@ 41:22 Judicial Watch President Tom #Fitton asks Lt. General Michael #Flynn (Ret) about Election 2020


@ 41:22
Judicial Watch President Tom #Fitton asks Lt. General Michael #Flynn (Ret) about Election 2020

#unido @GenFlynn @TomFitton

Were it not for @JudicialWatch we wouldn’t know very much about some very important stories. #Dobbs



He ‘Got Into’ Voting System With #WiFi

Tech Expert Shocks #Georgia Election Hearing
“I’m the guy that told the world that that little bar code can talk to the internet. Making the physical world talk to the internet world. This is as simple as scanning a …

Wednesday, December 30, 2020

FlashPoint : Hope Is Not Lost! Featuring Attorney Sidney Powell

FlashPoint : Hope Is Not Lost! Featuring Attorney Sidney Powell


December 29, 2020

Welcome to #FlashPoint
What is Flashpoint? The definition of the term is a place, event or time at which trouble, such as violence or anger, flares up.

2020 definitely qualifies as a flashpoint!

Featuring Attorney Sidney Powell, Lance Wallnau, John Graves and Mario Murillo.

Continue to watch FlashPoint through the 2020 Election Coverage exclusively on VICTORY via

DIRECTV Channel 366,
DISH Channel 265,
Apple TV®,
Amazon Fire TV,
FaithNOW App, and


See FlashPoint here anytime, anywhere


To protect their #fertility, men who want to have children in the future may want to consider freezing their sperm prior to covid-19 vaccination [or forgo taking the vaccine altogether]…


To protect their fertility, men who want to have children in the future may want to consider freezing their sperm prior to covid-19 vaccination [or forgo taking the vaccine altogether]…

“[covid-19] vaccine has never been tested for [the adverse effects on] male fertility”


Saturday, December 26, 2020

why_sidney_powell_gets_the_galileo_treatment AND rudy_giuliani_is_again_promising_good_news_is_on_the_way



A stolen election in 2020 therefore isn’t a shocking aberration; it’s an obvious continuation, a culmination of the ruling class determination to get rid of an outsider who threatened to ‘reset’ America back to its original design – a nation governed not by a hierarchy of ruling elites, but by ‘we the people’.



Sadly, #Giuliani doesn’t explain whether these facts will “blow up” because legislators will be discussing them or if something else will happen that will force the facts on Americans no matter how the media and tech tyrants try to suppress them.

4 @suzy1493: Dr. Michael and Mary Maiden and Pastor Billy Burke


#CFTN is led by Dr. Michael and Mary Maiden and is based in Phoenix, AZ
If you need assistance right away, please call (602) 861-0000 to speak with someone
4 @suzy1493



Call our prayer line at 844-264-7225

Sunday, December 20, 2020

Pastor Billy Burke ICYMI - In case you needed a reminder that God does indeed send His Holy Spirit; Have Faith and claim your miracle.


@ 30: 44 but def watch the whole thing!

ICYMI - In case you needed a reminder that God does indeed send His Holy Spirit; Have Faith and claim your miracle.

Need One Dose of the Holy Ghost?

Kathryn Kuhlman “I Believe In Miracles Because I Believe In God”

Pastor Billy Burke #unido

Seals Crofts “Remember Akka for his sake, the earth is but a snake to His voice that spake”





I can’t think of any other music that takes me there

#unido #eine #kleine #NachtMusik

“Remember Akka for his sake, the earth is but a snake to His voice that spake”

Acre known to locals as Akko (Hebrew: עַכּוֹ‎, ʻAkkō) or Akka (Arabic: عكّا‎, ʻAkkā), is a city in the coastal plain region of the Northern District of Israel.

stephen lendman warp-speed-approval-of-hazardous-covid-vaccines #SARSCoV2 Read #Lendman Decide4UrSelf


https://stephenlendman.org/2020/12/warp-speed-approval-of-hazardous-covid-vaccines/ #SARSCoV2 Read #Lendman Decide4UrSelf

[Personally waiting 4 #baylor or “ohio state” or similar #recombinant vaccine]



“Since the crude number of total deaths by all causes before and after COVID-19 has stayed the same, one can hardly say, in Briand’s view, that COVID-19 deaths are concerning,” the article said.

Indeed. And that raises some very important questions that the national media should be focused on as our nation finds itself in a constitution crisis over the botched elections of Nov. 3, 2020. This crisis is due in large part to how the media and medical establishment shaped public perceptions about COVID-19.

David Morgan is publisher of the Asheville Tribune in Asheville, NC.

A Pandemic of Russian Hacking

Pepe Escobar

Great stuff by Ray and Joe.
#Sanger is a lowly warmongering hack with a sterling record of peddling scum, packaged by the #NYT as “investigative journalism”.



Many Democrats unfortunately still believe–or profess to believe–the hacking and the Trump campaign-Russia conspiracy story, the former debunked by Henry’s testimony and the latter by Special Counsel Robert Mueller. Both were legally obligated to tell the truth, while the intelligence agencies were not.

Election Fraud With No Apparent Judicial Relief



#ElectionFraud With No Apparent Judicial Relief

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 52% of Likely U.S. Voters think many news organizations ignored the Hunter Biden story to help his father’s presidential campaign.


None of this evidence has been rejected by any court; all have refused to consider it citing a variety of jurisdictional hurdles.

As Daniel Greenfield details, not only did the Supreme Court abdicate any judicial responsibility for hearing the contested election cases, so have lower courts.

This leaves the only remaining avenue to affect the genuine choice of the people to the Congress when it must vote on the selection of electors, a procedure clearly permitted by the Constitution. Will they have the courage to do the right thing? If they don’t, we will see fraudulent elections forever with no judicial redress. In almost none of the counties whose votes are disputed was the Dominion system examined. In Maricopa County Arizona the vote officials are refusing to honor a subpoena to provide the machines for examination. In the only county where they have been examined (Antrim, Michigan) the analyst who audited the system reports that the machines flipped Trump votes to Biden.

It has been particularly galling to me that Facebook clipped hundreds of ”go vote” messages on my page, while parking its fat finger on reliable articles on vote fraud, censoring them or warning readers away, citing fact checks written by youngsters who themselves dissembled and misrepresented.


The following is according to a Rasmussen Reports poll

47% say it’s likely that Democrats stole votes or destroyed pro-Trump ballots in several states to ensure that Biden would win.
36% say it’s very likely.


Nolte paralleled the findings of the survey with purported Democratic efforts to undermine the legitimacy of Republican presidents George W. Bush and Donald Trump. He also expressed support for Trump’s claims of voter fraud in cities like Philadelphia, Detroit, Atlanta, and Milwaukee.

“I don’t know what happened. I don’t know if there was enough fraud to overturn the results,” he said before suggesting that the outcry over the allegations could mean foul play.


Timothy King, et al., Petitioners v. Gretchen Whitmer, Governor of Michigan, et al.


Timothy King, et al., Petitioners v. Gretchen Whitmer, Governor of Michigan, et al.



"Similar problems were found in an audit of Dominion machines by the Coffee County, Georgia Board of Registration and Elections, which refused to certify Dominion machine recount election returns."


Biological E. (BE) and the #Ohio State Innovation Foundation #OSIF USA, have announced an exclusive COVID-19 vaccine technology license pact. This will be the 3rd such partnership for BE. It is already associated in COVID-19 vaccine development with #Janssen Pharmaceutica NV and #Baylor College of Medicine.



Hyderabad-based vaccine and pharmaceutical firm Biological E. (BE) and the #Ohio State Innovation Foundation #OSIF USA, have announced an exclusive COVID-19 vaccine technology license pact.

This will be the 3rd such partnership for BE.

It is already associated in COVID-19 vaccine development with #Janssen Pharmaceutica NV and #Baylor College of Medicine.

Clinical trials of the vaccine candidates under the two partnerships are underway.




[Waiting for #recombinant #protein covid vaccine, such as the one from Baylor]

Tuesday, December 15, 2020







Hans-Joachim #Roedelius has led a remarkable life. He was born in Berlin in 1934 and appeared in films as a child. During World War II, his family moved to rural Germany to escape the fighting, and they were impoverished after the war. Roedelius was conscripted into the East German army as a teen, and later attempted to defect to the West; he successfully made it across in 1961, after two years in an East German prison.


#unido #eine #kleine #nachtMusik

Thank you, Julian Lennon


Spyder, is in fact 43-year-old IT consultant Joshua Merritt from Dallas. His name was found to be among metadata for the filings.





Attempts to discredit this witness, that doesn’t mean he’s not correct 

Spyder, is in fact 43-year-old IT consultant Joshua Merritt from Dallas. His name was found to be among metadata for the filings.

Powell’s team had carefully filed a redacted declaration from the secret witness, but a bookmark that had been uploaded to the court’s computer system was still visible, complete with Joshua Merritt’s full name.

‘One jackwagon forgot to clear out the data. I was really p****d,’ Merritt said.
'The guy was like, ‘I’m sorry,’ and I was like
‘Well, you know, that and a bag of chips will still leave me hungry.’


The expert alleged that a search of Edison Research showed they had an Iranian server and there are records showing China accessing Dominion Voting’s servers. Edison Research reports the vote count tabulation to Decision Desk HQ for election results.

According to the affidavit, the digital forensics analysis shows there is “unambiguous evidence that Dominion Voter Systems and Edison Research have been accessible and were certainly compromised by rogue actors, such as Iran and China.”

The complaint asks the Court to provide emergency relief to de-certify Wayne County’s results, stop Benson and Whitmer from transmitting the state’s certifications to the Electoral College, and “to transmit certified election results that President Donald Trump is the winner of the election” in Michigan, among other requests.

Monday, December 14, 2020

Hotez: Could you explain the difference between the kind of traditional vaccine your lab is working on and the #mRNA vaccines? #Baylor



#Baylor #SARSCoV2

Could you explain the difference between the kind of traditional vaccine your lab is working on and the mRNA vaccines?

Ours is a very old, tested vaccine technology, the same one used to make the hepatitis B vaccine all over the world.

It’s a recombinant protein made through fermentation technology and yeast.

You grow yeast in a bioreactor, and it’s genetically engineered to release the recombinant protein, and then you purify it.

It’s a very successful technology, one of the most widely used vaccines in kids for decades with no untoward effect.

So that’s exciting that we have that vaccine.

Also, our vaccine will be very low-cost, around a dollar a dose, so we’re hoping it really comes in to be used globally.

But we don’t see why it couldn’t come into the U.S. at some point, particularly for kids — or maybe as a booster shot

IF the other vaccines, like the mRNA or the adenovirus-based vaccines, do not have much in the way of durability of protection.


The RNA vaccine technology #mRNA

The only thing we don’t know is the durability of its protection. Does it protect for three months or three years or 30 years? We don’t know.

We also don’t know if there are going to be any long-term safety issues. So far, we’ve not seen them in the 44,000-person trial.

But when you’re rolling out a brand-new technology, it’s hard to know what to expect.

So when bumps in the road happen, as will happen in any new vaccine program, that tends to slow you down.

For instance, this morning we’re hearing in the U.K. that there were two individuals who got vaccinated who had what sounds like a severe allergic reaction.

That didn’t seem to happen in the clinical trial. So what does that mean? #PEG

Well, if it was a vaccine technology we had decades of experience with, we’d feel comfortable just persevering, but moving out ahead with this brand-new technology gives you pause for concern.

So even though you get a lot of upfront speed with the RNA technology, because it’s new you get slowed down at the tail end — and that’s where traditional vaccines can move quickly.

Every vaccine technology has advantages and disadvantages.

That’s the rationale with Operation Warp Speed: We have several different technologies out there —

mRNA and

adenovirus and

particle vaccines,

recombinant vaccines. (Baylor)

The idea is to get multiple shots on goal in case some of those vaccines have to drop out.

[Waiting for Baylor vaccine, or a similar recombinant protein vaccine.]


@Bill_Binney #Binney @ 1:34:56 - Panel 1—“Hang Together, or Hang Separately”: Free and Sovereign Republics, or Digital Dictatorship?


@Bill_Binney #Binney @ 1:34:56

Panel 1—“Hang Together, or Hang Separately”: Free and Sovereign Republics, or Digital Dictatorship?

By that time the evidence of the charges of vote fraud; the claim of President Trump’s lawyers that they have documented evidence that he won the election; the methods of the vote fraud as reported by whistleblowers; and exposure of other capabilities and actions that are part of a threatened coup d’etat in the United States, will have made clear the panorama before which the Electors have to make their choice.

#DemocraticParty = Party of #Cheatos

Friday, December 11, 2020

How Texas’s Supreme Court Election Lawsuit Defends Our Civil Rights

How Texas’s Supreme Court Election Lawsuit Defends Our Civil Rights: Commonsense jurisprudence will recognize the open-shut argument that voters' civil rights were violated during an unconstitutional election process.

Biological E. Ltd – The firm started phase I and phase II trials of its vaccine candidate in November. It is being developed in partnership with the #Baylor College of Medicine in Houston and Dynavax Technologies.



The world’s largest producer of vaccines prepares for a massive response to the coronavirus pandemic

India is focusing on affordable vaccines instead of the expensive messenger RNA shots of #Pfizer Inc and #Moderna Inc #mRNA


Biological E. Ltd – The firm started phase I and phase II trials of its vaccine candidate in November.

It is being developed in partnership with the #Baylor College of Medicine in Houston and Dynavax Technologies.

The Hyderabad-based company’s trial will test two doses of the vaccine in about 360 healthy subjects and it expects results by February.



#Pfizer and #Moderna

Both vaccines utilize a novel technology that harnesses the RNA messenger, snippets of genetic code that exist in the body that can be used to tell the immune system to produce antibodies that attack the virus itself. (What could go wrong?)

[Waiting for the #Baylor vaccine or another “recombinant proteins” vaccine]


#Alito #Act77 The court is expected to decide whether or not to grant Kelly injunctive relief on Tuesday.



#Alito #Act77

“The bitter division and acrimony we see across the Nation needs resolution,” Cruz told the Washington Examiner in a statement. “I believe the Supreme Court has a responsibility to the American people to ensure, within its powers, that we are following the law and following the Constitution.”

The court is expected to decide whether or not to grant Kelly injunctive relief on Tuesday.

[ Praying that Truth would prevail, but comforted somewhat that the Democratic Party will forever be known as the party of #Cheatos ]

I'm a Legislator in Pennsylvania, and I'm Suing the Governor for Election Fraud

I'm a Legislator in Pennsylvania, and I'm Suing the Governor for Election Fraud: Actions by the Pennsylvania Supreme Court and secretary of state in the 2020 general election were so fraught with inconsistencies, documented irregularities, and improprieties (see filing below) that the election results for the office of presi...

“among the known platforms, recombinant proteins as in the vaccine being made by Biological E are probably the safest” #Baylor #SARSCoV2


“among the known platforms, recombinant proteins as in the vaccine being made by Biological E are probably the safest” #Baylor


In newer gene-based designs—viral vector, DNA, and mRNA vaccines—scientists synthesize and insert genetic instructions from the pathogen of interest to induce immune responses. (No, thank you.)

September 3, 2020
COVID-19 and #mRNA Vaccines—First Large Test for a New Approach
Jennifer Abbasi


#Hotez’s own group has been working on a COVID-19 vaccine which employs a far more traditional technology called recombinant adenovirus tech. #Baylor



With covid-19 having a mortality rate of a little over 2% of the total number of cases, the focus of all covid-19 vaccines have been on safety of the doses.

“Safety is hard to predict and will be measured in clinical trials, but among the known platforms, recombinant proteins as in the vaccine being made by Biological E are probably the safest," Kang said.

Biological E’s vaccine last month started the phase 1 and 2 clinical trial of the vaccine, which it has licensed from US-based Baylor College of Medicine. The company expects the results of the first two phases of trial to be available by February.

[Waiting for Baylor’s #SARSCoV2 vaccine and they’re are others (recombinant proteins)]


Sunday, December 6, 2020

Harvard Law Professor emeritus Alan Dershowitz: “#Alito seemed to suggest that that would cancel out the votes in #Pennsylvania that were received after the close of election day”

“#Alito seemed to suggest that that would cancel out the votes in #Pennsylvania that were received after the close of election day”


Harvard Law Professor emeritus Alan Dershowitz and former independent counsel Ken Starr react on ‘Sunday Morning Futures.’

Video Transcript

MARIA BARTIROMO: We just heard from President Trump’s attorney Rudy Giuliani on his 2020 election challenges joining me right now with independent analysis are Judge Ken Starr, Former Independent Counsel and Fox News Contributor, and legal scholar and host of the wildly popular podcast, the Dershow, Alan Dershowitz, gentlemen. It’s good to see you both.

Thank you so much for being here. I want to get your take on what we heard from Rudy Giuliani. And let me just say one thing that really struck me, Rudy just said this was a pattern that was set by somebody in Washington, because everybody else carried it out exactly the same way they did it in the crooked cities.

That’s what Rudy Giuliani said. Look at that, as well as anything else that struck you from my conversation with former prosecutor, Giuliani. Alan Dershowitz, kick us off.

ALAN DERSHOWITZ: There certainly is probable cause for investigating and looking further. Giuliani has made very serious accusations. The question is, which institution is designed, constitutionally, to look into it? Is it the state legislature? Is it the courts? Is the clock running in such a way that there won’t be time to look into this?

I have proposed, for the future, at least, the creation of a vote integrity panel, VIP, that would consist of former justices, judges, neutral, nonpartisan, that any complaint about an election, either before the election, during the election, or after the election, could go to this group, which could then look into it, because we know the media doesn’t give it a fair shake.

And we know that everybody else is partisan. The American public wants to know. Is Giuliani correct or isn’t he correct? I don’t know whether we’ll find that out in time for the meeting of the electoral college votes.


KENNETH STARR: Hi, Maria. Hi, Alan. The prediction of Jimmy Carter and James Baker in 2000 and their commission has come true, and it is a bit of a nightmare. They warned, after taking a very careful study, this bipartisan commission warned that absentee voting, mail in voting is a huge potential for fraud.

And that’s what we’ve heard from Rudy. So what do we now do about it? I think, to be honest, we’re running out of time. Because the electoral college meets on December 14. So it’s going to take an extraordinary action by legislatures, and so forth.

And Rudy has rightly pointed to legislatures. Because therein lies the ultimate, other than the Supreme Court of the United States, ability to have an effect on the just concluded election.

MARIA BARTIROMO: Stay with us. I want to ask you about Wisconsin and Georgia. These are the two that they think they have real success. I’m going to take a break and come back with Ken Starr and Alan Dershowitz. Back in a moment.

We’re back with legal scholars, Alan Dershowitz and Ken Starr. And Ken, a moment ago, you said it is the state legislatures that you’re watching. The Trump team seems to think the most promising results here are in Georgia and Wisconsin. Your reaction?

KENNETH STARR: I think, yeah. I think the Georgia legislature, at least that committee, seemed to be really troubled by the evidence, not just the video. But the other evidence of irregularities and the like. In Wisconsin, the use of the dropboxes, kind of an innovation, that were unmanned in violation of state law, huge problem in terms of potential fraud.

ALAN DERSHOWITZ: Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.

MARIA BARTIROMO: Alan, you said earlier about the Supreme Court and the Pennsylvania State, we’re watching. But also, that we need evidence. Do you feel that Giuliani has been presenting evidence with all of these videos and these witness testimonies? You said, he’s got 1,000 affidavits.

ALAN DERSHOWITZ: Yes. These are retailed evidence that have to be determined to be true by cross-examination and witnesses. The core constitutional question that Ken correctly pointed to is clearly state legislatures have the power, before the voters vote, to pick the electors.

The unanswered constitutional question is, do they have the power, state legislatures, to pick electors after the voters vote if they conclude that the voters count has been in some way fraudulent or wrong.

That is a constitutional question we don’t know the answer to, and the Supreme Court may get to decide that question, if a state legislature decides to determine who the electors should be, and changes the electors from Biden to Trump. That will be the key constitutional question.

MARIA BARTIROMO: And do you think that the Supreme Court would rule that it was unconstitutional to widen the vote, have people vote before election day, after 8 o’clock on election day? Would those votes being null and void, even in the face of a pandemic?

ALAN DERSHOWITZ: I think so. I think that there’s a 5 to 4 vote now in the Supreme Court, and Justice Alito seemed to suggest that that would cancel out the votes in Pennsylvania that were received after the close of election day. Whether that’s right or wrong, that’s the way I predict the Supreme Court would decide the case if it decided to take the case.

MARIA BARTIROMO: All right. Great talking to you both. Ken Starr and Alan Dershowitz, please come back soon. Thank you so much gentlemen.


Dalton Spirit School with Dr. Kevin #Zadai, ThD December 5

Got #Prayer?


@KevinZadai in #Georgia



Dalton Spirit School with Dr. Kevin #Zadai, ThD
December 5

Sponsored by The Body of Christ in #Dalton, GA

@ 1:44:59

Kat Kerr Lord of Hosts



Kat Kerr Lord of Hosts

#HolySpirit #HolyGhost #Supernatural #unido

Sid Roth: “It’s Supernatural: Welcome to My World, Where It’s Naturally Supernatural”

CORECO JA’QAN PEARSON,ET AL.,Plaintiffs-Appellants, v. BRIAN KEMP,ET AL.,Defendants-Appellees




In the United States Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit

CORECO JA’QAN PEARSON,ET AL.,Plaintiffs-Appellants,


BRIAN KEMP,ET AL.,Defendants-Appellees

"But if, as Appellants have alleged, and presented substantial evidence in support of these allegations, the machines were tampered with, then not only will this vindicate Appellants’ rights to serve as Presidential Electors, but also allow for modification of existing procedures to avoid similar fraud, rigging, and manipulation of the upcoming senatorial elections.

Appellants, the people of Georgia and, indeed, the people of the United States, and every freedom-loving world citizen will be irreparably harmed if Appellees are allowed to alter the voting machines to rig elections in … "


Colonel Phil Waldron - Michigan hearing part 2




Switching gears to voting machines - Col. Phil #Waldron (Ret.), a cybersecurity expert, testified that his team warned the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) that voting machines are vulnerable to hackers and manipulation.

“When I started working on this project in August, I called them up and said, you guys have got to come out and look at it. They did. They spent an initial three hours going through this data. At the end of that, one of them said, ‘I think I need to go outside and throw up,” said Waldron, speaking of #Dominion Votings Systems machines.

Mike Kelly, United States Congressman, et al., Applicants v. Pennsylvania, et al.



Mike Kelly, United States Congressman, et al., Applicants v. #Pennsylvania, et al.


#20a98 #Alito

Title: Mike Kelly, United States Congressman, et al., Applicants
Pennsylvania, et al.
Docketed: December 3, 2020
Lower Ct: Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, Middle District

Dec 03 2020 Application (20A98) for injunctive relief, submitted to Justice Alito.

Dec 03 2020 Response to application (20A98) requested by Justice Alito, due Wednesday, December 9, by 4 p.m.

Dec 04 2020 Main Document of Landmark Legal Foundation submitted.

Title: Mike Kelly, United States Congressman, et al., Applicants
Pennsylvania, et al.
Docketed: December 3, 2020
Lower Ct: Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, Middle District

Dec 03 2020 Application (20A98) for injunctive relief, submitted to Justice Alito.

Dec 03 2020 Response to application (20A98) requested by Justice Alito, due Wednesday, December 9, by 4 p.m.

Dec 04 2020 Main Document of Landmark Legal Foundation submitted.


Thursday, December 3, 2020

GOP state Senate candidate Ziccarelli seeking reconsideration of validity of undated mail-in ballots

GOP state Senate candidate Ziccarelli seeking reconsideration of validity of undated mail-in ballots: PITTSBURGH – The Republican challenger in the 45th Senatorial District that includes parts of Allegheny and Westmoreland counties is seeking both county and state election authorities to reconsider their certification of vote results in Pennsylvania which permitted undated mail-in ballots to be counted.

Before 2020, only 12 mRNA vaccines ever made it to human trials. None were approved I’m waiting 4 #Baylor College vaccine




Before 2020, only 12 mRNA vaccines ever made it to human trials. None were approved I’m waiting 4 #Baylor College vaccine https://www.motherjones.com/coronavirus-updates/2020/11/these-researchers-have-developed-an-inexpensive-low-tech-covid-vaccine/ @MotherJones Moderna COVID-19 vaccine is $35 a dose. This lab in Texas is developing a $1 alternative.

Pfizer, BioNTech AND Moderna
Both vaccines utilize a novel technology that harnesses the RNA messenger, snippets of genetic code that exist in the body that can be used to tell the immune system to produce antibodies that attack the virus itself.

This is where the Baylor College vaccine is different from the others. It utilizes recombinant protein technology, which is typical in vaccine development but uncommon among the leading COVID-19 candidates. Technically, this means that a recombinant protein vaccine inserts an antigen—a small amount of a foreign toxin or bits of the pathogen itself—to spark an immune response. Some recombinant protein vaccines are common, like the Hepatitis B vaccine. “Advantages of recombinant protein technologies are that there are many approved vaccines using these kind of technologies,” Goodman explains. “There is large scale manufacturing capability in the world that could be brought to bear for it.”

There are other vaccines in the works that also use the same recombinant protein technology, most notably from China’s Clover Biopharmaceuticals and Sanofi, which is based in France.


Renowned scientist tells Laura Ingraham the COVID-19 vaccine is ‘downright dangerous’ and will send you ‘to your doom’


[I haven’t the faintest, but would depend which vaccine, right?]



[Please keep your hands off my genetic code!]


LIVE: Attorneys Sidney Powell, Lin Wood attend ‘Stop the Steal’ rally in #Georgia (Dec. 2) | #NTD


LIVE: Attorneys Sidney Powell, Lin Wood attend ‘Stop the Steal’ rally in #Georgia (Dec. 2) | #NTD

#SidneyPowell #LinWood #StopTheSteal @SidneyPowell1 @LLinWood @JustTheNews @gatewaypundit @redpillx2 @CodeMonkeyZ #FreeAndFairElections #VoterIntegrityProject

Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Church for the Nations - Michael Maiden - Phoenix Arizona





At Church for the Nations, we are one multicultural, multigenerational family of imperfect people awakened by God’s perfect love being sent as transforming agents into the world to influence culture. CFTN is led by Dr. Michael and Mary Maiden and is based in Phoenix, AZ with multiple locations in the US and abroad.



Michael Maiden shares 100% absolute proof that EVERY believer can hear God and prophesy!
What Is Heaven Saying? [Book & CDs]

Michael Maiden says we are living in the last days. Either we know how to listen to the Holy Spirit and speak forth His words—or we will simply react to our world without His leading.

In his new book, What Is Heaven Saying?, Michael emphasizes the life-giving potential you carry. His prophetic handbook speaks to the critical season here NOW and helps prepare you to

Clearly hear the voice of God
Pursue your prophetic potential
Demonstrate God’s love and power to a hurting world
Become a catalyst for physical healing
Activate angelic assignments

With you or without you, God fully intends to pour out His Spirit on all flesh. Michael says it is time to move. Who wants to look back?

Michael gives special emphasis to the ministry of angels and their first priority—to bring God’s Word to pass. That’s your cue, your role is to get things started.

Michael says it’s a matter of learning as you go, but his 2-CD/audio series, Angels and the Prophetic, gives you the framework to begin! And his bonus CD/audio teaching, A Guide to Prophetic Healing, will bless you as you step out. Start where you are…at home with family and friends.

Dominion Server Connected to Iran and China





https://drdannielleblumenthal.wordpress.com/2020/11/26/kraken-dominion-iran-china-excerpts-from-anonymous-affidavit-released-by-sidney-powell/ @DrDannielle


Election Integrity
Digital Forensic Analysis Shows Dominion’s Server Connected to Iran and China: Affidavit
By Tom Ozimek
November 27, 2020 Updated: November 28, 2020

A digital forensic analysis by a former military intelligence analyst whose name was redacted in an affidavit accompanying attorney Sidney Powell’s lawsuit against Michigan officials, claims to present “unambiguous evidence” that Dominion Voter Systems servers were accessible to and were “certainly compromised by rogue actors, such as Iran and China.”

Powell’s complaint, filed on Nov. 25 against Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson, and the Michigan Board of State Canvassers, cites the affidavit (pdf) as authored by a former electronic intelligence analyst under 305th Military Intelligence and purporting to show that “the Dominion software was accessed by agents acting on behalf of China and Iran in order to monitor and manipulate elections, including the most recent US general election in 2020.”

A separate complaint (pdf) in Georgia, expands on the assertion, claiming that, “by using servers and employees connected with rogue actors and hostile foreign influences combined with numerous easily discoverable leaked credentials, Dominion neglectfully allowed foreign adversaries to access data and intentionally provided access to their infrastructure in order to monitor and manipulate elections, including the most recent one in 2020.”

The analyst, who claimed to have “extensive experience as a white hat hacker used by some of the top election specialists in the world,” said that they scanned Dominion network nodes and found a number of interrelationships with foreign entities, including access to Dominion’s server by a network from Hunan, China. Another forensic review confirmed links to an Iranian IP address, the analyst wrote, and concluded that the totality of “these scanning behaviors showed that foreign agents of aggressor nations had access to US voter lists, and had done so recently.”

The analyst said the findings represent a “complete failure” on the part of Dominion to provide “basic cyber security.”

“This is not a technological issue, but rather a governance and basic security issue: if it is not corrected, future elections in the United States and beyond will not be secure and citizens will not have confidence in the results,” the analyst concluded.

Dominion has not responded to a query from The Epoch Times regarding the allegations, although the company issued a statement on Wednesday, the same day Powell filed the Michigan lawsuit, with Dominion saying there were “unfounded allegations being made against the company and its voting systems” in recent days.

The company added: “Dominion voting systems are designed and certified by the U.S. government to be closed and do not rely on network connectivity. Dominion’s tabulators also do not have exposed USB or other memory ports.”

It came after Powell alleged in her lawsuit that “hundreds of thousands of illegal, ineligible, duplicate, or purely fictitious ballots” were enabled by “massive election fraud.”

The suit claimed that election software and hardware from Dominion Voting Systems used by the Michigan Board of State Canvassers helped facilitate the fraud.

“The Dominion systems derive from the software designed by Smartmatic Corporation, which became Sequoia in the United States,” the complaint reads (pdf).

Dominion said that it has no financial or organizational ties to Smartmatic, although it said it purchased assets from a company formerly owned by Smartmatic. Both Dominion and Smartmatic have denied ties to foreign governments.

Jack Phillips contributed to this report.
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