appears that these “airborne filaments” are complex organic polymers containing chemicals synthesis, as demonstrated by the GC screening / MS performed systematically on many products of their thermal decomposition, including several molecules commonly found in fuels lubricants and aviation engines.
Les quatre échantillons étudiés contiennent plusieurs composés aromatiques toxiques synthétiques (phthalates) et trois d’entre eux contiennent du DEHP, un représentant de cette famille de produits chimiques particulièrement redouté à cause de ses propriétés de perturbateur endocrinien.
The four samples studied contain several toxic synthetic aromatic compounds (phthalates) and three of them contain DEHP, a representative of this family of chemicals particularly feared because of its endocrine disrupting properties.
Toutes les molécules organiques, en particulier les composés hétérocycliques, présents dans ces échantillons de « filaments aéroportés », sont préoccupantes, -à la fois sur les plans de la santé publique et de leur impact environnemental.
All organic molecules, especially heterocyclic compounds present in these samples “airborne filaments” are of concern, both in terms of public health and environmental impact.
Nous pensons que ces « filaments aéroportés » pourraient résulter de la recombinaison des substances rejetées en haute altitude dans l’atmosphère par les réacteurs d’aviation.
We believe that these “airborne filaments” may result from the recombination of substances released at high altitudes in the atmosphere by aircraft engines.
Compte-tenu de la croissance du trafic aérien mondial, les résultats de cette étude préliminaire nous paraissent justifier l’attention de l’opinion publique et des médias sur cette forme nouvelle de pollution atmosphérique.
Given the growth of world air traffic, the results of this preliminary study we seem to justify the attention of the public and media on this new form of air pollution.
Pour que la communauté scientifique se saisisse rapidement du sujet pour le comprendre, et que les autorités de tutelle de l’aviation, civile ou militaire, puissent alors contrôler efficacement cette nouvelle forme de pollution atmosphérique globale.
For the scientific community quickly grasp the subject to understand, and regulators of aviation, civil or military, can then effectively control this new form of global atmospheric pollution.
Docteur ès Sciences
Docteur ès Sciences
Doctor of Science
Doctor of Science
Friday, January 17, 2014
The upcoming european space agency Rosetta comet mission to land a probe on the surface of a comet – James McCanney
The upcoming european space agency Rosetta comet mission to land a probe on the surface of a comet – James McCanney
JANUARY 16, 2014 …
my weekly radio show is now posted on the archive sub-page … listen as i discuss the final issues regarding comet ISON …
the results of the recent inferior conjunction of venus and sun spot activity …
the scam that is the current telecommunications blocking inexpensive real cell and internet service from the public and
the government FCC complacency in not enforcing the true meaning of the breakup of the old ATT and bell operating companies …
i continue on the vein of POSITIVE SCIENCE and how we can make a real difference in the world and in your lives …
the main science topic deals with earth weather and also
the upcoming european space agency Rosetta comet mission to land a probe on the surface of a comet …
what should we expect from this mission ??? listen and learn …
jim mccanney