Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Dr. Greer to Provide Analysis of Tuesday's Congressional Hearing on #UFOs

Dr. Greer to Provide Analysis of Tuesday's Congressional Hearing on #UFOs

"Greer Ufo Hearing A" on @Scribd


#unido #UFOHearings #ufohearing #dotyUFO #ufotwitter

Monday, May 23, 2022

Daily Antihistamines Could Treat Long Covid, Alleviating Almost All Symptoms


Patient One

“Six months after the initial infection (June 2020), the patient ate cheese, to which she has a known allergy. She therefore self-administered an over-the-counter oral histamine antagonist, diphenhydramine HCl 50 mg. The following morning, she noted considerable relief of fatigue and improved ability to concentrate.”

Patient Two

“Thirteen months after the onset of acute COVID-19 infection, the patient substituted 25 mg diphenhydramine HCl for the fexofenadine as she had run out of the latter. She did not seek guidance for this medication change using an online source. The following morning, she noted resolution of brain fog and fatigue.”
Daily Antihistamines Could Treat Long Covid, Alleviating Almost All Symptoms


#diphenhydramine #antihistamine #pinto #nursepractitioners

Saturday, May 21, 2022

Friday, May 20, 2022

War Comes Closer: Senate OK’s $40 Billion to Ukraine; NATO Pledges ‘Open Ended’ Support

War Comes Closer: Senate OK’s $40 Billion to Ukraine; NATO Pledges ‘Open Ended’ Support: This morning only eleven Senators – all Republican – voted against a MASSIVE giveaway to Ukraine, even as Americans suffer at home. Meanwhile, NATO assured Ukraine that its support is “open ended.” War is coming closer…and now Finland and Sweden are about to enter the war mix. What could go wrong? Reprinted from The Ron … Continue reading "War Comes Closer: Senate OK’s $40 Billion to Ukraine; NATO Pledges ‘Open Ended’ Support"

Nina Kraviz responds to being dropped from Clone Distribution over alleged “pro-Putin” views




“I am a musician and was never involved in supporting the politicians or political parties, and I am not planning to do it in the future. I don’t understand politics or the social processes it creates."

[Accusations that the enemy was fascist were used to justify opposition to negotiations and compromise]

In this episode, @FactsMatterRB explores what the potential dangers of the #SpikeProtein are—as well as some concrete actions that you can take to detoxify yourself and boost your own #ImmuneSystem.


In this episode, @FactsMatterRB explores what the potential dangers of the #SpikeProtein are—as well as some concrete actions that you can take to detoxify yourself and boost your own #ImmuneSystem.


🔴Now on @EpochTVus 👇

Extraterrestrial Biological Entity, UFOs: Rick Doty

Extraterrestrial Biological Entity, UFOs: Rick Doty  


#unido #DotyUFO #ufotwitter #uaptwitter #ufosighting #ufosightings #UFOHearing #UFOHearings #ufology #ufo #ufos 

Tulsi Gabbard: Biden has failed to define #mission on Ukraine


Tulsi Gabbard: Biden has failed to define #mission on Ukraine

#unido @TulsiGabbard @TuckerCarlson #Tucker #TuckerCarlson


Putin: US laboratories in Ukraine were developing biological weapons


#biolabs #bioweapons #biowarfare
Putin: US laboratories in Ukraine were developing biological weapons

“Now, in the course of a special operation in Ukraine, documentary evidence has been obtained that biological weapons components were essentially created in the immediate vicinity of our borders”

Sunday, May 15, 2022

Thus there was prepared the way, even through Him who is now the life, the light, the immortality, the resurrection, the way through which peace and harmony, beauty and love, may be in the experience of each and every soul that seeks and acknowledges Him as thy Lord, as thy Savior.



Thus there was prepared the way, even through Him who is now the life, the light, the immortality, the resurrection, the way through which peace and harmony, beauty and love, may be in the experience of each and every soul that seeks and acknowledges Him as thy Lord, as thy Savior.

Gonzalo Lira II: 2022.05.14 Why Did Lloyd Austin Call Sergei Shoigu?


@ 3:44

There is a point where you can resist and there is a possibility that you will win

but insofar as this war is concerned that day that possibility is long gone

every day that passes more ukrainian soldiers die for no reason whatsoever

and they are dying at a phenomenal rate

current estimates are between 400 and 700 men per day

that’s astronomical

between half any full battalion per day

that’s what’s going on in this war and those men are dying for nothing because the result is inevitable

the russians are going to win they are winning

the fact that lloyd austin called sergey shoigu pretty much underscores the point

but the problem is that the people in washington have told zelensky in no uncertain terms

mr zelensky you have to tell your armed force to stand and fight and not give an inch and to die to the last ukrainian man

and that’s what’s happening

that’s why i consider the zelensky regime illegitimate and frankly evil

because a government that truly cared for its people would have sued for peace weeks ago

when it became clear that this war cannot be won by the ukrainian side

Scott Ritter Ukraine & Russia is 1 side winning?


Scott Ritter
Ukraine & Russia
is 1 side winning?

ukrainians converted into MIL target
russia applying principles of MIL necessity & proportionality
washington post had to admit that ukrainians were using #civilians as human shields

Friday, May 13, 2022

Majority of Hungarians oppose Russian oil embargo, poll reveals



Majority of Hungarians oppose Russian oil embargo, poll reveals
According to a survey conducted by Szazadveg Alapitvany, 89% of Hungarians think that sanctions against Russia “damage the European Union and the European economy”

They also noted that, according to 89% of Hungarians, sanctions against Russia “damage the European Union and the European economy.” Only 10% of respondents hold the opposite point of view.

New info about the inhuman experiments of the U.S. in #biolabs in Ukraine


"Mitt Romney doth protest too much, methinks"



"When powerful and influential people basically threaten and intimidate people into silence as Mitt Romney … [is] doing, they're hoping to achieve that effect that if anybody dares speak out against the government … [or] criticize whatever the washed, permanent Washington establishment narrative is, then you will be smeared … as a treasonous traitor"
New info about the inhuman experiments of the U.S. in #biolabs in Ukraine


French volunteer: Ukrainians brought corpses to Bucha for a photo shoot



#Boke #Bucha


#French volunteer: Ukrainians brought corpses to Bucha for a photo shoot

May 12, 2022

French medical volunteer Adrien Boke, who visited Ukraine, said in an interview with Sud Radio that the corpses were brought to Bucha specifically for a photo shoot.

“It’s definitely a performance. True, there were corpses, but there were corpses that were brought specifically for the photo shoot,” he said.

According to Boke, those who do not know what is really happening there are talking about the situation in Ukraine in Europe. In addition, the Frenchman noted that the West supplies weapons to neo-Nazis.

“They (Azov) have Nazi symbols. They don’t talk about it, but just look: this is the old SS symbolism, which can be found throughout Ukraine. I have worked with these people. Do you know what they talked about in front of me? They laughed, saying that if they ran into Jews or dark-skinned people there, they would skin them and cut them into pieces,” the medic said.

Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Stop funding #regimechange & money laundering scams" Jamie Raskin responded on behalf of House Democrats, now a 100% war-crazed party


Marjorie Taylor Greene: "$40 billion for Ukraine, but there's no baby formula for American mothers and babies... Stop funding #regimechange & money laundering scams"
Jamie Raskin responded on behalf of House Democrats, now a 100% war-crazed party

Prime Minister of Saxony Kretschmer criticized the oil embargo on supplies from Russia



#Saxony #Kretschmer #oil #embargo


#shortage will most likely be replenished from Russian sources

Prime Minister of Saxony Kretschmer criticized the oil embargo on supplies from Russia

Doug Woodward: The Global Elite Conspiracy [Cashless Society]

Doug Woodward: The Global Elite Conspiracy 


@doomsdaydoug: "I think that’s where cryptos fit in is that these central banks are going to create a cryptocurrency, digital currency that you have to use."

[In a #cashlesssociety financial transactions are not conducted with physical banknotes or coins, but instead with digital information.]

Scott Ritter: An open letter to the American people, as Russia celebrates its WW2 victory over the Nazis


An open letter to the American people, as Russia celebrates its WW2 victory over the Nazis
#VictoryDay #tucker
Victory in Europe Day an Israeli national day of remembrance celebrated annually on the #9thMay, victory over the Nazis

"These #biolabs in Ukraine are NATO, American We would have been poisoned here like rats"



What would have happened to us if he had not started this military operation
These #biolabs in Ukraine are NATO, American
We would have been poisoned here like rats
The West supplies weapons, they add fuel to the fire
Ukrainians are nobody for them
They say, “we will fight to the last Ukrainian”
We won that war, the Great Patriotic War
Let’s win this one too

Saturday, May 7, 2022

Lukashenko: Take a step towards bad Putin, take this step. Nobody needs war. It is bad and must be stopped. Have you heard me?



“Now we need to stop the war then we’ll figure it out. Take a step towards bad Putin, take this step. Nobody needs war. It is bad and must be stopped. Have you heard me? I say it all the time. Here in Belarus. if I went to war, it would be very difficult for me. Our people do not accept war, including me.”


@realScottRitter: Ukraine has “suffered close to 50,000 casualties”



Donald Rumsfeld — ‘You go to war with the army you have, not the army you might want or wish to have at a later time.”

@ 12:30 @realScottRitter

Ukraine has “suffered close to 50,000 casualties”

Jacques Baud - The Military Situation In The Ukraine



“But if we had had a modicum of compassion for the same number of refugees from the Ukrainian populations of Donbass massacred by their own government and who sought refuge in Russia for eight years, none of this would probably have happened.”

Jacques Baud is a former colonel of the General Staff, ex-member of the Swiss strategic intelligence, specialist on Eastern countries.

Rand Paul pointed to the federal govt as the largest purveyor of #disinformation


.@RandPaul-#DHS #Mayorkas

Paul pointed to the federal govt as the largest purveyor of #disinformation

“I think you’ve got no idea what disinformation is, and I don’t think the govt’s capable of it … Are you familiar with George W. Bush and the #WMD?”


Washington hopes to re-establish its hyper-power thanks to the war in Ukraine – Thierry #Meyssan



“The Western press does not relay these revelations because they would force them to position themselves against the Banderites.”

Washington hopes to re-establish its hyper-power thanks to the war in Ukraine – Thierry #Meyssan

[id est, we are ruled by mad men and women]



Russia does not aim for nuclear war – #Gavrilov intends to raise in Vienna the issue of biolaboratories that worked in Ukraine


Russia does not aim for nuclear war – #Gavrilov

Russia is not pursuing any goals of nuclear war in Ukraine, Konstantin Gavrilov, head of the Russian delegation to the arms control talks, said on May 4 on the Rossiya 24 TV channel.

The delegation should convey this position of Russia to its Western colleagues at the talks. In addition, Gavrilov intends to raise in Vienna the issue of biolaboratories that worked in Ukraine. According to him, everyone is waiting for a large number of finds in the territories liberated by the Russian military. They will be made public.

Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Russian Investigators Identify US Defense Officials, Contractors Linked To Ukraine Biolabs - UrduPoint

Russian Investigators Identify US Defense Officials, Contractors Linked To Ukraine Biolabs - UrduPoint: Russian investigators managed to identify a scope of persons involved in the development of biological weapons in Ukraine, including representatives of the US defense ministry and companies, with an amount of funding surpassing $224 million, Alexander Bastrykin, the head of the Russian Investigative ..

General was in charge of #biolab No. 1, where 18 people worked w deadly viruses #Kadier was taken to Moscow, where he will stand trial

General was in charge of #biolab No. 1, where 18 people worked w deadly viruses
#Kadier was taken to Moscow, where he will stand trial
Some suggested they would test new medications on him as punishment
#mercenary general was in touch w #Zelensky

Russia Slams Israeli Gov’t for Supporting Ukrainian Neo-Nazis Amid Diplomatic Flap Over Zelensky


“Do #Lapid and his Cabinet not see this? Just as they cynically ignore the epidemic of the destruction and desecration of monuments to the true righteous among the nations – the troops of the Red Army who stopped the Holocaust and saved the Jewish world.”


Monday, May 2, 2022

Joe Biden’s $33 Billion Ukraine Gamble Could End In Disaster

“Laying the foundation for perpetuating the war would increase the suffering of the population while providing no path to conflict resolution.”

Joe Biden’s $33 Billion Ukraine Gamble Could End In Disaster


Tucker Carlson: Sitting members of Congress talking casually about using chemical weapons or nuclear weapons against a nuclear-armed state



@ 13:40

MCCAUL: "What would happen if a chemical weapon was dropped in Ukraine and or a short-range tactical nuke?"

Sitting members of Congress talking casually about using chemical weapons or nuclear weapons against a nuclear-armed state

[Haven't we been down this road before?]

The Ukrainian army will not win the war nor will the fascist militias. The country simply has no chance.


The Ukrainian army will not win the war nor will the fascist militias. The country simply has no chance.

‘Western’ governments are abusing the Ukraine and its soldiers. They want to ‘weaken Russia’ and do not allow the Ukraine to sue for peace.

That is criminal.

Hungarian Prime Minister blacklisted in Ukraine



Hungarian Prime Minister blacklisted in Ukraine

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban has been blacklisted by Ukraine , Russian outlet RT reported. According to RT, the Mirotvorets (“Peacemaker”) website was created in 2014 as a public database of “pro-Russian terrorists, separatists, mercenaries, war criminals, and murderers.”

Orban appears as “accomplice of Russian war criminals” and “anti-Ukrainian propagandist”. The website mentions that the Hungarian Prime Minister refused to endorse an embargo on the

and Russian gas, among other things. He also broke ranks in the EU by refusing to send weapons to Ukraine or allow foreign weapons to transit to Ukraine through Hungarian territory.

Orban, who won re-election last month, built his campaign around a promise to keep his country out of the Russia-Ukraine conflict and, in a victory speech, named Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky as one of his “ opponents” .

“We didn’t stay there voluntarily, ” “We tried to get out two or three times before the heavy shelling started, but they sent us back and didn’t release us.”


The rescued people report intimidation by the Ukrainian military. “We didn’t stay there voluntarily, ” a resident told RIA Novosti . “We tried to get out two or three times before the heavy shelling started, but they sent us back and didn’t release us.”

Another witness told the agency that the Ukrainian soldiers said they broke into civilian homes. They also scolded residents of Mariupol for alleged pro-Russian views.

Lafontaine: America is pushing Europe into nuclear war


Lafontaine: America is pushing Europe into nuclear war

In an article in the Swiss Weltwoche, former left-wing politician Oskar Lafontaine explains that a negotiated peace with Moscow – against US resistance – is becoming increasingly urgent.

Otherwise the danger of a nuclear war would increase.