Saturday, October 31, 2020

This ABC News reporter from 2019 where Tom Llamas confronts Biden in person and lobs several hardball questions about the Hunter Biden scandal

Here is a full transcript of the June 20 report on ABC’s GMA:

    7:42 AM ET

    DAVID MUIR: Now to our ABC News investigation this morning into Joe Biden’s son Hunter and questions about money he made from foreign business dealings while his father was vice president. Our chief national affairs correspondent Tom Llamas traveled to Ukraine to try to get some answers. And Tom, what did you find?

    TOM LLAMAS: Dave, good morning to you. This is actually an issue Joe Biden has been dealing with since 2014, but it’s come up again because he’s now running for president. Republicans, including President Trump, are trying to hammer Biden over this. At issue, was Hunter Biden profiting off his dad’s work as vice president and did Joe Biden allow it? We’re talking about millions of dollars in at least two countries.

    [ON-SCREEN HEADLINE: Hunter Biden’s Foreign Deals; Did Joe Biden’s Son Profit Off Father’s Position as Vice President?]

    Mr. Vice president, Tom Llamas with ABC News. How you doing? Got a quick question for you.

    It’s a question we tried to ask repeatedly.

    Can we ask you about Ukraine and China?!

    But kept getting blocked. Questions about foreign deals his son Hunter Biden pursued.

    HUNTER BIDEN: My father, Joe Biden.

    LLAMAS: In countries where Joe Biden was working as America’s top diplomat. In 2014, Ukrainians, sick of corruption, revolted. Vice President Joe Biden went to Kiev to help the new government.

    JOE BIDEN: You have to fight the cancer of corruption.

    LLAMAS: But then, something strange happened. Just three weeks later a Ukrainian natural gas company, Burisma, accused of corruption, appoints Hunter Biden, seen here in their promotional videos, to their board of directors, paying his firm more than a million dollars a year. Hunter, a lawyer, who had just been discharged from the Navy Reserves for testing positive for cocaine.

    He had served on other boards, but had no known experience in Ukraine or natural gas. We went to Kiev and found even among Joe Biden’s supporters in Ukraine, Hunter’s hiring was troubling. How do you judge what Hunter Biden was doing?

    DARIA KALENIUK [ANTI-CORRUPTION ACTION CENTRE]: I think that Hunter Biden did a very bad thing and he was very wrong. He allowed his name to be abused.

    LLAMAS: And Ukraine wasn’t the only country where Hunter Biden’s business and his father’s diplomacy as vice president intersected. It also happened in China. This video shows Chinese diplomats greeting Vice President Biden as he arrived in Beijing in December of 2013. Right by his side, his son Hunter. Less than two weeks later, Hunter’s firm had new business, creating an investment fund in China, involving the government-controlled Bank of China. With reports they hoped to raise $1.5 billion. Hunter still plays a role in the fund. His lawyer says his stake is worth about half a million dollars. Both Hunter and his lawyers say he never discussed any of this overseas work with his father.

    But even a critic of the current president and his children’s business dealings says this –

    ROBERT WEISSMAN [PRESIDENT, PUBLIC CITIZEN]: He should have encouraged his son to not take these positions.

    LLAMAS: Biden’s campaign team told us that the Vice President “acted at all times in a manner consistent with well established executive branch ethics standards.” One person who did not want to talk about it, Joe Biden.

    Mr. Vice president, what’s your take on that? Was there a conflict of interest there? Was there a clear conflict of interest?

    Now in response to our questions the Biden campaign, for the first time, is announcing if he’s elected he will invoke a new ethics policy on his first day of office that would empower White House lawyers to monitor for any types of conflicts of interest. Now, Hunter Biden did not want to comment on camera. He says he was brought into Burisma, that Ukrainian company that was facing the corruption charges, to help with its transparency and corporate responsibility. So far no charges have been brought against Burisma, so far.

    MUIR: But these questions aren’t going to go away. So in the meantime, is he still on the board for that company in Ukraine?

    LLAMAS: It’s a good question, David. So the same month Joe Biden announces he’s going to run for president, Hunter Biden tells us his term on the board expired. He says with the current political climate he’s decided not to renew.

    MUIR: Alright, Tom Llamas investigating this morning. Thanks, Tom.


Conservative and independent journalists are resurfacing this ABC News reporter from 2019 where Tom Llamas confronts Biden in person and lobs several hardball questions about the Hunter Biden scandal.

Did Joe Biden allow his son to earn millions in shady deals in foreign countries.

"It's a question we tried to ask repeatedly...but kept getting blocked."

The questions were about deals involving Hunter Biden in countries where his father was "working as America's top diplomat".

We wait to see if more mainstream media outlets will turn critical of Biden in the waning days of the election.

#Biden #HunterBiden #moneyLaundering

2016 Arizona Police Report: Cocaine Pipe Found in Car Rented by Joe Biden’s Son Hunter Biden

Exclusive — 2016 Arizona Police Report: Cocaine Pipe
Found in Car Rented by Joe Biden’s Son Hunter Biden, Authorities Declined to Prosecute

"Attorney General badge, cell phone, a meth pipe, and a used bindle to meth inside the vehicle,” reads the police report, obtained by Breitbart …

#biden #hunterBiden #prescott #arizona #methHead

[Most methheads exhibit single-minded behavior (being “stuck”), usually devoted solely to getting their drug of choice, and will commit crimes against loved ones as … ]

[What’s a bindle?]

Another bit of news that the American press isn’t sharing is the substantial drop in COVID19 deaths.

Another bit of news that the American press isn’t sharing is the substantial drop in COVID19 deaths.

Two new peer-reviewed studies are showing a sharp drop in mortality among hospitalized COVID-19 patients. The drop is seen in all groups, including older patients and those with underlying conditions, suggesting that physicians are getting better at helping patients survive their illness.

“We find that the death rate has gone down substantially,” says Leora Horwitz, a doctor who studies population health at New York University’s Grossman School of Medicine and an author on one of the studies, which looked at thousands of patients from March to August.

The study, which was of a single health system, finds that mortality has dropped among hospitalized patients by 18 percentage points since the pandemic began. Patients in the study had a 25.6% chance of dying at the start of the pandemic; they now have a 7.6% chance.

Here is something to consider: Legal Insurrection cannot share many of my coronavirus posts because I refute most of the “experts” by promoting the news from scientists and public health professionals that go against the fear-narrative.


Friday, October 30, 2020

GLENN GREENWALD’S blistering attack on the US media’s conspiracy of silence over Hunter Biden’s laptops and the serious questions Joe still has to answer over son’s sketchy Chinese and Ukrainian business deals

“But the pathologies, illiberalism, and repressive mentality that led to the bizarre spectacle of my being censored by my own media outlet are ones that are by no means unique to The Intercept.” It’s TRUE


The ideological conformity at center-left outlets has always been there but I think it became more rigid after Trump’s election, they all started behaving less like adversarial outlets and more like msm outlets that accept CIA narratives w/out question. It’s been awful to watch


Read the piece The Intercept refused to run: GLENN GREENWALD’S blistering attack on the US media’s conspiracy of silence over Hunter Biden’s laptops and the serious questions Joe still has to answer over son’s sketchy Chinese and Ukrainian business deals

#Biden #HunterBiden

[The Left is quite willing to throw one of their own heroes under the bus.]

[I’ve been bitching about this for years now and it’s only gotten worse and harder to break through the noise. If you seek the truth, you really can rely on no one else, like we could when we were kids and young adults.]


DOJ confirms 2019 FBI investigation into Hunter Biden is ongoing: “I can only imagine to the extent that the Chinese communist party has information on the Biden family and their business dealings."

DOJ confirms 2019 FBI investigation into Hunter Biden is ongoing

“I can only imagine to the extent that the Chinese communist party has information on the Biden family and their business dealings. Other business dealings that occurred in Romania, Khazakstan, Georgia, Monaco and the Middle East, and then obviously topping off in Russia.”

Bobulinksi said he decided to speak out publicly when he heard Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., and other Democrats who suggested these allegations were part of a Russian disinformation campaign.

Before that, Bobulinksi noted it was the impeachment proceedings against President Donald Trump that was the spark that made him want to gather his information and provide it to the authorities.

“I didn’t want to put my face out there, I didn’t want to put my family at risk. I now have ex-Navy SEALs guarding my family and my extended family and I have now put myself in huge risk for the sake of the American people.”

#QuidProJoe #Biden #HunterBiden #moneyLaundering #graft #SlapHappyPappy

[Quid pro quo is a Latin phrase used in English to mean an exchange of goods or services, in which one transfer is contingent upon the other; “a favor for a favor”.]


FBI Criminal Investigation into Hunter Biden in 2019 Remain Open & Active

#FBI #HunterBiden #Bobulinski
FBI Criminal Investigation into Hunter Biden in 2019 Remain Open & Active

Now a breaking news Sinclair exclusive tonight.

A justice department official has confirmed to Sinclair that the FBI opened up a criminal investigation into Hunter Biden and his associates back in 2019 focused on allegations of money laundering and that the probe remains active.

Sinclair Investigator reporter James Rosen has also spoken with a witness of these allegation.

A Justice department official confirmed to Sinclair that back in 2019 the FBI opened up a criminal investigation into Hunter Biden and his associates but is focused on allegations of money laundering and remains open and active today.

Tony Bobulinski, thank you for joining us from Los Angeles.

Separately, Tony Bobulinski, the former business partner of Hunter Biden who has cited emails, documents and other evidence to allege that former Vice President Biden was more deeply involved in his son’s business dealings in China.

The neither man has acknowledged told Sinclair he was interviewed by the FBI in Washington on October 23rd with Counsel present for about five hours with up to six agents in the room at one time.

He said the agents carefully examined the digital evidence captured on the three cell phones Tony Bobulinski made available and told him he will be brought back for additional questioning.

They do list me as a material witness within the entire FBI on their computer systems and it was a very cooperative Deep dive and all the facts across that time period.

In connection with what where you listed as a material witness?

In connection with the Biden family, CEFC and other operations around the world involving other countries.

CEFC is the Chinese energy giant effectively an arm of the government to the Communist party with which Hunter Biden pursued a ten million dollar deal.

According Bobulinski’s first-hand account and a wealth of evidence now in the public domain, it was from CEFC, according to a senate report that Hunter Biden’s law firm through a company he helped set up received approximately five million in the summer of 2017.

Joe, what is that all about this?

This president paid 50 times the tax in China.

It was prior to the final presidential debate in Nashville on October 22nd that Bobulinski, a former Naval nuclear command officer with a Q level security clearance, now a wealthy corporate investor first went public with his charges about the Biden family including his account of two face-to-face meetings with the former vice president.

The FBI interviewed Bobulinski the very next day.

Did you get the sense that the FBI had already been working on these related issues prior to you making that public statement in Nashville?

My impression is everyone in the room was very aware of the sensitivity of the parties involved here and potential multiple impacts to this country.

Vice President Biden has denied having any knowledge of his sons overseas business dealings but the authenticity of the digital evidence Bobulinski has cited has not been disputed by the Biden campaign.

The campaign’s director’s rapid response did not respond to our request for comment.

In washington, James Rosen.

#Biden #HunterBiden #graft #moneyLaundering

The Thursday report by #Sinclair marks the first confirmation that Hunter Biden himself is the subject of an ongoing #criminal probe

While a subsequent Fox News report revealed that Hunter Biden’s laptop was subpoenaed by the #FBI in connection with a money laundering investigation, the Thursday report by #Sinclair marks the first confirmation that Hunter Biden himself is the subject of an ongoing #criminal probe.

#Biden #HunterBiden #moneyLaundering

F-16 Pops Flares Grabbing Trump’s Attention After Plane Strays Into Airspace Over Rally [Likely story]

"We’re the envy of the world,” #Trump said to cheers. “You know what? We are the envy — do you know about that Dan? Look at that sucker. He’s trying to show off to the president. Yeah, that’s one of ours.”

“She could fly those planes very easily that we just saw overhead, Senator Martha #McSally. Great, great.”


F-16 Pops Flares Grabbing Trump’s Attention After Plane Strays Into Airspace Over Rally [Likely story]

Trump and the crowd below were not exactly sure what was going on, but cheered as the F-16 intercepted the wayward aircraft.

[Cheers! #HeavenOnEarth Heaven is an #airshow]

Hunter Biden and a group of business partners seeking a $10 million investment deal with a Chinese energy firm touted Joe Biden’s friendly relations with Colombia’s president in their sales proposal AND Ric #Grenell: Intel agencies don’t have a right to cover up internal mistakes



“In 2017, Hunter Biden and a group of business partners seeking a $10 million investment deal with a Chinese energy firm touted Joe Biden’s friendly relations with Colombia’s president in their sales proposal”
via @ChuckRossDC


Ric #Grenell: Intel agencies don’t have a right to cover up internal mistakes

Former Acting Director of National Intelligence Richard Grenell argues there is a crisis within U.S. intelligence agencies.

@RobertCahaly: Our new @trafalgar_group #2020Election #BattlegroundState #PApoll conducted Oct 24-25 shows undecided shrinking and a narrow Trump lead for the 1st time


Our new @trafalgar_group #2020Election #BattlegroundState #PApoll conducted Oct 24-25 shows undecided shrinking and a narrow Trump lead for the first time

48.4% @realDonaldTrump

47.6% @JoeBiden

2.2% @Jorgensen4POTUS

0.7% Other

1.0% Und

#Pennsylvania #Trafalgar #poll #polls

[We’re not gonna which polls are “crazy” until after #ElectionDay]

HUNTER Biden's #BHR stake (purchased for $400,000) is now likely be worth approx. $50 million (fees and capital appreciation based on BHR’s $6.5 billion AUM as stated by Michael Lin).


It is a special corruption that veers into #treason.

Consider Point 1 from the research published at Zero Hedge.

Joe Biden’s compromising partnership with the Communist Party of China runs via Yang Jiechi (CPC’s Central Foreign Affairs Commission).

Yang is also described as “the CCP Director of Foreign Affairs leading strategist for America, Politburo member one of the most powerful men in China, and Xi confidant.”

YANG met frequently with BIDEN during his tenure at the Chinese embassy in Washington.

If this checks out, these Yang/Biden meetings occurred between 2001 and 2005, when Sen. Joe Biden was Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committtee.

As for Yang:

Later he was Minister of Foreign Affairs when the investment partnership [including Hunter Biden] was made official in 2013. Importantly, the Taiwanese national listed MOFA institutions as the key clients in helping to arrange everything. Yang would clearly have known the importance of Hunter Biden and undoubtedly would have been informed of any dealings. Given that he is now the point person in China for dealing with the US this raises major concerns about a Biden administration dealing impartially with an individual in this capacity. These are documented facts from Chinese corporate records like IPO prospectuses and media. They raise very valid concerns about Biden linkages to China.

The report Zero Hedge published includes the following:

“Dating back to Biden’s time in the Senate meeting with Yang, this was never from the Chinese perspective anything less than an official influence operation. Everything surrounding HUNTER took place with official Chinese organizations known to engage in and tasked with influence operations.”

Knowing how communists dictatorships work makes this plausible if not obvious. Again, where was the FBI and CIA during these extended, high-level Chinese influence operations?


HUNTER’s BHR stake (purchased for $400,000) is now likely be worth approx. $50 million (fees and capital appreciation based on BHR’s $6.5 billion AUM as stated by Michael Lin).


Documents have surfaced purporting to be a Loan Agreement between Jonathan Xiangsheng Li, CEO of Bohai Capital, and Hunter Biden for approximately one-third of the amount he needed to purchase a 10 percent stake in Bohai Harvest RST (BHR), a Chinese venture capital firm.


#Biden #HunterBiden #graft #corruption #greed

Or did Hunter and his associates deliver on their “direct administration pipeline”?

“direct administration pipeline”

The NY Post story had that as its hook — an e-mail which allegedly confirms that Biden himself lied about being involved in Hunter’s work at Burisma, before his intervention in an official VP capacity to demand the removal of Ukraine’s chief prosecutor.

Thus far, that e-mail has not yet been authenticated, but the Biden camp isn’t claiming that it’s fake, either.

All this smoke does lead one to wonder just how much of a fire there actually was, however.

Hunter scored massive deals by trading off access to his father.

If that didn’t actually deliver results, how long could that sales pitch work?

At some point the investors would either have access to Joe or they would take their money elsewhere, especially those investors from China’s state-controlled companies.

Did they pack up and leave?

Or did Hunter and his associates deliver on their “direct administration pipeline”?

Perhaps the #FBI already knows the answer to that question.

#Biden #HunterBiden #graft

"There is simply no way to avoid the reality that Hunter Biden was granted a 10% stake worth far in excess of what he paid for a firm that is literally operated and owned by the Chinese state."

"There is simply no way to avoid the reality that Hunter Biden was granted a 10% stake worth far in excess of what he paid for a firm that is literally operated and owned by the Chinese state."

Image 1

Image 2

Image 3


According to Hunter’s attorney, he did not invest his $400,000 in the company until 2017. Even assuming the veracity of this statement, this raises a major problem.

Founded in 2013, the firm had large amounts of revenue and assets under management by 2017. In other words, his $400,000 stake would have already been worth far more than what he paid for it.

This paltry $400,000 investment worth more than $50 million now would have realized a gain of more than 12,400% in three years.

The difficulty in eluding these concerns is their documentability by anyone who cares to look.  There is no potential for hacking because it is all public record in China.

Any journalist who wishes to look can go review IPO prospectuses, news reports, or corporate records. There is no secret method for discovering this data other than actually looking.

There is simply no way to avoid the reality that Hunter Biden was granted a 10% stake worth far in excess of what he paid for a firm that is literally operated and owned by the Chinese state.

I did not vote for Donald Trump in 2016 and have significant concerns about his policies in areas like immigration.

Having lived in China for nine years throughout the Xi regimes construction of concentration camps and having witnessed first hand their use of influence and intelligence operations, the Biden links worry me profoundly.

Whether Joe Biden personally knew the details, a very untenable position, it is simply political malpractice to not be aware of the details of these financial arrangements.

These documentable financial links simply cannot be wished away.

#Biden #HunterBiden #graft

[Graft, as understood in American English, is a form of political corruption, being the unscrupulous use of a politician's authority for personal gain.]

When you read of Jesus’s life and death in the Bible, you quickly see that he was an acorn saviour.

When you read of Jesus’s life and death in the Bible, you quickly see that he was an acorn saviour. Still is, in fact.

His entry was humble, his existence unassuming, his approach in the manner of a servant rather than a king. A pauper’s birth and a criminal’s death did not diminish the grandeur and reality of his mission.


@MaxBlumenthal This is the real mega-scandal behind the mini-scandal of Hunter/Burisma


This is the real mega-scandal behind the mini-scandal of Hunter/Burisma

Joe Biden presided over an ultra-nationalist #coup that turned Ukraine into the sick man of Europe

enabling his failson to rake in $80k-month from a gas oligarch

while average Ukrainians became migrant labor

#Biden #HunterBiden

[God forbid we should criticize anything Obama/Biden. Blasphemy!]

[Not to mention the countless Ukrainians thrown into an unnecessary war and the incalculable suffering of any war]

Harvest Of Miracles - Sunday, October 25th Pastor Billy Burke Call our prayer line at 844-264-7225 Premieres October 25, 4:00PM Pacific 7:00PM Eastern


Harvest Of Miracles - Sunday, October 25th

Pastor Billy Burke
Call our prayer line at 844-264-7225

Premieres October 25, 4:00PM Pacific 7:00PM Eastern

Harvest of Miracles 4-day event

Mark your calendar…Our next virtual healing service event, launches this month!

The Harvest of Miracles starts Oct. 25th - 28th @ 7PM each night (4PM Pacific)

We’re taking the momentum from the Summer of Miracles to bring you 4 NIGHTS of life-changing stories, anointed worship and LIVE prayer partners standing by, ready to stand with you!

I am so grateful to the partners of this ministry that make virtual outreaches like this possible. Because of YOU, we’re able to reach hundreds of thousands of people with Jesus’ healing signal.

You can watch this 4-day event from any device, anywhere in the world! Streaming on Youtube and Facebook.

Remember––with God, ALL things are possible!

Saturday, October 24, 2020

Cover The Earth 2020 - Join Pastor William McDowell and Deeper Fellowship Church for a global Worship and Intercession encounter.



Cover The Earth 2020

Join Pastor William McDowell and Deeper Fellowship Church for a global Worship and Intercession encounter.

Deeper Fellowship Church, will host “Cover the Earth 2020,” a 24-hour worldwide worship and intercession event beginning at 9 a.m. ET Saturday, Oct. 24

#HolyGhost #HolySpirit

Legendary UFO expert Jacques #Vallee AND ‘Off world technology with Dr Eric W Davis’ AND Govt. declassifies #UFOs

COAST TO COAST AM - September 12, 2020

Legendary UFO expert Jacques #Vallee joined guest host Jimmy Church in the middle two hours of the program to delve UFO mysteries and disclosure.

“One of the things that the UFO community has failed to do so far is to enlist the interest of the… scientific community,” Vallee said, noting UFO researchers could use a series of ‘sanity checks’ on their data.

He pondered the meaning of disclosure and pointed out it could only come from the agencies that oversee the cover-up.


‘Off world technology with Dr Eric W Davis’

Professor Simon Holland

A US gov contractor, claims to have worked with ‘off world technology’ and alien materials. Prof Simon investigates.


Govt. declassifies #UFOs

The Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon Task Force is run by the Office of Naval Intelligence, which pledges that from now on UFO matters will be handled “with transparency.”

Previously the UFO cover-up was run by the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program, operating since 2007 within the Defense Intelligence Agency, then later put under the control of the undersecretary of Defense for Intelligence and operated by defense contractor Bigelow Aerospace. That AATIP program ended in 2018 when the Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon Task Force was created.

Actual management of the new government UFO program is under the Office of Naval Intelligence Comm. RADM Kelly Aeschbach, who oversees collecting and analyzing UFO information and objects that ONI receives from all intelligence branches of U.S. armed services and its allies. Adm. Aeschbach is also director of ONI’s National Maritime Intelligence-Integration Office, which does the organizing of that UFO information.

The Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon Task Force includes retired Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and top scientists Hal Puthoff, Ph.D., contractor physicist specializing in antigravity, quantum physics, interstellar flight and extraterrestrial intelligence, and Eric Davis, Ph.D., engineer and consultant, who in March briefed the Defense Department about “retrievals of off-world vehicles not made on this Earth.”

So #ONI has captured UFOs.

“Let’s hope Bobulinksi made copies of everything.” - The media are successfully making the Hunter Biden story disappear By Andrea Widburg

“Let’s hope Bobulinksi made copies of everything.”

On Thursday, the heat ratcheted up on the mainstream media when Tony #Bobulinski, who was indubitably a Hunter Biden business associate, made a statement identifying Joe Biden as a secret partner in a deal with a Chinese company that had ties to the communist government and the military.

Even worse, Bobulinksi came bearing documents and cell phones, which he proceeded to turn over to the #FBI.

(Let’s hope Bobulinksi made copies of everything. The FBI already tried to “disappear” the hard drive last December, and it may do the same with the new information.)

Unless the media were prepared to accuse Tony Bobulinski, a retired Navy veteran, of being a Russian asset, his claims were going to be harder to deny. This required a change of plans.

Several media outlets decided to do something audacious: they would ignore Bobulinski entirely. If they didn’t say anything, he wouldn’t exist.

#Biden #HunterBiden

“If you were to look at the photographs on this (Hunter Biden's) hard drive and didn’t report it to the police — well, if you were a law enforcement officer, you’d be guilty of a felony.”

Ron Johnson asks Secret Service to verify Hunter Biden’s travel history after email bombshell

Top-ranking Republican Sen. Ron Johnson on Tuesday asked the U.S. Secret Service to provide information about Hunter Biden’s travel history following last week’s apparent bombshell report regarding emails between Hunter and a Ukrainian national that suggested the former may have been selling political access to his father Joe Biden.


Rep. Nunes: American people deserve to know why #FBI didn’t disclose Biden laptop to Congress


“If you were to look at the photographs on this hard drive and didn’t report it to the police — well, if you were a law enforcement officer, you’d be guilty of a felony.”

#Biden #HunterBiden

[These girls are someone’s daughter, sister.]

18% and 20% remarkably similar, Over time, I think the U.S. and other developed countries will have experienced very similar outcomes. SARSCoV2 Excess Deaths


“Although total US death counts are remarkably consistent from year to year, US deaths increased by 20% during March-July 2020.

COVID-19 was a documented cause of only 67% of these excess deaths"


21 developed countries

“between mid-February and the end of May in the 21 countries in total than would have been expected to die had the pandemic not taken place - an 18% increase in deaths”

#SARSCoV2 #excessDeaths

[18% and 20% remarkably similar, not exactly the same time frame? Over time, I think the U.S. and other developed countries will have experienced very similar outcomes. So bashing Trump for this is just plain wrong. I’d feel the same way if Obama had been in WH when we were clobbered with this.]


Thursday, October 22, 2020

The authors concluded with recent charts of daily cases from the two countries to further support their claim that the second wave is over.

Toward the end of the paper, Dr. #Yeadon and the two other scientists also addressed the sudden surge in coronavirus cases and what is happening in terms of second wave concerns in France and Spain. They “contend that the many claims in the media for outbreaks, spikes and second waves are all artefacts of amplified rates of testing.”

“It should be noted that illness, hospitalisations and deaths have not reversed in any clear and sustained manner. Specifically, careful examination of the weekly all-causes mortality data in France is completely clear. Six weeks into an apparent surge of cases, the number of deaths remain completely flat and normal, in all age bands (as of mid-August when this document was written).”

The authors concluded with recent charts of daily cases from the two countries to further support their claim that the second wave is over.


Covid Whistleblowers Expose Narrative As ‘Total Fraud’

Two insiders have recently emerged to give a shocking view behind the scenes of the ongoing Covid narrative.

A former chief science officer at pharma giant Pfizer and a former official at the CDC have both come forward with shocking tales of fraud and falsification.

Also today, US support for a Covid vaccine continues to plummet based on recent polls.

More good news out of Pennsylvania.

Dementia deaths. And more…


[Of course if you’re a politician, you can’t say this out loud. They’ll sick the mob on you.]

Kevin Zadai plays 14 musical instruments. He played zero when he went to heaven.



#UNIDO #Zadai #Supernatural

[Not the same music. Different music at each link.]

Kevin Zadai plays 14 musical instruments. He played zero when he went to heaven.

14, it would take a lifetime for someone to know how to play 14 musical instruments.

Somebody should be looking at this kid “THE EMAILS ARE AUTHENTIC”: Former NYPD commissioner Bernard B. Kerik discusses the process of verifying the contents he’s alleged to have seen on Hunter Biden’s laptop

Somebody should be looking at this kid | Bernard #Kerik

“THE EMAILS ARE AUTHENTIC”: Former NYPD commissioner Bernard B. Kerik discusses the process of verifying the contents he’s alleged to have seen on Hunter Biden’s laptop.

Via John Bachman Now on Newsmax TV


Former NYPD Commissioner Bernard #Kerik opens up about his work with ex-NYC Mayor Rudy #Giuliani in investigating the possibly incriminating materials left behind by Hunter Biden and their connections to his father Joe.

  • with Newsmax TV’s Chris Salcedo



Hunter biz partner details Joe Biden’s China dealings: Goodwin

#Biden #HunterBiden

AstraZeneca trial would have been suspended if the volunteer who died had received the COVID-19 vaccine, suggesting the person was part of the control group that was given a #meningitis jab

A source familiar with the matter told Reuters the trial would have been suspended if the volunteer who died had received the COVID-19 vaccine, suggesting the person was part of the control group that was given a #meningitis jab.

In phase 3 trials, generally half receive the vaccine and half receive a placebo — in this case meningitis.

#AstraZeneca #SARSCoV2

[Why a meningitis “placebo”? Their jab is compared with a meningitis jab instead of a normal placebo, they get better results that way.]

IBD/TIPP Rasmussen and The Hill polls


IBD/TIPP    10/17 - 10/21    1146 LV    50    46    Biden +4

Rasmussen    10/14 - 10/20    2500 LV    49    46    Biden +3

The Hill            10/13 - 10/15    1897 RV    46    42    Biden +4

[I don't believe Biden's above 49.]

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

@RudyGiuliani: "I finally got the FBI to start investigating a laptop they have had for over 8 months" #CrookedBiden #BidenCrimeFamily


"I finally got the FBI to start investigating a laptop they have had for over 8 months.

And it turns out to be valid and incriminates #CrookedBiden the #BidenCrimeFamily.

So do we get an apology from Tweeter, Facebook, NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN etc.

And when does the Censorship end"

#Biden #HunterBiden #FBI

The redacted name in Hunter Biden's texts

On his Podcast today Rudy confirmed my previous Tweet that the redacted name in Hunter’s texts is Natalie Biden.

Natalie is the daughter of Hunter’s dead brother, Beau Biden. Hunter is accused of being “sexually inappropriate”.

#Biden #HunterBiden

[Shouldn’t there be arrest(s)?]

A source close to the matter, though, who claims to have seen the images on Hunter Biden's laptop, told Revolver that about one-third of the images are of the same underage girl.

“These underage girls were not protected”

Giuliani also claimed there were numerous pictures of underage girls on the Hunter Biden hard drive.

So disturbing was the content, #Giuliani said he and former New York Police Commissioner Bernie #Kerik met Monday with Delaware State Police and turned over their evidence.

“We’re very uncomfortable with this,” Giuliani said. “We’re very uncomfortable with the fact that these underage girls were not protected.

“If you were to look at the photographs on this hard drive and didn’t report it to the police – well, if you were a law enforcement officer, you’d be guilty of a felony.

“If you were just a normal citizen, you’d be a horrible human being,” the former U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York said.

“There are numerous pictures here of girls that are being, I mean, they shouldn’t be there. That I can tell you. If the Delaware state police don’t do anything about this, it would be really a tragic thing.”

Giuliani, President Donald Trump’s lawyer, called the Hunter Biden laptop revelations “probably the worst scandal I have ever seen.”

He added, “And there’s depravity to it that’s horrendous, which is why I reported to the Delaware police.”

“This was sent to the vice president,” Giuliani alleged, pointing to a printout of the text chain on the alleged interactions with the 14-year-old. “What did he do about it?”

#Biden #HunterBiden


Rudy Giuliani says he sent alleged sexually explicit materials involving underage girls from Hunter Biden to Delaware police


Giuliani said he had turned over evidence to Delaware State Police for possible investigation.

Giuliani has not revealed any of the images, even in a censored form, and Revolver has not been able to confirm their existence.

A source close to the matter, though, who claims to have seen the images on Hunter’s laptop, told Revolver that about one-third of the images are of the same underage girl.

Some of the images are topless, while in others she is shown in suggestive positions with Hunter himself.

Remarkably, while Giuliani has not alleged this, Revolver’s source claimed that the illicit photos on Hunter’s laptop were of a member of the Biden family.

The New York Post, which also has a copy of Hunter’s hard drive, has already reported that the laptop has a vast trove of sexual videos and images. Giuliani’s claim, though, is the first public allegation that these materials could be criminal in nature.

If true, Giuliani’s allegations would confirm earlier reporting by Revolver. Last week, Revolver noted that when the FBI took possession of Hunter’s laptop, the agent who retrieved it was named Joshua Wilson. That is the same name as a long-time child pornography investigator with the FBI.

[I was enraged when I read that, at the minimum, one 14-year old girl wasn’t protected. I wondered do we know her identity, do her parents know about this? So is this same girl a Biden family member? There are no words.]

The UK government announced the measure on Tuesday morning, but the challenge trial won’t start until some point in early 2021 AND Experimental coronavirus vaccines: When they will roll out, side effects and what it all means for you

The UK government announced the measure on Tuesday morning, but the challenge trial won’t start until some point in early 2021.

By then, some of the COVID-19 vaccine frontrunners will have published their final results for Phase 3 trials, including #AstraZeneca, #Moderna, and #Pfizer.

Some will say that a challenge trial might not be needed considering that Pfizer estimates it will have results in about a month.

Not to mention that the coronavirus is surging in the US and Europe, so there’s likely more than enough exposure for regular Phase 3 trials to proceed.

[“Some will say that a #challenge trial might not be needed” - U won’t see me getting jabbed unless I know for certain a #challenge trial was conducted]


Experimental coronavirus vaccines: When they will roll out, side effects and what it all means for you

What are the drawbacks?

Volunteers in the AstraZeneca trials said they felt some pain in the area where they received the injection, mild fever, muscle aches and chills, according to a paper published in the Lancet in July.

Five participants in various parts of the country — three in Moderna’s study and two in Pfizer’s trials — recently told CNBC that they experienced severe chills, high fever, body aches, bad headaches and exhaustion after receiving the shots.

Researchers are paying close attention to unexpected side effects, especially any that lead to hospitalizations, Malvestutto said.

“There’s almost no chance the vaccine will work on 100% of people,” which is true of all vaccines, said Dr. Tim Chan, director of the Center for Immunotherapy and Precision Immuno-Oncology at the Cleveland Clinic.

Older people, who have a lowered ability to produce antibodies, as well as people at high-risk for COVID-19, may need to take a combination of COVID-19 vaccines, Chan said.

Future studies will be needed to determine if these people will need a combination of the vaccines currently in development, or if a second generation of COVID-19 vaccines will be needed to protect them, Chan said.

[#challenge trials - vaccinated are challenged with live (wild) virus; in the past those who’d been vaccinated did much worse than the unvaccinated, that’s why challenge trials so important]



FBI has Hunter Biden laptop, does not believe emails tied to Russia

#FBI has Hunter Biden laptop, does not believe emails tied to Russia

On Wednesday, the New York Post published an article containing two emails that Hunter Biden had purportedly received from a top official at Ukrainian energy company Burisma when he was its employee.

In the May 2014 email, Burisma board adviser Vadym #Pozharskyi asked Hunter Biden to “use [his] influence” to support the Ukrainian company politically.

In another email, dated April 2015, he thanked Biden Jr. for arranging a meeting with his father for him.

The emails were allegedly sourced from the hard drive of Hunter Biden’s damaged personal laptop that was dropped off for repairs at a local store in his home state of Delaware.

If proven to be authentic, they would challenge Joe Biden’s campaign claims that he had never had anything to do with his son’s business dealings.

#Biden #HunterBiden #hubris

“the way so much of liberal America has been trained to believe RUSSIA is behind everything unpleasant in life, and to dismiss everything the minute liars like CIA & Schiff scream the world, is a collective pathology” Journalist Glenn Greenwald

“the way so much of liberal America has been trained to believe RUSSIA is behind everything unpleasant in life, and to dismiss everything the minute liars like CIA & Schiff scream the world, is a collective pathology”

Journalist Glenn Greenwald blasts the media’s ‘cone of silence’ around Hunter Biden’s email scandal and calls out the ‘blatant rank-closing’ from news outlets

Glenn Greenwald shared his remarks via a Twitter thread on Monday night
He questioned why more media outlets weren't dedicating coverage and investigating Hunter Biden's alleged emails
Greenwald also scrutinized Rep. Adam Schiff, who called a 'pathological liar' and accused him of abuse of power 
The New York Post last week published a report the purported to show Hunter Biden's emails
The emails allegedly showed his business interactions overseas
GOP members previously accused Joe Biden of using his influence to help Hunter Biden in overseas business dealings

#Biden #HunterBiden #pathology

[I couldn’t agree more. These are smart people, they can’t actually believe their own words. But their tactic works well enough that they pull it out whenever there’s a need to obfuscate, make dark, overshadow.]

Monday, October 19, 2020

Here, we have thousands of Biden photographs and videos that plainly appear to be real.

[Seems2Me there’s a lot of disinfo swirling around HB story, so let’s just stick w what we know.]

As we’ve noted, though, first and foremost in any authenticity examination is the item itself. Here, we have thousands of Biden photographs and videos that plainly appear to be real. The emails make contextual sense, and they fit what is known about Hunter Biden’s business activity (about which a great deal of investigative journalism has been done, most effectively by Peter Schweizer). According to Fox News, one unidentified participant in an email about Hunter’s Chinese business dealings has acknowledged the email’s authenticity.

Most significantly, neither Hunter Biden nor the Biden campaign has claimed the materials are fabricated. To the contrary, when initially asked about an email indicating that Joe Biden, as vice president, met with an executive of Burisma, the Ukrainian energy company that was lavishly paying Biden’s son, the Biden campaign’s reaction was to check the former vice president’s official calendar — after which the campaign first lamely said there was no notation of any such meeting, and then meekly admitted that Biden might well have met with the Burisma executive.

But notice what they didn’t say: Nobody claimed there was no need to check any official calendar because the email was a fake. They assumed it was authentic, because there was no good reason not to.

And do you think the FBI and the Delaware U.S. attorney’s office issued a grand jury subpoena for the laptop because they thought the whole thing was a fabrication? Maybe … and maybe pigs can fly.

At the moment, the known evidence overwhelmingly tends to establish that the laptop is exactly what it is represented to be: the repository of Hunter Biden’s authentic emails, documents, photos and videos. The claims that it may be Russian disinformation, or should be dismissed because of “hacking,” are frivolous.

The US media for the most part will not report on anything negative or critical about Biden, out of both fear and conviction AND Some politicians are especially nefarious, convincing other politicians to vote for mass murder. Politicians like Joe Biden.

Glenn Greenwald

The clear and obvious fact is no matter how authentic emails are, no matter how strong leaked documents are, no matter how newsworthy emerging facts are, the US media for the most part will not report on anything negative or critical about Biden, out of both fear and conviction.

Liz Franczak

NYT reporting on hunter biden’s $100k retainer from MBNA back in 2008. the Obama team called Bidens relationship with the banks, including Hunter’s, “one of the most sensitive issues they examined” during vetting.

#Biden #HunterBiden

[There are still a few on the Left with enough integrity.]


Wars of choice are not horrors of happenstance, like a tornado. Political leaders vote to slaughter and maim men, women and children and ruin economies around the globe, leading to still more death. Some politicians are especially nefarious, convincing other politicians to vote for mass murder.

Politicians like Joe Biden.

Most recently, after Trump signaled his willingness to dump U.S.-backed rightist Juan Guaidó and meet with Venezuelan president Nicolás Maduro, a socialist, Biden called Maduro a “dictator” and pledged fealty to right-wing Venezuelan exiles in South Florida. It was the latest in a long line of foreign policy calls that we have come to expect from a right-wing Republican like George W. Bush—yet Biden plays a “Democrat” on TV.



The FBI first turned the hard drive over to Joshua Wilson, a specialist in child pornography, whose signature on the subpoena to the repair store owner is faintly visible

To be sure, this is still not confirmed to be true. But it does appear that the FBI first turned to hard drive over to Joshua Wilson, a specialist in child pornography, whose signature on the subpoena to the repair store owner is faintly visible. And then, the hard drive disappeared into the bowels of the FBI.

If the social media and MSM grandees think they can keep this bottled up, they are mistaken.

#Biden #HunterBiden

Bartiromo: “If an FBI agent is working on child pornography issues for five years, why is he subpoenaing the laptop of Hunter Biden. Is there a connection here?"

The alleged child pornography connection centers around a photo of the cover page of a subpoena in the NY Post story that appears to show a partial signature of Joshua Wilson, an FBI agent who has appeared in past media reporting about child pornography cases.

Fox’s Bartiromo pressed Johnson on the possible connection during his interview, saying: “We understand here on Sunday Morning Futures there is more to come. And there is further analysis of the subpoena’s handwriting and it suggests that the subpoena was served by an FBI agent whose name is Joshua Wilson, and over the last five years, he has been working on child pornography issues.”

“Connect the dots,” Bartiromo said. “If an FBI agent is working on child pornography issues for five years, why is he subpoenaing the laptop of Hunter Biden. Is there a connection here? Should this suggest that there’s a child pornography issue here on that laptop?”

Johnson did not confirm or deny that the subpoena could have something to do with a child pornography investigation.

#Biden #HunterBiden

Sunday, October 18, 2020

Top senator asked if #FBI investigated child pornography on Hunter Biden’s laptop

Top senator asked if #FBI investigated child pornography on Hunter Biden’s laptop

Journalist Maria Bartiromo asked Sen. Ron Johnson, the chairman of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, about a Business Insider report that described faint handwriting on a subpoena served last year to a Delaware business that was given a water-damaged MacBook Pro to repair but was never retrieved and a hard drive with its contents.

The hardware purportedly contained data about foreign business dealings and other matters related to the son of former Vice President Joe Biden.

The subpoena appeared to show the FBI agent who served it was someone named “Joshua Wilson.”

There was a Joshua Wilson, according to a Star-Ledger report published last year, who was an FBI agent based in New Jersey who spent nearly five years investigating child pornography, but it remains unclear if this is the same Wilson and what exactly the bureau was investigating.

Bartiromo twice asked Johnson, a lead congressional investigator, if he knows of any connection on her Fox News program, Sunday Morning Futures.

"I think you just made the connection.

Again, this is what the FBI, I think, has to come clean about," the Wisconsin Republican said in his first reply.

Johnson was alluding to his letter to FBI Director Christopher #Wray about the laptop sent last week.

Pressed a second time after his initial response, the senator said he could not comment any further.

#Biden #HunterBiden

Important New UFO Documentary | The Richard Dolan Show

#ThePhenomenonMovie #RichardDolan #ThePhenomenon

Important New UFO Documentary | The Richard Dolan Show

After much anticipation, filmmaker James Fox’s latest documentary, The Phenomenon, was released on October 6, 2020.

This film has a great deal of new video that even experienced students of the UFO subject have not seen.

Without a doubt this will widely be recognized as one of the best UFO documentaries to appear in some time.

James meets with Richard Dolan for a live video interview to discuss what makes his film unique.





“Now you have Hynek’s hitherto unpublished letter confirming the inverted V with three lines.”


3 + 3 is the eleventh album released by The Isley Brothers for the Epic label under their T-Neck imprint on August 7, 1973.

3 + 3 is the eleventh album released by The Isley Brothers for the Epic label under their T-Neck imprint on August 7, 1973.

Following the recording and release of Brother, Brother, Brother (1972) the previous year, this was the first album to officially include younger brothers Ernie and Marvin and in-law Chris Jasper, even though all three had played on the previous several albums.



Yes, The Hunter Biden Emails Are Authentic by Larry C Johnson - John Paul Mac Isaac, who tried to do the right thing - How do I know? I have known his dad for more than 20 years

Yes, The Hunter Biden Emails Are Authentic by Larry C Johnson

This is the story of an American patriot, an honorable man, John Paul Mac Isaac, who tried to do the right thing and is now being unfairly and maliciously slandered as an agent of foreign intelligence, specifically Russia.

He is not an agent or spy for anyone. He is his own man.

How do I know? I have known his dad for more than 20 years. I’ve known John Paul’s dad as “Mac.”

Mac is a decorated Vietnam Veteran, who flew gunships in Vietnam.

And he continued his military service with an impeccable record until he retired as an Air Force Colonel.

The crews of those gunships have an annual reunion and Mac usually takes John Paul along, who volunteers his computer and video skills to record and compile the stories of those brave men who served their country in a difficult war.

#Biden #HunterBiden

‘Die in a fire’: #Twitter employees reveal deep hatred for Trump

‘Die in a fire’: #Twitter employees reveal deep hatred for Trump

Conservative critics — who have long complained of Twitter’s systemic bias against Republicans — were not surprised.

“It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out why they only selectively enforce these rules. It’s because the people who work there all believe the same things,” GOP strategist Chris Barron told The Post. “A liberal [verified account] never has to pay a price for advocating violence.”

Hunter Biden’s Computer Camera Roll: [Some outlets claim including sex with Chinese minors. I’d be very suspect of those claims. If laws were broken, you can’t just sit on information like that. So don’t repeat claims you’re not 100% sure of.]

Oh Boy: Hunter Biden’s Computer Camera Roll Turned Over to Bannon and Giuliani Contains 25,000 Images With Sexually Explicit Selfies and Porn

#Biden #HunterBiden

[Some outlets claim including sex with Chinese minors. I’d be very suspect of those claims. If laws were broken, you can’t just sit on information like that. So don’t repeat claims you’re not 100% sure of.]