Dominion Server Connected to Iran and China @DrDannielle

Election Integrity
Digital Forensic Analysis Shows Dominion’s Server Connected to Iran and China: Affidavit
By Tom Ozimek
November 27, 2020 Updated: November 28, 2020

A digital forensic analysis by a former military intelligence analyst whose name was redacted in an affidavit accompanying attorney Sidney Powell’s lawsuit against Michigan officials, claims to present “unambiguous evidence” that Dominion Voter Systems servers were accessible to and were “certainly compromised by rogue actors, such as Iran and China.”

Powell’s complaint, filed on Nov. 25 against Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson, and the Michigan Board of State Canvassers, cites the affidavit (pdf) as authored by a former electronic intelligence analyst under 305th Military Intelligence and purporting to show that “the Dominion software was accessed by agents acting on behalf of China and Iran in order to monitor and manipulate elections, including the most recent US general election in 2020.”

A separate complaint (pdf) in Georgia, expands on the assertion, claiming that, “by using servers and employees connected with rogue actors and hostile foreign influences combined with numerous easily discoverable leaked credentials, Dominion neglectfully allowed foreign adversaries to access data and intentionally provided access to their infrastructure in order to monitor and manipulate elections, including the most recent one in 2020.”

The analyst, who claimed to have “extensive experience as a white hat hacker used by some of the top election specialists in the world,” said that they scanned Dominion network nodes and found a number of interrelationships with foreign entities, including access to Dominion’s server by a network from Hunan, China. Another forensic review confirmed links to an Iranian IP address, the analyst wrote, and concluded that the totality of “these scanning behaviors showed that foreign agents of aggressor nations had access to US voter lists, and had done so recently.”

The analyst said the findings represent a “complete failure” on the part of Dominion to provide “basic cyber security.”

“This is not a technological issue, but rather a governance and basic security issue: if it is not corrected, future elections in the United States and beyond will not be secure and citizens will not have confidence in the results,” the analyst concluded.

Dominion has not responded to a query from The Epoch Times regarding the allegations, although the company issued a statement on Wednesday, the same day Powell filed the Michigan lawsuit, with Dominion saying there were “unfounded allegations being made against the company and its voting systems” in recent days.

The company added: “Dominion voting systems are designed and certified by the U.S. government to be closed and do not rely on network connectivity. Dominion’s tabulators also do not have exposed USB or other memory ports.”

It came after Powell alleged in her lawsuit that “hundreds of thousands of illegal, ineligible, duplicate, or purely fictitious ballots” were enabled by “massive election fraud.”

The suit claimed that election software and hardware from Dominion Voting Systems used by the Michigan Board of State Canvassers helped facilitate the fraud.

“The Dominion systems derive from the software designed by Smartmatic Corporation, which became Sequoia in the United States,” the complaint reads (pdf).

Dominion said that it has no financial or organizational ties to Smartmatic, although it said it purchased assets from a company formerly owned by Smartmatic. Both Dominion and Smartmatic have denied ties to foreign governments.

Jack Phillips contributed to this report.
Follow Tom on Twitter: @OZImekTOM


Sunday, November 29, 2020

McInerney said that “The Kraken” is the nickname of the 305th military intelligence battalion #305th #305thMilitaryIntelligenceBattalion In sum, #McInerney said that “The Kraken” is the nickname of the 305th military intelligence battalion; that The Kraken identified China, Iran, and Russia as being involved in using the Hammer & Scorecard system to manipulate American votes; that the servers used for this were in a CIA facility in Frankfurt; that special forces raided the facility; and that there were casualties – in other words, exactly what Mike Adams reported.


McInerney introduced Americans to the possibility that “Hammer and Scorecard” were used to game the election. While Leftists promptly denounced the program as a “hoax,” Navid Keshavarz-Nia, whom the Sunday New York Times once promoted as “always the smartest person in the room” and who is a renowned intelligence specialist, confirms that it is real.

In trying to determine whether McInerney was speaking accurately, there’s one more point in his favor: The other person who appeared during that interview was General Michael Flynn, who headed America’s military intelligence operations. Flynn vouched for his “friend” McInerney.

For those of us sitting in our homes, it’s impossible to tell if we’re witnessing treason or fiction. We know only that the doddering Joe Biden who campaigned from his basement could never garner the most votes in American history.


Sidney Powell’s lawsuit in Georgia reveals Iran and China appear to have tampered with U.S. elections in order to help Joe Biden.

Powell’s ally, attorney Abigail Frye, said Iranian and Chinese operatives had access to ‘Dominion Voting Systems’ in several key states.

The suit found Iran and China were monitoring and manipulating U.S. elections to get their desired outcome this year. The attorney cited the data provided by the 305th U.S. Military Intelligence Battalion.


General McInerney: The Kraken is the nickname for The 305th Military Intelligence Battalion

#Kraken #TheKraken #McInerney

The 305th Military Intelligence Battalion is located at Fort Huachuca, Arizona. It consists of three companies: Alpha, Bravo, and Charlie.


Dear God! Is this true?! #Dominion “The CIA is operating as an ENEMY and was running a Server Farm in Frankfurt which did get raided by special forces. The CIA killed five special forces.”

General #Flynn joined Lt. General #McInerney and conservative activist Mary Fanning in his first interview.

“The CIA is operating as an ENEMY and was running a Server Farm in Frankfurt which did get raided by special forces. The CIA killed five special forces.”

Dear God! Is this true?! #Dominion

#Keshavarz-Nia #KeshavarzNia #Dominion “I conclude with high confidence that the election 2020 data were altered in all battleground states resulting in hundreds of thousands of votes that were cast for President Trump to be transferred to Vice President Biden.” #Keshavarz-Nia #KeshavarzNia #Dominion

Hundreds of thousands of votes

“I conclude with high confidence that the election 2020 data were altered in all battleground states resulting in hundreds of thousands of votes that were cast for President Trump to be transferred to Vice President Biden.”

These alterations, he added, resulted from widespread vulnerabilities in voting software and systems that allowed a “Man-in-the-Middle cyber attack” by covert operators.

Chances are good the mainstream media, on cue, will launch an assault on the credibility of Keshavarz-Nia, who currently lives in Temecula, California.



“I conclude with high confidence that the election 2020 data were altered in all battleground states”…

US Intelligence Expert with PhD. in computer systems management & DIA/CIA/FBI/NSA/DHS advanced training SHREDS claims 2020 election was free & fair.


3% of Trump voters believe he should concede to Biden and start the peaceful transfer of power 31% want the president to fight in court until states certify results 66% think Trump should never concede #Dominion Biden’s astonishing electoral ‘jujitsu’

3% of Trump voters believe he should concede to Biden and start the peaceful transfer of power
31% want the president to fight in court until states certify results
66% think Trump should never concede

Constitutional paths to victory that Trump has and which cannot be discounted

‘In Pennsylvania, they have two very strong legal arguments. One, that the courts changed what the legislature did about counting ballots after the end of Election Day. That’s a winning issue in the Supreme Court. I don’t necessarily support it, but it’s a winning issue in the Supreme Court.’

‘The other legal theory they have, which is a potentially strong one, is that the computers, either fraudulently or by glitches, changed hundreds of thousands of votes. There are enough votes to make a difference, but I haven’t seen the evidence to support that. So, in one case, they don’t have the numbers. In another case, they don’t seem yet to have the evidence, maybe they do. I haven’t seen it. But the legal theory is there to support them if they have the numbers and they have the evidence.’


Friday, November 27, 2020

It appears Ikonomakis is also listed as an inventor for eight of Dominion’s Patents.



… which means one batch was counted over 8 times. This happened countless times while I was at the TCF Center. I confronted my manager, Nick #Ikonomakis

The “supervisor,” Nick Ikonomakis, is also the Vice-President of Development with Dominion Voter Systems. It appears Ikonomakis is also listed as an inventor for eight of Dominion’s #Patents.

In #PA Hearing, #Giuliani Makes His Case for Voter Fraud ‘Gone Wild’

In #PA Hearing, #Giuliani Makes His Case for Voter Fraud ‘Gone Wild’

One, a computer forensics expert, said the process he witnessed was “forensically destructive” – explaining that no recount could ever verify that votes were legal votes because ballots were separated from envelopes with no observers present.

He also said he witnessed a broken chain of custody of ballots, disregard for all procedures outlined by the county canvassing board, #USB cards inserted into voting machines 24 times and boxes containing about 70,000 absentee ballots left in a back room after all ballots had been counted.

Doug Ross @ Journal: Larwyn’s Linx: Poll Watcher Describes Pennsylvania...

Doug Ross @ Journal: Larwyn’s Linx: Poll Watcher Describes Pennsylvania...: Send us news tips ! Get Pure, Uncensored News at . Nation Mission Cooling Neck Gaiter 12+ Ways To Wears, Face Mask, UPF 50, Co...

Plaintiffs say the lawsuit “brings to light a massive election fraud, multiple violations of Georgia laws…and multiple Constitutional violations, as shown by fact witnesses to specific incidents, multiple expert witnesses and the sheer mathematical impossibilities found in the Georgia 2020 General Election.”

Plaintiffs say the lawsuit “brings to light a massive election fraud, multiple violations of Georgia laws…and multiple Constitutional violations, as shown by fact witnesses to specific incidents, multiple expert witnesses and the sheer mathematical impossibilities found in the Georgia 2020 General Election.”


[No, I’m not a racist. All that stands between me and tyranny is my vote. And it’s been stolen from me.]

“Judge not, that ye be not judged. For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you.”


"The suit asked for more than a dozen #remedies including an injunction blocking the state’s certified results showing Biden as winning by 12,000 votes from being sent to the Electoral College, an audit where signatures are matched, the impounding of election machines, and the securing of video surveillance tapes from vote-counting settings.


Georgia officials have repeatedly denied wrongdoing and said they are confident in the final tallies of votes after an audit last week.

You can read the suit here."


“I ask God to arouse in the hearts of all respect for the life of our brothers and sisters, especially the most vulnerable and defenseless, and to give strength to those who welcome and care for it, even when this requires heroic love.” #ThanksGiving #proLIFE “Only by saving both lives” “can we all be saved”


“I ask God to arouse in the hearts of all respect for the life of our brothers and sisters, especially the most vulnerable and defenseless, and to give strength to those who welcome and care for it, even when this requires heroic love.”


“Still, the testimony heard – including stunning admissions that Planned Parenthood’s baby parts buyer sold the beating hearts and fully intact heads of innocent children killed in potentially illegal abortions – has further exposed the truth about abortion industry brutality and greed,” #Dannenfelser added.


[As a society, we must welcome ALL children and we must care for their mothers. And we must help women who’ve had abortions, we must help them to forgive themselves and their significant others. And we must make sure they know that God loves them and He wants them back.]


Wednesday, November 25, 2020

#47USB #Giuliani attends #electionhearing in #Gettysburg, #Pennsylvania #47USB #Giuliani attends #electionhearing in #Gettysburg, #Pennsylvania

The Pennsylvania Senate Majority Policy Committee has held a public hearing to discuss 2020 election issues and irregularities, at the request of Republican senator Doug Mastriano.

Former New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani participated in the hearing.


Greg #Stenstrom, another poll watcher, said that in Delaware County, 47 USB cards were missing.

“As a computer scientist, an American and a patriot, it doesn’t matter who those votes were for. It was shocking to me that that could even happen,” he said.

“There is no cure for this, no remedy for this.I don’t believe as a citizen and an observer to this, anyone can certify this with a good conscience.”


Witness describes 570,000-vote ‘spike’ for Biden
Bombshell testimony at #Pennsylvania hearing draws gasps

Giuliani then asked, “When you look at this curve with all of these spikes, can you calculate how much of a vote that accounted for Biden and how much for Trump?”

“Close to 600,000 … I think our figures were about 570-some-odd-thousand,” the witnessed replied.

“And how much for Trump?” Giuliani followed up.

“I think it was a little over 3,200,” he said, drawing gasps and laughter.


During the meeting, one witness came forward to allege a suspicious ballot dump that favoured Biden.

“Normally, you would expect to see a smooth curve going up, not any big spikes,” the witness testified, referencing the “anomalies of loading those votes” and pointing to a “prime indicator of fraudulent voting.”

Giuliani asked him to confirm the volume of votes counted in 90 minutes. The witness then identified 337,000 votes in that time span.

“When you look at this entire curve—with all these spikes—can you calculate how much of a vote was counted for Biden and how much for Trump?” Giuliani pressed.

The witnessed replied: “Close to 600,000 [votes]. I think our figures were about 570-some-odd-thousand that all those spikes represent over time.”

“For Biden?” Giuliani questioned. “Correct,” the witnessed responded, counting only “a little over 3,200” votes for Trump. The crowd then erupted into gasps and laughter. “How about that?” one attendee uttered on camera.


Holding all else equal, Joe Biden may very well have lost the states of Michigan, Wisconsin, and Georgia, and that he would have 42 fewer Electoral votes — putting Biden below the number required to win the Presidency

We further find that if these updates were only more extreme than 99% of all updates nationally in terms of their deviation from this generally-observed pattern, that, holding all else equal, Joe Biden may very well have lost the states of Michigan, Wisconsin, and Georgia, and that he would have 42 fewer Electoral votes — putting Biden below the number required to win the Presidency. Either way, it is indisputable that his margin of victory in these three states relies on four most anomalous vote updates identified by the metric developed in this report.


O Lord, holy Father, let every tongue give thanks to Thee for the abundance of Thy mercy, which spared not the only Son of Thy Bosom, but gave Him up to die for us, that we might have so great and so faithful an Advocate before Thee in heaven.

Look, O Lord, on the Face of Thy Christ (Ps. lxxxiii. 10), who became obedient unto death to Thee.

Let not the marks of His Wounds depart ever from Thine Eyes, but remember rather what satisfaction Thou hast received for our sins.

O Lord, weigh in Thy balance the sins by which we have merited Thine anger, and the grief which Thy sinless Son has borne for us.

Surely, O Lord, this grief of His will show more grievous than our sins, and cry louder to Thee to pour forth all Thy mercy on us than they can cry that Thou shouldest shut up Thy mercies in anger.

O Lord, holy Father, let every tongue give thanks to Thee for the abundance of Thy mercy, which spared not the only Son of Thy Bosom, but gave Him up to die for us, that we might have so great and so faithful an Advocate before Thee in heaven.

#Thanksgiving #unido


Doug Ross @ Journal: Larwyn’s Linx: Election 2020 Was Rigged: The Evidence

Doug Ross @ Journal: Larwyn’s Linx: Election 2020 Was Rigged: The Evidence: Send us news tips ! Get Pure, Uncensored News at . Nation 7.62 Design 'Molon Labe' Come & Take Them Spartan ...

Doug Ross @ Journal: Larwyn’s Linx: A dozen compelling allegations of v...

Doug Ross @ Journal: Larwyn’s Linx: A dozen compelling allegations of v...: Send us news tips ! Get Pure, Uncensored News at . Nation Trump 2020 American Flag Vintage T-Shirt A dozen compelling ...

“when you look at the software package” used in #Maricopa County, #Arizona “let’s not forget the #Senate evaluation of this — these packages — they said they were 100% corruptible. And it could be changed from outside sources.” “100% corruptible” #dominion voting systems #maricopa #arizona @DrPaulGosar

“when you look at the software package” used in #Maricopa County, #Arizona

“let’s not forget the #Senate evaluation of this — these packages — they said they were 100% corruptible. And it could be changed from outside sources.”


And Elizabeth Speck, the former chair and now secretary of the Greenlee GOP, had her own concerns.

“I’ve always been very skeptical of electronic voting machines,” she said. Speck said she worries about software and hardware that essentially sits unnoticed in equipment until activated.

“The legislature has the ability to interview witnesses, review complaints, and most importantly, engage the services of an independent professional IT security firm, who have the expertise to conduct a forensic audit of the suspect software, determine if irregularities exist and provide piece of mind to the voters of this state,” the letter to Ducey reads “We must begin this process immediately before the election is certified.”

What the county chairs want goes beyond what even is being sought by the Arizona Republican Party.

It’s lawsuit, playing out in Maricopa County Superior Court, is demanding that hand-count review be done on a precinct-by-precinct basis even though state law specifically allows counties to set up vote centers rather than force people to cast a ballot at a specific neighborhood location. A judge will hear arguments on that Wednesday.


LEGAL STRATEGY: Multiple Pathways To Victory | Rudy #Giuliani | Ep. 88 AND A dozen compelling allegations of voting irregularities in 2020 election

LEGAL STRATEGY: Multiple Pathways To Victory | Rudy #Giuliani | Ep. 88


A dozen compelling allegations of voting irregularities in 2020 election

From ejected ballot observers to fraudulently backdated mail-in votes, the evidence of irregularities is growing nationwide.

Doug Ross @ Journal: Larwyn’s Linx: Trump, as Always, Is Fighting, as P...

Doug Ross @ Journal: Larwyn’s Linx: Trump, as Always, Is Fighting, as P...: Send us news tips ! Get Pure, Uncensored News at . Nation Trump 2020 American Flag Vintage T-Shirt Trump, as Always, I...

Sunday, November 22, 2020

John Young - Essential Jazz Masters

“While Young’s lyrical playing originally borrowed from swing icon Earl Hines , he quickly developed his own distinctive approach that married the earthiness of the blues with the cerebral complexity of bebop — singer Nancy Wilson implored him to join her on tour but he declined, rarely traveling outside of the Windy City during the remainder of his career.”


The Hammer: The decline of privacy and Western democracy?

Joseph Stalin argued that “It is not the people who vote that count, but the people who count the votes.” In this case we would have to add “The people who control computer systems”.

biden, rigging, clinton, Dennis #Montgomery, usa elections, fbi, innovation, Lyons, #McInerney, nsa, obama, privacy, russiagate, Steve Bannon, The Hammer, trump, vittoria trump, votes, #Wikileaks

sunday morning futures: McCarthy Nunes Dershowitz Collins

House Minority Leader Rep. #McCarthy: ‘Republican Party really made great gains’


Rep. #Nunes on alleged voting irregularities and Biden’s push to get access to intelligence briefings


#Dershowitz: ‘Legal theory’ supports election lawsuits but evidence is crucial


Rep. #Collins: Conservative Georgia voters have ‘got to’ vote in runoffs

McInerney: Hammer & Scorecard will soon be expected as Biggest Scandal in US History

“Gen. Thomas #McInerney: Hammer & Scoreboard Will Soon Be Expected as Biggest Scandal in US History” #SIGINT #TREASON
Signals intelligence (SIGINT)

“So that’s where some of the flaws were because they were overwhelmed with the number of votes that President Trump was getting.”


General Thomas McInerney Outlines New Evidence Alleging Nationwide Ballot Tampering to Prevent Trump Landslide
November 18, 2020
November 17, 2020 Julie Carr

Live from Virginia Tuesday morning on The John Fredericks Show – weekdays on

WNTW AM 820/ FM 92.7 – Richmond,
WJFN FM 100.5 – Central Virginia,
WMPH AM 1010 / FM 100.1 / FM 96.9 (7-9 PM) Hampton Roads, WBRG AM 1050 / FM 105.1 – Lynchburg/Roanoke
Weekdays 6-10 am and 24/7

Stream – host Fredericks welcomed General Thomas McInerney to the show.

During the program, McInerney outlined new evidence showing that Hammer and Scorecard computer software developed by the CIA in 2003 was used in a coordinated effort to stop a Trump landslide victory in the 2020 election. He added that these offenses would hold treasonous and would require major prison time of those involved and found guilty.

Fredericks: General Tom McInerney. General, you’ve been following all the stuff. I’m in Atlanta, Georgia. I cannot believe what I’m seeing every day here it gets crazier with what is going on. What about these machines? What about these Dominion machines that we’re now understanding that votes got switched out? They can be manipulated. They said they weren’t online. They are online. In Georgia, they did a software update like three days out. How do you even do that? What is going on with all these machines?

McInerney: Yes. There are 29 or 30 states that have it, John. And the fact is through corruption and a whole host of other means they have changed the code on this so that Biden comes out the winner. I wasn’t directly involved or looking into this. I’ve been involved with the program called Hammer and Scorecard which was a signals intelligence developed by the CIA back in 2003 that they have perverted, they being the Democratic Party.

Obama, Biden, John Brennan, and Jim Clapper and converted into changing votes as well. It was designed to change votes in foreign countries. The application is called Scorecard. Now, this is so widespread and there’s so much evidence that the Trump administration has gotten this matter of fact, they put out an executive order in 2018 that would apply to this, in September of 2018.

And I believe in the next day or two they’re going to present this data to the Supreme Court because as evidence by Judge Sullivan and what he’s done to Sidney Powell and General Flynn we have a corrupted legal system, judiciary. Parts of it. And so I believe that because it’s so widespread I was originally thinking we can prove through Hammer and Scorecard what states the overcount that they put on Biden.

I think that perhaps President Trump got 78 million votes. Biden may have been lucky to get 70. In any case, the fact is that this evidence is so clear as Sidney Powell is talking about and Rudy Giuliani that it’s going to go to the Supreme Court because you don’t have time. The 14th of December is a constitutional date as I recall.

And you don’t have time to go in and prove it in each state. I believe some in the Supreme Court have been read in on it and have approved it. I don’t know that for sure. That’s a calculated assumption. I do believe though when the evidence is presented to them that it has to be a nine-nothing because it is so obvious what was done by Biden and the Democrats. And it’s so corrupt in our history. Nothing like it has ever happened in our history.

Fredericks: General McInerney, so what would the evidence be? Like, what are you suggesting? That votes were changed? Like they voted for Trump and got changed to Biden? Is that what you are suggesting?

McInerney: Yes. I’m suggesting that. And Hammer and Scorecard. You change the numbers and numbers come into what they call the transfer points from the polling booths. They come to the transfer points and say it’s 100,000 and say the vote is 60,000 for Trump and 30,000 or 40,000 Biden, it is then swapped. They swap those numbers around. They’re not working names on the ballot you are just working total numbers that are coming through.

And if you notice during the night of the third, early morning of the fourth of November some states quit sending in their votes. It’s 0:400 hours in Michigan for instance and 138,000 votes showed up for Biden. So they’ve manipulated through cyber warfare the vote count. And it’s never happened in the United States before. They’ve had certain things happen and it was used in the primaries. That’s how Biden won in South Carolina.

You know they like to say it was the Black vote. It was really that they manipulated using Hammer and Scorecard in that boat and took the votes from Bernie and did it for the follow-on states. I mean Biden ever scored higher than third or fourth as I recall on the previous ballots till he got South Carolina. So they just changed the total numbers.

And people don’t go back and check where they go manually. Now they also took the voting machines that Dominion produces and they have a much greater in-depth knowledge of what they did. And they had inside sources that have told them all about this. And that’s why it’s got to go to the Supreme Court because 30 states were involved with these voting machines.

Fredericks: So general do you really think there’s going to be evidence that is clear evidence that these votes were manipulated? Because you to think of I mean one of the reasons people are skeptical of this line of reasoning is so many people would have to be involved in this right? It’s not like three people in a computer in somebody’s basement. I mean so many people would have to be involved in it and face jail time.

McInerney: Right.

Fredericks: Extended prison time. So the thought is, you know, they could never coordinate this on a massive scale. How do you explain that?

McInerney: I believe the evidence is going to be concrete. It is really so evident. I believe that they also probably got up there already to do signals intelligence. In other words, listen to those people that were involved in this into what they were saying cleared through probably by the Supreme Court because again, the judicial system has politicized itself.

Again, I go back to Judge Sullivan and how ridiculous his efforts against General Flynn and Sidney Powell are. I don’t know this. This is speculation. But I think that they probably have signals intelligence of conversations. For instance, President Obama talking to Biden or Biden talking to other people. Or people down the line who were involved with this so I think that’s why I don’t believe it’ll be another recount. These are treasonous activities if what I’m telling you, John is correct. Would you not agree?

Fredericks: One thing that bothered me, general, one thing that really bothered me that I’ve never got an explanation from is when we were looking at the counts and I didn’t look at, you know, every state obviously. We were looking at Florida and North Carolina. But when I also had Virginia up. Obviously, I was the chairman of the Trump campaign so I had a vested interest. So when a count update came in, Trump’s number went down. And I’m thinking to myself, how could a number go down by what? 1,500 votes?

I’m like how could a number go down. Of course, when I inquired, you know, somebody third-party told me well, they just, you know it was a manual input. But it’s not manually inputted. Well, it’s manually inputted from the machine or something. But apparently, there were other states where Trump’s votes went down and where these were all just manual input mistakes? Because I’ve been covering this forever general. I’ve never seen across multiple states where somebody’s number goes down. It’s always up.

McInerney: You are spot on. That’s called crowdsourcing. People are making these inputs. They happened to see that numbers never go down. Why would they go down? The opponent may go up but numbers don’t go down. So that’s where some of the flaws were because they were overwhelmed with the number of votes that President Trump was getting. It overwhelmed their system.

So the real people that are gurus and on the analytics like this, they’d go back in and they’d look at all those time frames that’s what they’ll see. And that’s the evidence that we’ll be presenting. But it was on such a grand scale that’s why I think the president was aware of what was going to happen. I announced it the day before because I didn’t find out until two weeks ago this Sunday. And I went on Steve Bannon’s show on Monday. Sidney was on there as a co-anchor and said this is what’s going to happen by using cyber warfare with Hammer and Scorecard programs that were designed by the CIA to go against the enemy.

This is what they’re going to use and they are going to change the vote counts. President Trump won overwhelmingly. Now when he came out yesterday and the day before and said I won, I think he now has the evidence. We’ve been waiting to gather it. That’s why you haven’t heard a lot. They’ve been gathering all this evidence.

And I’m involved with some people that are providing this evidence and that’s how I got the understanding of what happened. But I never thought this would happen in our country. But it has. But when you look at the path that they have taken at the very start of coming down the escalator at Trump Tower the disinformation and then the Russian hoax and then the impeachment and now this, it all fits into the pattern of behavior. Why weren’t the votes below Biden, why wasn’t it a landslide against Republicans?

Battleground State News, John Fredericks Show, National, News, The South, VirginiaCIA, Election Fraud, General Thomas McInerney, Hammer, John Fredericks, radio, scorecard, The John Fredericks Show

Georgia Bombshell Analysis


  • Biden’s lead in Georgia is only 12,781 votes.
  • This analysis is based on official timestamped election night data from Edison Research which was obtained from the NYT website.
  • This batch of 23,487 votes went, at an exact absolute minimum, 97.9779% for Biden.
  • This batch was uploaded at 12:18AM EST on Nov 4.
  • This is not a case of updating one candidate at a time; we can see from looking at the surrounding batches that Trump did not receive any corresponding entries.
  • According to official data released by the state of Georgia, the county in which Biden received the highest percentage of total absentee by mail votes was Dekalb County at 86.39% (a whole other can of worms).
  • That makes this batch of votes extremely suspect, even if every single allowance is made with the minimum number of votes gained and assuming it’s 100% mail in from the most heavily D county.
  • There are likely thousands of questionable votes in this batch.

The ballots that comprised this batch should and must be obtained and independently audited (i.e. not by city officials) as soon as possible.


Nine witnesses of the recently completed Georgia audit including at least one registered Democrat swore to have seen suspiciously pristine, uncreased mail ballots, uniformly and perfectly filled out, almost always for Biden. In one case, a batch of such ballots included 500 ballots in a row all cast for Biden. Is there a relation?

Doug Ross @ Journal: Larwyn’s Linx: Dominion Voting Systems ‘Lawyers Up...

Doug Ross @ Journal: Larwyn’s Linx: Dominion Voting Systems ‘Lawyers Up...: Send us news tips ! Get Pure, Uncensored News at . Nation Mission Cooling Neck Gaiter 12+ Ways To Wears, Face Mask, UPF 50, Co...

Saturday, November 21, 2020

Blackwell: The Greatest Electoral Heist in American History

Blackwell: The Greatest Electoral Heist in American History

All of this sounds like the stuff of fiction — the sort of thing one would expect from a cinematic thriller or a spy novel.

Sadly, it’s the reality that our country is faced with after years of placidity in the face of increasingly aggressive intervention into our electoral process on the part of Big Tech oligarchs and activists with deep pockets and shallow motivations.

Ken #Blackwell, former Secretary of State of Ohio, is the Distinguished Fellow for Human Rights and Constitutional Governance, at the Family Research Council. He served as United States Ambassador to the United Nations Human Rights Commission from 1990-1993.

Michael Salla - The key to understanding what is happening today in America is to identify the mysterious group behind the Kennedy Assassination, and how its modern-day manifestation is covertly attempting to remove Trump from the presidency for his efforts to similarly build international cooperation around a number of space-related initiatives.

The key to understanding what is happening today in America is to identify the mysterious group behind the Kennedy Assassination, and how its modern-day manifestation is covertly attempting to remove Trump from the presidency for his efforts to similarly build international cooperation around a number of space-related initiatives.

November 22 will mark the 57th anniversary of the Kennedy Assassination.

The real perpetrators skillfully remained in the shadows and were never prosecuted for their crime.

[IDK, but fascinating!] Michael #Salla

Electoral Intimidation: #Michigan canvasser Monica Palmer says she was falsely promised a full recount and audit before voting to certify Detroit results, and is now receiving threats for rescinding her certification

Electoral Intimidation: #Michigan canvasser Monica Palmer says she was falsely promised a full recount and audit before voting to certify Detroit results, and is now receiving threats for rescinding her certification

[Every American should watch this, esp after @ 3:30]

Dominion Transferring Vote Ratios between Precincts in PA.

"Dominion Transferring Vote Ratios between Precincts in PA."

Edward Solomon

In this video you will see data from the NYT feed from PA on November fourth.

In this data, particular vote ratios are transferred between random sets of seized precincts throughout the day (see image link below)

A total of nine exhibits are presented in this video, but there are in fact several hundred of these precincts seizures and ratio transfers on the day of  November 4th alone, and the same ratios continue to be transferred for several more days within the overall dataset spanning an entire week.

Original data sets

[Nothing but contempt for coders on Left who know the truth but remain silent]

Washington Examiner interviews Trump lawyer Sidney Powell in podcast exclusive AND @redpillx2

A backdoor in #Dominion Voting Systems used in several key battleground states

“Their system even admits, their own training manual admits, that people can go in and do that. That people can go in and put all kinds of votes in a ‘trash’ folder and then ‘trash’ them"

“There are devices on the internet that can be used to see it, and we have multiple people who actually saw it as it was happening. We essentially have some pictures of it, and it is terrifying, and it is a huge national security issue. Why have the Department of Justice and the FBI not done something on this immediately?"


It’s a busy weekend for me but based on the feedback I’ve been doing some optimization of the NYT election data it’ll be coming in a much improved format.

It’ll also be cross-posted on Parler (same name there) for backup.

Stay tuned-in, stay free, and #stopthesteal.

Doug Ross @ Journal: NOT SUSPICIOUS AT ALL: Dominion Voting Systems Exe...

Doug Ross @ Journal: NOT SUSPICIOUS AT ALL: Dominion Voting Systems Exe...: Why, no, this doesn't set off any alarm bells. Unless you're a Democrat praying that the record-breaking election fraud we saw on N...

Friday, November 20, 2020

Rick Doty AFOSI UFO  

#doty #dotyufo #ufo #ufos

Knapp: Can you talk about the project you’re working on, the book project? The book project and the troubles you’re having in getting it cleared, and what it’ll be about.

Doty: I wrote a book in 2015 about my life in intelligence, everything that I did for that 10-year period, and some things I did during my Air Force stint, my active duty stint, which was also in a form of intelligence. And I put it all together, I had help from a person to write it. I had a publisher. But I had to send it to the Air Force clearance office to get it cleared because I’ve had top secret clearance and codeword clearance before. So I sent it there. It was a 569 page manuscript. I sent it to them. It took them about four months to get it back to me. And when it got back to me, 343 pages of it was totally redacted.

Emhoff -→ DLA Piper -→ Smartmatic

Emhoff -→ DLA Piper -→ #Smartmatic

Doug Emhoff Leaves DLA Piper Partnership as Biden-Harris Transition Continues
+++ #DLAPiper

Lord Malloch-Brown became chairman of the board of directors of SGO since its foundation, while Antonio Mugica remained as CEO of the new venture.

They were joined on SGO’s board by Sir Nigel Knowles, Global CEO of DLA Piper,
entrepreneur David Giampaolo and Roger Piñate, #Smartmatic’s COO and co-founder.

[The ties that bind?]


Sidney Powell Says Trump Team Will Sue Officials “To Invalidate” Election Results… And An Inside Look Into #Smartmatic

Sidney Powell Says Trump Team Will Sue Officials “To Invalidate” Election Results… And An Inside Look Into #Smartmatic


Until we get to the startling conclusion

#Smartmatic is a riddle.

The company came out of nowhere to snatch a multli-million dollar contract in an electoral process that ultimately reaffirmed Chavez’ mandate and all-but destroyed his political opposition.

The perspective we have here, after several discussions with Smartmatic, is that the company is de facto Venezuelan and operated by Venezuelans.

The identity of Smartmatic’s true owners remains a mystery.

Our best guess is that there are probably several well-known Venezuelan businessmen backing the company who prefer anonymity either because of their political affiliation or, perhaps, because they manage the interests of senior Venezuelan government officials.

This is all from a confidential State Dept cable written in 2006.

Since then one can only imagine what fascinating changes have taken place to the org chart of the mysterious “riddle” that is the “de facto Venezuelan” Smartmatic, which emerged out of obscurity to win a top government contract in 2003, prompting the US State Department to ask “how a virtually unknown company with no electoral experience could have landed such a large contract.”

What is more fascinating is how for so many years, this mysterious company was directly involved in one allegation of election fraud in Venezuela after another

(whereby communist dictators Chavez and Maduro won in consecutive “landslides”)

before it somehow made its way into the US.

Doug Ross @ Journal: Larwyn’s Linx: Rudy and Sidney’s Krakentastic Spec...

Doug Ross @ Journal: Larwyn’s Linx: Rudy and Sidney’s Krakentastic Spec...: Send us news tips ! Get Pure, Uncensored News at . Nation Mission Cooling Neck Gaiter 12+ Ways To Wears, Face Mask, UPF 50, Co...

Thursday, November 19, 2020

I want someone like Sidney Powell, a #whistleblower and a Christian patriot.

Sniffy Vichy Conservatives

If you think your country’s elections are being stolen, and your main concern is for keeping your “dignity,” then I don’t want you next to me in a foxhole. You’ll switch sides if the enemy offers a chocolate bar, and a chance to save your skin.

I want someone like Sidney Powell, a #whistleblower and a Christian patriot. I hope her evidence is watertight and bullet proof—and frankly, that for the next few weeks she has taken to wearing Kevlar. That’s how much I trust the people who want to silence her.

Please pray for her safety and the future of our democracy.


John Zmirak is a senior editor at The Stream, and author or co-author of ten books, including The Politically Incorrect Guide to Immigration and The Politically Incorrect Guide to Catholicism. He is co-author with Jason Jones of “God, Guns, & the Government.”

discerningdem: Pink Cliffs - Some #Arizona #camping links

discerningdem: Pink Cliffs - Some #Arizona #camping links: Some #Arizona #camping links #trail #trailhead #hiking #hikingadventures #biking #triking #u...

Doug Ross @ Journal: Larwyn’s Linx: Wayne County, MI Election Board Res...

Doug Ross @ Journal: Larwyn’s Linx: Wayne County, MI Election Board Res...: Send us news tips ! Get Pure, Uncensored News at . Nation Mission Cooling Neck Gaiter 12+ Ways To Wears, Face Mask, UPF 50, Co...

meet-lord-malloch-brown-british-hand-behind-coup-oust-trump #perpetualWar #smartmatic #perpetualWar #smartmatic While one side of the unipolar world government agenda was driven by a view that the USA should forever be the primary global police force governing a zero sum system of perpetual war, with an unelected elite managing the system from above,

the other side believed that the USA should surrender its claims to sovereignty to an international global body with unelected technocrats and financiers at the top managing the zero sum system of perpetual war from above.

Notice the common denominator?

Election Theft as Russiagate 5.0

Now that it has become increasingly clear that mass election fraud has swept across the USA in an effort to accomplish what four years of Russiagate failed to achieve, yet another light has fallen upon the British hand behind Biden which aims to dissolve any nationalist spirit remaining in the embattled republic.

As I outlined in my last report, the largest private computer voting system in the USA which services 30 states and 70 million voters was shown to be at the heart of the current election theft.

In that article, it was made clear that Dominion Voting Systems is a Canadian company which dominates the USA’s private computerized voting systems and is closely tied to another larger company called Smartmatic.

For those still out of the loop, Smartmatic furnishes voting machines and its software (backdoor codes and all) to governments all around the world and is highly enmeshed with the Clinton Foundation, Soros’ Open Society and Nancy Pelosi’s very own Chief of Staff.

Not only that, but the key figure controlling Smartmatic is none other than Lord Mark Malloch Brown,

a former vice chairman of George Soros’ Investment Funds (2007),

as well as Soros’ Open Society Institute and World Economic Forum,

former Vice President at the World Bank (1995-1999),

UN Administrator for Development (1999-2005),

UN Deputy Secretary General and UK Minister of State for Africa, Asia and the UN (2007-2009).


Dominion’s headquarters are in Toronto, Canada. According to former New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani, the company’s Toronto offices share a floor with the George Soros–funded Tides Canada Foundation.

Dominion runs on computers from Smartmatic, a mysterious Venezuelan company with a history of miscounted elections. Lord Mark Malloch-Brown, the chairman of the company that owns Smartmatic, is a Soros crony.

The Dominion/Smartmatic combo was purportedly used in Hugo Chávez’s 2004 election and again in the 2013 Venezuelan election, which elected Nicolás Maduro by a thin margin that the opposition contested.

It’s also possible that a unit of the United States European Command compelled a CIA unit in Germany to turn over its Dominion servers.

In sum, our American votes for this highly contested 2020 presidential election were counted using identifiably flawed software that offers hackability as a “feature” and has strong links to foreign countries and George Soros.


Computer programmer Clinton Eugene Curtis testified under oath in court and in Congress in March 2016 that he was hired by authorities to help rig the outcome of U.S. elections.

He made software for voting machines that would give the desired results.

“It would flip the vote” to whomever you want to win by the desired results without any election official ever detecting the software.

When questioned, he stated, “They’d never see it.”

The only way you can actually see the real vote is actually counting the votes against the receipt of the voting machine.

Smartmatic had a desire to beat Trump as it is tied to George Soros, a socialist billionaire who finances the Democrat party and affiliates.

Mark Malloch-Brown, a chairman for smartmatic and from Britain, is on the board of Soros’ Open Society Foundation.

Peter Neffinger, who is president of the board of directors for Smartmatic, is now part of Biden’s transition team.

[I can’t stand these Brits!]

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

“The trap door means someone could switch all the legitimately cast ballots for fraudulent ones, undetected.” #trapdoor

“The trap door means someone could switch all the legitimately cast ballots for fraudulent ones, undetected.” #trapdoor

“The software vendor, #Scytl, provides electronic voting services to over 35 countries, including the United States. It says it’s working to fix the flaw, but the fact that it managed to creep into the system in the first place is worrying.”

A major flaw has been found in Switzerland’s online voting system

Posted Mar 12

A cryptographic trap door could let someone change votes cast using Switzerland’s online sVote system without being detected, according to a new paper.

Verification: The specific issue is the way the system receives and counts votes before shuffling them and anonymizing voter details (everyone provides a birth date and an initialization code). Once they’ve been shuffled, the votes are counted and then decrypted. The trap door means someone could switch all the legitimately cast ballots for fraudulent ones, undetected.

A recommendation: The Swiss government should immediately halt plans to implement the system more widely, one of the authors said. However, there are ramifications way beyond Switzerland, which had hoped to make online voting an option nationwide for elections in October. A bug bounty program to test the system’s resilience was launched last month.

A wider issue: The software vendor, Scytl, provides electronic voting services to over 35 countries, including the United States. It says it’s working to fix the flaw, but the fact that it managed to creep into the system in the first place is worrying. And researchers say they’ve still only tested a fraction of the code base. It’s one of many issues uncovered with online and electronic voting.

[Yes, America. We’ve been trapped.]

Doug Ross @ Journal: Larwyn’s Linx: Was the US Election Stolen?

Doug Ross @ Journal: Larwyn’s Linx: Was the US Election Stolen?: Send us news tips ! Get Pure, Uncensored News at . Nation Mission Cooling Neck Gaiter 12+ Ways To Wears, Face Mask, UPF 50, Co...

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Doug Ross @ Journal: "DNA-LEVEL" STATISTICAL PROOF: "Smartmatic" Vote-C...

Doug Ross @ Journal: "DNA-LEVEL" STATISTICAL PROOF: "Smartmatic" Vote-C...: The charts below are derived from The New York Times ' real-time election feeds (e.g., here ). They show "DNA-level" evidence ...

Baylor SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine - Unlike the Pfizer and Moderna candidates, which are based on brand-new #genetic #technology, the #TCH vaccine uses a common yeast-based method, the same deployed in the manufacturing of the hepatitis B vaccine.

#Hotez #Baylor #TCH

Human trials began in India Monday on an inexpensive coronavirus vaccine developed by Baylor College of Medicine scientists, a candidate expected to be widely deployed in the Third World if it proves effective.

About 360 healthy people between the ages 18 to 65 years will get the vaccine, produced by the Baylor team this spring at the Texas Children’s Center for Vaccine Development. In August, the team partnered with India’s Biological E. Limited (BE), which will manufacture some 1.2 billion doses of the vaccine.

“This vaccine represents an urgent biotechnology innovation for ensuring health equity and combating the COVID-19 pandemic,” Peter Hotez, dean of the National School of Tropical Medicine at Baylor and co-director of the Center for Vaccine Development, said in a statement.

Hotez’ team produced the vaccine in a few months after Chinese scientists posted the virus’ genetic sequence in mid-January.

The team used the same technique it did years earlier to develop a vaccine against Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS), the coronavirus that circulated in 2002-2003.

That vaccine worked in animal models, but was never tested in humans.

Unlike the Pfizer and Moderna candidates, which are based on brand-new #genetic #technology, the #TCH vaccine uses a common yeast-based method, the same deployed in the manufacturing of the hepatitis B vaccine.

Production is expected to cost no more than a couple dollars a dose. No amount has been mentioned for the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines, but it is expected they will cost the federal government a hefty amount. The government has pledged to provide those vaccines for free.

Hotez has said the TCH vaccine can be used in the U.S. as well as the developing world. But its early-stage trial is well behind those of Pfizer and Moderna, which this month reported more than 90 percent efficacy results in late-stage trials.

Trial participants in India - there are five sites – will get two doses, 28 days apart, both administered by injection. Results of the trial are expected to be available by February.

[I’ll wait for this vaccine. Thank you.]

Pfizer and Moderna candidates are based on brand-new #genetic #technology [No, thank you.]

Todd Ackerman is a veteran reporter who has covered medicine for the Houston Chronicle since 2001. A graduate of the University of California at Los Angeles, he previously worked for the Raleigh News & Observer, the National Catholic Register, the Los Angeles Downtown News and the San Clemente Sun-Post.


Monday, November 16, 2020

Why did the Democrats add votes in certain places in a perfectly proportional increase?

#unido #SCOTUS #insurrection #antiwar

Why did the Democrats add votes in certain places in a perfectly proportional increase? Dr. Shiva #Ayyadurai joins Larry to explain his methodology that led him to this conclusion.

Opus Ena

Opus Ena

“In my capacity as a solo electronic artist [ #Cygna ], I’ve toured all over Europe and was pleased to discover a wider musical perspective that somehow feels genuine.”

#unido #eine #kleine #nachtmusik