Saturday, July 30, 2022

Non-Covid Excess Deaths, 2020-21: Collateral Damage of Policy Choices?


U.S. estimate, which is 199,000 (including any unmeasured Covid) or about 60 persons per 100,000
#EuropeanUnion estimate is near-identical at 64 non-Covid excess deaths per 100K
estimate for #Sweden -33 (non-Covid causes of death were somewhat low)

Britain shutters its only kids gender identity clinic, could ‘be the biggest medical scandal this century’

"worries they interfere w the full development of adolescent brains"

NHS decommission #Tavistock
its work ‘not a safe & viable option’ for youngsters
Britain shutters its only kids gender identity clinic, could ‘be the biggest medical scandal this century’

John #Ioannidis: The #Pandemic as of 7/28/2022, by @Sensible__Med


John #Ioannidis: The #Pandemic as of 7/28/2022, by @Sensible__Med

“We can present the available data and the rough risk estimates of potential #toxicity to parents, who can then decide – but not impose any #mandates.”
#unido @MartyMakary @lifebiomedguru

Christopher Black: They’re trying to turn people’s minds into supporting a war against Russia for a long time

Christopher Black: They’re trying to turn people’s minds into supporting a war against Russia for a long time

That is why the #EuropeanUnion is willing to cut its own throat
#unido @antinatoman #NO2nato @aaronjmate @Antiwarcom @BhadraPunchline #tucker #GOP

Friday, July 29, 2022

Food Wars — Starvation Creates Cheaper Labor By Dr. Joseph Mercola

If the average American is pushed out of the housing market

you become beholden to them as your landlord
This fulfills part of the #GreatReset’s “new normal” dictum
the part where you will own nothing & be happy
conspiracy theory?
part of #WEF 2030 #agenda

Ukrainian POWs wounded in Kiev’s rocket attack delivered to Donetsk hospitals

Ukrainian POWs wounded in Kiev’s rocket attack delivered to Donetsk hospitals

According to the latest data, Kiev’s strike killed 53 out of 193 captured Ukrainian servicemen held at the Yelenovka pre-trial detention center


#unido #Basurin #HIMARS

School Choice Looms as Electoral Stealth Issue

School Choice Looms as Electoral Stealth Issue
Following the June Title IX announcement, Diaz tweeted that the Biden administration is “weaponizing” the federal civil rights law to “push their anti-science, woke insanity on America’s schoolchildren.”

“Make no mistake,” Diaz wrote, “Florida schools will continue to provide high-quality, unbiased education — not indoctrination.”

Thursday, July 28, 2022

Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Scott Ritter: NATO’s arsonist-in-chief Jens #Stoltenberg wants the Western public to pay for a Ukrainian fire he helped to ignite

NATO’s arsonist-in-chief Jens #Stoltenberg wants the Western public to pay for a Ukrainian fire he helped to ignite

former US Marine Corps intel officer
'Disarmament in the Time of Perestroika: Arms Control and the End of the Soviet Union'


I can't align the sycophant
Don't ask me, I can't see the invisible
Curious, turn to yourself.
I can't distract or upset anyone for nothing.
I can't get excited and sad about temporary things
let my mind overcome my enthusiasm

Family psychologist Yekaterina #Sivanova explained the dangers facing children who attend such “patriotic” camps and how it can affect their psyche

Family psychologist Yekaterina #Sivanova explained the dangers facing children who attend such “patriotic” camps and how it can affect their psyche:

“In this example, the accents placed by adults are important. Children are being indoctrinated to believe that those people are not human, that they must be killed. The child has no right to doubt; he takes it on faith that those are not people, relying on the opinion of the adults in charge.”

A person who is so instilled with hatred cannot see another human being as a person, he lacks that ability.

Multiple Trans Activists Arrested for Sex Crimes Involving Children

In Arizona, school counselor Zoebella Brazil Vinik was arrested for having sex with a student who was only 15. Vinik was the educator support lead for Q Space, an LGBTQ+ club where students are encouraged to “explore their identities.” Vinik even helped organize a drag show at Tuscon High Magnet School, the Arizona Daily Independent reported.

Spencer Lindquist
[As if parents didn’t have enough to worry about.]

“Over 40 foreign #mercenaries, most of whom are Poles, were killed by a strike of high-precision air-launched missiles at the temporary deployment point of the Foreign Legion units in the area of ​​the settlement of #Konstantinovka of the #Donetsk People’s Republic,” #Konashenkov

“Over 40 foreign #mercenaries, most of whom are Poles, were killed by a strike of high-precision air-launched missiles at the temporary deployment point of the Foreign Legion units in the area of ​​the settlement of #Konstantinovka of the #Donetsk People’s Republic,” #Konashenkov

This is insanity! #sue4PEACE

"The Zelensky regime is simply mindlessly throwing people to certain death” Stremousov

Ukrainian troops made another attempt to counterattack on the Kherson region, but failed, Deputy Head of the Kherson Region Administration Kirill Stremousov told RIA Novosti.

” another failed attempt to attack the Kherson region. Their attempt to attack failed. Firstly, the Kherson region is a steppe, and any movement of the Ukrainian army ends in unsuccessful attacks. Secondly, all their attempts only lead to heavy losses in the ranks of the Ukrainian army. The Zelensky regime is simply mindlessly throwing people to certain death”, Stremousov noted.

Administrations have been formed in the regions, broadcasting of Russian TV channels and radio stations has begun, and trade ties with Crimea are being restored. The regions have announced plans to become subjects of Russia.Two more offices for issuing dews will be opened in Zaporozhye region Russian passports

@lifebiomedguru: Today is an excellent day. THE JUDGE IS ALLOWING THE TRIAL TO GO INTO THE DISCOVERY PHASE. #GameOverFauci
@lifebiomedguru: Today is an excellent day.  THE JUDGE IS ALLOWING THE TRIAL TO GO INTO THE DISCOVERY PHASE.  #GameOverFauci @delbigtree @AaronSiriSG @JeffereyJaxen

[Pfizer] tried to hide the data because they knew it revealed the seriousness of the adverse reactions to their vaccine. The court overruled them and now those data are being analyzed, and they are terrifying.”
Wakefield says:

“They [Pfizer] knew there were problems. They had identified the problems doing the appropriate study, at least to start with, until they gave the crossover group the vaccine. Then they tried to hide the data because they knew it revealed the seriousness of the adverse reactions to their vaccine. The court overruled them and now those data are being analyzed, and they are terrifying.”

And now the CDC and the FDA have signed off on the idea of a trivalent vaccine that I couldn’t have imagined a better design if I wanted to, to drive this immune imprinting phenomena and make people less able to resist Omicron infection, because it includes Wuhan-1 plus two Omicron strains.

We’re now seeing an abrupt drop in live births along with an equally sudden rise in excess deaths among adults
The end result will be a reduction in the global population.

Sunday, July 24, 2022

Vaccinated kids in Minnesota are the majority of new COVID cases. Published by MNDOH.

@lifebiomedguru: I wish I was wrong in my predictions.  @FBI
 PLEASE investigate CDC, ACIP, Fauci, FDA.
Vaccinated kids in Minnesota are the majority of new COVID cases.
Published by MNDOH.

“In New York, the militants of the Right Sector nationalist battalion deployed MLRS on the premises of School No. 16 (Yesenina Street)"

Militants deploy MLRS at school in DPR’s New York settlement firing at Russian troops

Meanwhile, the residents of neighboring buildings are being held in the institution’s cellar practically being used as a human shield

“In New York, the militants of the Right Sector nationalist battalion deployed MLRS on the premises of School No. 16 (Yesenina Street) systematically firing at the positions of Russia’s armed forces and the formations of the Donetsk People’s Republic thus provoking them to return fire.”

Guess who owns your DNA now.

 Dem lawmaker Rep. Crow warns Americans enemies could use DNA tests to kill them

via @nypost 

[Don’t be absurd, domestic “enemies” most likely targets] July 23, 2022
Militants plan to blow up radioactive waste storage in DPR’s Konstantinovka — ministry
Such provocations of at Ukraine’s radiation and chemical facilities are staged by the Kiev regime under the passive eye of the so-called civilized West and are ignored by the United Nations, the International Atomic Energy Agency, the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, and the International Committee of the Red Cross
Ukraine’s military strikes Kakhovka hydro power plant in Kherson Region
As Deputy Head of the Kherson Region Military-Civilian Administration Kirill Stremousov told TASS, the Ukrainian military used a US-made M142 HIMARS (High Mobility Artillery Rocket System) launcher in its bombardments
Russia delivers over 42,500 tonnes of humanitarian aid to Donbass since March
Meanwhile, the Emergencies Ministry’s bomb technicians continue mine clearance efforts in the Donbass area

@lifebiomedguru on Twitter


Ukraine troops abduct civilians

 Sumy  "expose local residents who have pro russian views"

#unido #Sumy

Friday, July 22, 2022

The risk-benefit of the Covid vaccines is getting worse and worse and worse

The German government admits hundreds of thousands of people have had severe side effects following mRNA shots
The risk-benefit of the Covid vaccines is getting worse and worse and worse

@lifebiomedguru: MORE evidence of Antibody dependent enhancement - In SCIENCE MAGAZINE - Elevated risk of infection with SARS-CoV-2 Beta, Gamma, and Delta variant compared to Alpha variant in vaccinated individuals

 CONFIRMS Dr. Fantini's predictions.

Nobody asked ordinary Ukrainians whether they thought an alliance with Europe or with Russia would be better for their future.

Children were killed in Donbass. Nobody gave a damn, except Russia and the repressed Russians in the rest of Ukraine. It was rather amusing for the other side – people scraping their dead children off the asphalt and saying: ‘We’re being bombed, we’re scared, our children are dying!’ Ukrainians thought it was funny, a just punishment for those dehumanized earth-diggers. They called their children ‘Colorado beetle larvae’, because the stripes of the Colorado potato beetle resemble the St. George’s ribbon, which became the symbol of the uprising in Novorossiya.

[I gave a damn. I give a damn.]

Ukrainian forces also deployed a stronghold in the school number 23 on Yavornitskogo Avenue in #Dnepropetrovsk, with artillery and armored vehicles deployed nearby.

“In #Kramatorsk, DPR, Ukrainian forces deployed firing positions and sniper nests on lower and upper stories of residential buildings, and deployed MLRS in the courtyards. Meanwhile, the militants force local residents inside their apartments, effectively using them as human shields,” #Mizintsev said.

Ukrainian forces also deployed a stronghold in the school number 23 on Yavornitskogo Avenue in #Dnepropetrovsk, with artillery and armored vehicles deployed nearby.
[Been watching very closely since 2014, IMHO Russian narrative closer to the truth.]

Thursday, July 21, 2022

Strikes on Ukraine were carried out from Belarusian territory — Lukashenko
“Are you trying to say that I was supposed to sit idly and wait until missiles begin falling on heads of Belarusian people? ”

Strikes on Ukraine were carried out from Belarusian territory — Lukashenko
According to Belarusian President, this was done for preventive purposes

Report # 106. Lavrov: Russia can redraw front line deeper in Ukraine

Report # 106. Lavrov: Russia can redraw front line deeper in Ukraine

1. Western weapon supplies will spur Russia to push forward and to change front line in Ukraine

The use of Western-supplied heavy weapons by Kiev will force Russia to move deeper into Ukraine, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov told RT and Sputnik on July 20.

Lavrov noted that when negotiators met in Istanbul, Turkey on March 29-30, they were discussing “one geography,” referring to the areas controlled by Russia and the forces of the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics (DPR and LPR). “Our willingness to accept Ukrainian suggestions was based on the geography as of the end of March, 2022,” the minister clarified. “Now the geography is different. We’re not talking about the DPR, the LPR. We’re talking about Kherson Region, Zaporozhye Region and a number of other territories, and this process is ongoing.”

Lavrov accused the West of exacerbating the conflict by “pumping” Ukraine with heavy weapons, including M142 HIMARS MLRS and long-range munitions.“It means that we will have to put the line even further,” he said, adding that Moscow will not allow Ukrainian troops to threaten either Russia, or two Donbass republics.

In his words, deliveries of long-range weapons by the Western countries to Kiev will expand the geography of the Special Military Operation

During its offensive, Russian and allied troops captured parts of southern Ukraine and pushed Ukrainian troops out of many towns in Donbass. The peace talks, meanwhile, have remained stalled since the end of March, as Western politicians say that Kiev should not be pressured into giving up territory to Moscow.

Russian Foreign Minister shared his views about the risks of a nuclear war with the West and how the Western-supplied heavy weapons affect the fighting on the ground, as well as the decision-making in Moscow.

Lavrov also discussed the effects of the sanctions on the European economy and the delivery of Russian gas to EU member states.

The same day the Russian Embassy in Washington released a statement, saying that people living in Russian-controlled areas will “decide on their future independently, by themselves.”

The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine has set up a specialized commission to control the use of foreign weapons. People’s Deputy Oleksiy Goncharenko announced this on Telegram.
2. AFU tried to hit Zaporozhye NPP four times July 20

The authorities of city of Energodar reported four attacks by Ukrainian UAVs on the Zaporozhye NPP in a day on July 20th. This was reported to RIA Novosti by the press service of the city Administration. Energodar is located very close to this NPP.

It is reported that the last attack was recorded at 16:01 (Moscow time). The building located nearby was damaged.

The Administration of the Zaporozhye Region also reported that the reactor part of the NPP was not damaged as a result of the attack, the radiation level is normal.

What will be the reaction of the IAEA?
3. Situation on the battlefields

During last 24 hours AFU shelled thirteen DPR settlements.

AFU fired 437 shells – twice as less than in the past when banderists fired more than 800 shells a day. In recent case AFU used Grad MLRS, gun artillery of 155 (it means of NATO caliber), 152 and 122 mm caliber, as well as 120 mm mortars.

One civilian was wounded as a result of the shelling. Nine residential buildings and two civilian infrastructure facilities were damaged.

At the same time Russian troops together with the troops of DPR and LPR continue to wipe out ultra-Nazi in Ukraine and demilitarize it for the sake of enhancing European security.

High-precision weapons strikes of the Russian Aerospace Forces against missile and artillery weapons depot of 14th Mechanized Brigade of AFU in Soledar in DPR have destroyed 19 units of armoured equipment and up to 40 nationalists.

High-precision weapons of the Russian Aerospace Forces have destroyed US-made Harpoon missile launcher near Usatovo, Odessa Region.

High-precision, long-range sea-based weapons have hit temporary deployment point of 35th Marine Brigade in Dachnoye, Odessa Region, where reservists for the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) were being trained. More than 60 personnel have been destroyed, as well as more than 10 foreign-made military vehicles.

As part of counter-battery warfare, 5 platoons of Grad multiple-launch rocket systems of 48th and 58th motorized infantry brigades, 6 artillery platoons of D-20 howitzers and 9 artillery platoons of D-30 mounts in Kurakhovo, Novomikhailovka, Konstantinovka and Georgievka in DPR have been neutralized.

Operational-tactical and army aviation, missile troops and artillery have hit 7 command posts, including units of 63rd Mechanized and 61st Infantry Brigades near Yavkino, Bereznevatoe, Visunsk and Kaluga in Nikolayev Region, 128th Mountain Assault Brigade in Verkhnekamenskoye district in Donetsk People’s Republic, and 92nd Mechanized Brigade in Dolzhik district of Kharkov Region.

8 depots with missile and artillery weapons and ammunition have been destroyed near Praskoviyivka, Kostyantinovka, Artemovsk, Novovorontsovka in Kherson Region and Ternovatoye in Zaporozhye Region, as well as two fuel depots of 54th AFU Mechanized Brigade near Kurakhovo in DPR.

Russian Aerospace Forces’ fighter aviation have shot down 2 Ukrainian air force aircraft in an aerial battle: 1 MiG-29 near Snigirevka, Nikolaev Region, and 1 Su-25 near Dobropol’e, Donetsk People’s Republic.

Russian air defence means have shot down 4 Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles near Blagodatovka, Yavorskoye, Kharkov Region, and Zugres, Donetsk People’s Republic.

In addition, 9 projectiles of Uragan multiple-launch rocket system have been intercepted near Vasilenkovo in Kharkov Region, as well as Novoraisk, Krasnosel’skoye, Stepnoye, and Taras Shevchenko in Kherson Region.

“decide on their future independently, by themselves”

When Moscow talks to Kiev, it talks via Istanbul. NATO, as the Global South well knows, does not do diplomacy. So any possibility of dialogue between Russians and a few educated westerners takes place in Turkey, Armenia, Azerbaijan and the UAE. West Asia as well as the Caucasus, incidentally, did not subscribe to the western sanctions hysteria against Russia.

Russian forces inflicted over 900 casualties on Ukrainian military

“According to confirmed data, more than 600 militants were killed as a result of a high-precision weapons attack carried out by the Russian aerospace forces on a temporary deployment site of nationalists at the Imperiya recreation center in the town of Konstantinovka, Odessa province (…) 120 foreign mercenaries were embedded among them”

#Konashenkov #sue4Peace

Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Analyst says Lavrov signals Russia will set new conditions for Kiev if they hold talks

“The fact that Russian leaders are being appointed in the territories taken by the armed forces of the Russian Federation suggests that so it will be”

#Zharikhin said the areas could be the #Zaporozhye, #Kherson and #Kharkov region.

Sometimes Stuff July 20, 2022


[Once in a blue moon, I gather together links I never got a chance to share or ones I consider important. Thank you.]

NATO’s plan to vastly increase its forward force is wishful thinking, and the UK’s struggle for military relevance is a perfect case in point by Scott Ritter
Given what we now know about the reality of modern warfare, courtesy of the ongoing Russian operation in Ukraine, the British battlegroup would have a life expectancy on an actual European battlefield of less than a week. So, too, would its allies in the Estonian 2nd Infantry Brigade. First and foremost, the units lack any sustainability, both in terms of personnel and equipment losses that could be anticipated if subjected to combat, or the basic logistical support necessary to shoot, move, or communicate on the modern battlefield. Artillery is the king of battle, and the British and Estonians are lacking when it comes to generating anywhere near enough tubes to counter the overwhelming fire support expected to be generated by any hostile Russian force.

"If the CIA Director meets with a member of the public it is at the bequest of the director and not the member of the public"

If the CIA Director meets with a member of the public it is at the bequest of the director and not the member of the public. The tail does not wag the dog ...
If the CIA Director meets with a member of the public it is at the bequest of the director and not the member of the public. The tail does not wag the dog ...
If the CIA Director meets with a member of the public it is at the bequest of the director and not the member of the public. The tail does not wag the dog ...
Jun 10, 2018If the CIA Director meets with a member of the public it is at the bequest of the director and not the member of the public.
Jun 10, 2018If the CIA Director meets with a member of the public it is at the bequest of the director and not the member of the public.
Jun 10, 2018If the CIA Director meets with a member of the public it is at the bequest of the director and not the member of the public.

Makary: “Only 3% of parents have chosen to get their kids under 5 vaccinated. More parents believe in UFOs I think.”

Yet, without that clinical data, they’re still “pushing vaccines for infants and toddlers, for people who already had COVID and boosters for young children,” Hegseth said.

“That’s right. And parents are not falling for it after nearly a month of the government heavily pushing vaccines in kids under 5,” Makary said. “Only 3% of parents have chosen to get their kids under 5 vaccinated. More parents believe in UFOs I think.”

"How ethical is it to give a baby a vaccine for a disease that the chances of getting severely ill or dying from it is almost zero, while the benefits of the treatment are unclear and, and life-threatening adverse reactions are very significant?"

Monday, July 18, 2022

As U.S. Funnels Money & Arms to Ukraine, Independent Media Faces Pressure to Parrot Official Narrative


As U.S. Funnels Money & Arms to Ukraine, Independent Media Faces Pressure to Parrot Official Narrative
#unido @Consortiumnews @unjoe #tcot
The U.S. needed Russia to intervene in Ukraine in order to unleash their economic war
their #infowars & the proxy war

Sunday, July 17, 2022

In Arizona, Republican Governor Doug Ducey signed into law legislation that bans state health officials from adding COVID-19 vaccines to a list of inoculations required to attend public schools.

In Arizona, Republican Governor Doug Ducey signed into law legislation that bans state health officials from adding COVID-19 vaccines to a list of inoculations required to attend public schools.

Mandating COVID-19 vaccines and related passports have had damaging political, legal, and socioeconomic effects; while also destabilizing the integrity of science and public health, according to new research published at the BMJ Global Health, a global online health journal based in London.

Brian Scott - Edgar Cayce And The Children Of Law Of One ("children of the law of one" v "sons of belial)


Brian Scott - Edgar Cayce And The Children Of Law Of One

"children of the law of one" v "sons of belial" (-or- the more things change, the more they stay the same)

"she developed quite a temper toward the sons of belial"

CrossTalk | Ukraine Fatigue? July 15, 2022 CrossTalking with Michael #Maloof, Larry #Johnson, and Pye #Ian

CrossTalk | Ukraine Fatigue?
July 15, 2022

CrossTalking with Michael #Maloof, Larry #Johnson, and Pye #Ian

@ 12:22

 ... wow, look at russia that stood up to the entire western world, and nato and nato, and the western world blinked.
i think that's going to be the long term message ...

America Sick of Biden’s Inflation Excuses - Liberty Nation

America Sick of Biden’s Inflation Excuses - Liberty Nation: the top team appears determined to deliver little more than inflation excuses in the hope of buying just a fraction more time.

A New Vaccine for COVID and Another Push to Get the Jab - Liberty Nation

A New Vaccine for COVID and Another Push to Get the Jab - Liberty Nation: The FDA cleared a new vaccine for COVID-19 Wednesday. The Novavax shot will be the first new option for American adults.

Saturday, July 9, 2022

@P_McCulloughMD: code is found in the human somatic cell nucleus within a few hours of exposure opens up brand new revelations concerning permanent change, passage to #progeny

@lifebiomedguru: Nothing to see here, folks. Just genetic modification on a unprecedented scale.  The arm-waving officials said this would not happen.
@P_McCulloughMD: code is found in the human somatic cell nucleus within a few hours of exposure opens up brand new revelations concerning permanent change, passage to #progeny

Friday, July 8, 2022

Thirteen of Reaksa Himm's immediate family, including both his parents, were taken by the Khmer Rouge under Pol Pot.

Thirteen of Reaksa Himm's immediate family, including both his parents, were taken by the Khmer Rouge under Pol Pot.
30 years later he tracked down the soldiers responsible and, one by one, embraced them, gave them a scarf of friendship, and presented each with a Bible.

Thursday, July 7, 2022

Deliver draft notices in Ukraine? A naked resident flees to the safety of the forest, raising alarm with a tribal yell to alert others

A New Age camp somewhere in the Western Ukraine is visited by Ukraine’s recruitment officials accompanied by the police in order to deliver draft notices.

A naked resident flees to the safety of the forest, raising alarm with a tribal yell to alert others.'

[If true, wow!]

According to Igor Kirillov, ticks were collected primarily in Ukraine’s south-eastern regions where natural hotspots of infections, typical for the Russian Federation, are located
Tick-borne infections in Ukraine
“US microbiologists were particularly interested in the tick-borne infections, research in this direction was financed by the DTRA within the framework of the UP-1, UP-8 projects”
[#tickborne? Gee. I wonder why.]

Wednesday, July 6, 2022

A new “post-revolutionary” global #useless class forever under the dominance by the emergent “high caste” of golden collar Davos #elites

Harari describes technology’s role in creating a new “post-revolutionary” global #useless class forever under the dominance by the emergent “high caste” of golden collar Davos #elites

But they plummeted to rock bottom under Joe “Russian Regime Change” Biden: Thanks to CIA and U.S. special forces in Ukraine, humanity gets to peer over the abyss at nuclear annihilation.

X-128: #COG #UFO #CIA #XTech 75 Years Deception - @darkjournalist: The more that divide grows the more unusual & schizophrenic the situation on the ground grows so that we become ungovernable & they become untrustworthy


X-128: #COG #UFO #CIA #XTech 75 Years Deception

@darkjournalist: The more that divide grows the more unusual & schizophrenic the situation on the ground grows so that we become ungovernable & they become untrustworthy

#unido #Roswell #dotyUFO #ufoTwitter