Monday, October 31, 2022

India Orders Farmers, Agrichemical Companies to Stop Using Glyphosate Weedkillers

@RobertKennedyJr: Huge news!

India Orders Farmers, Agrichemical Companies to Stop Using Glyphosate Weedkillers

India’s Agricultural Ministry on Tuesday said “the use of glyphosate is prohibited and no person, except Pest Control Operators, shall use glyphosate,” and gave agrichemical companies three months to...

Sunday, October 30, 2022

Ex air force officer describes four types of extraterrestrial beings the government knows about

Ex air force officer describes four types of extraterrestrial beings the government knows about: In BriefThe Facts:A former member of the Air Force Office of Special Investigations, Richard Doty, tells all to researcher Dr. Steven Greer in a long interview.

“..most detransitioners I speak to have no interest in seeking any form of ‘reversal surgery’ as if our bodies haven’t been through enough already”


“..most detransitioners I speak to have no interest in seeking any form of ‘reversal surgery’ as if our bodies haven’t been through enough already”

The Lies That Live Within The Language @TullipR
[I’m so impressed with his writing & his honesty]


These Governors Are Refusing to #Mandate COVID Shots for Kids--10 GOP #candidates for #governor have declared they will NOT mandate the vaccines for #school #children if elected



These Governors Are Refusing to #Mandate COVID Shots for Kids

10 GOP #candidates for #governor have declared they will NOT mandate the vaccines for #school #children if elected

#parents’ right to make medical decisions for their children

#unido #tucker

Governors from several U.S. states, however, have already spoken out, vowing not to mandate COVID-19 shots for schoolchildren.



CDC Adds Covid Jab to Childhood Immunization Schedule
Sen Rand Paul: “This is the same committee that approved #booster vaccines for children despite no evidence that COVID #boosters reduce transmission, hospitalization or death among children. Appalling!”

Friday, October 28, 2022

Russia urges the #UNSC to launch a probe into the military-biological activities of the United States in Ukraine.

“We consider a possibility that the #USAID is involved in the emergence of the novel coronavirus,” #Kirillov

Russia urges the #UNSC to launch a probe into the military-biological activities of the United States in Ukraine.

#unido #biowaffen

Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Playing at War in Ukraine - Col. Douglas #Macgregor

Playing at War in Ukraine - Col. Douglas #Macgregor

People are saying they’re going to fly into #Odessa and set up a blocking position to prevent the Russians from moving on Odessa

I find it hard to believe that we would be quite that stupid

Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Pepe Escobar: The Syrianization of Europe

The Syrianization of Europe

In the Ukrainian battlefield, NATO’s crusade against Russia is doomed – even as in several nodes as much as 80 percent of the fighting forces feature NATO personnel. Wunderwaffen such as HIMARS are few and far between. And depending on the result of the US mid-term elections, weaponization will dry out in 2023.

Russia has accused Ukraine of preparing a “provocation” involving the use of a “#dirtybomb,” a device that uses explosives to scatter radioactive waste.


Russian warnings that the conflict may further escalate

Russia has accused Ukraine of preparing a “provocation” involving the use of a “#dirtybomb,” a device that uses explosives to scatter radioactive waste.


Sunday, October 23, 2022

Ukrainian Power Outages, the US 101st Airborne, and Russia's Next Big Move

The New Atlas: Ukrainian Power Outages, the US 101st Airborne, and Russia's Next Big Move

@ 14:36

It looks like Ukraine is about to collapse

The West will want to rush in create a buffer zone in Western Ukraine to preserve what's left there and possibly also take #Odessa to prevent whatever is left of Ukraine from becoming #landlocked

Friday, October 21, 2022

Hungarian Official Calls EU Commissioner`s Statement About Russias Defeat Dangerous - UrduPoint

Hungarian Official Calls EU Commissioner`s Statement About Russias Defeat Dangerous - UrduPoint: Hungarian Foreign Ministry State Secretary Tamas Menczer called on Friday the statement of EU Commissioner for Home Affairs Ylva Johansson, claiming that the crisis would end with Russias defeat, dangerous and unacceptable.Earlier in the week, Johansson said that the current crisis would end if R ..

Virginia Teacher Reveals The Left’s Next Public School Quest: Convincing Autistic Kids They’re Trans


Virginia Teacher Reveals The Left’s Next Public School Quest: Convincing Autistic Kids They’re Trans

“In that way, the Arlington school teacher is preying on this desire by her autistic students to feel special and included.”

#unido #autism
Had enuff?

Level of #confidence in Putin exceeded 80%; 79% #trust the president #unido Level of #confidence in Putin exceeded 80%; 79% #trust the president

VTsIOM: The level of confidence in President Vladimir Putin exceeds 80%

October 21, 2022

Russian leader Vladimir Putin is trusted by 80.6% of Russians, according to polls by the All-Russian Public Opinion Research Center (VTsIOM). According to the Public Opinion Foundation (FOM), the work of the head of state is positively assessed by 80% of respondents.

According to VTsIOM , the approval rate for the president’s activities from October 10 to October 16, 2022 was 77% (…) 80.6% of respondents answered positively to a direct question about trust in Vladimir Putin,” the website says.

Initiative all-Russian polls “VTsIOM-Sputnik” are conducted by telephone interviews from August to October, Russians aged 18 and over take part in the survey, 1600 respondents are polled daily.

The results of the FOM poll showed that 80% of respondents positively assess Putin’s work, and 79% trust the president.

The FOMnibus survey was conducted on October 14–16. 104 settlements, 53 subjects of the Russian Federation, 1500 respondents.

Wednesday, October 19, 2022

FDA, CDC push ahead with new COVID-19 #boosters for #kids without proper data


FDA, CDC push ahead with new COVID-19 #boosters for #kids without proper data

To put this plainly, there are no data on the bivalent #booster shot in kids.

#unido @RobertKennedyJr 


Sunday, October 16, 2022

@aaronjmate: Not every day that a headline can fully capture the depravity of US media and political culture

@aaronjmate: Not every day that a headline can fully capture the depravity of US media and political culture:


[Aaron is such a good writer. I'm a little envious, but in a good way.]

Pepe Escobar: German govt does not answer #Wagenknecht “which NATO ships and troops” have been in the areas where the damage occurred since the suspension of gas supplies #NordStream

“probably findings that the members of the Bundestag are not allowed to learn”

German govt does not answer #Wagenknecht
“which NATO ships and troops” have been in the areas where the damage occurred since the suspension of gas supplies #NordStream

Friday, October 14, 2022

WH is coordinating a five-year research plan to study..a process sometimes called #solargeoengineering or sunlight reflection.
WH is coordinating a five-year research plan to study..a process sometimes called #solargeoengineering or sunlight reflection.

The research plan will assess climate interventions, including spraying #aerosols into the #stratosphere to reflect sunlight back into space
Check out what I found in #NASAWorldview –

Thursday, October 13, 2022

NEW - Democrat Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez confronted by anti-war protesters.

"Tulsi Gabbard has shown guts where you've shown cowardice."

NEW - Democrat Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez confronted by anti-war protesters.

Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Trump to Biden: Prevent World War III by Starting Peace Talks in Ukraine

Trump to Biden: Prevent World War III by Starting Peace Talks in Ukraine via @BreitbartNews
Trump says U.S. ‘saying exactly the wrong thing’ to Russia, warns of World War III
via @JustTheNews
#unido #WW3 #tucker @IngrahamAngle

The Mother of All #FalseFlags? [Trump only one speaking out against Biden’s mad policies?]

“The plan may be to combine the two by blowing up Kyiv and then trying to blame Russia. Given that the United States just blew up the #NordStream #pipelines with barely a reprimand, why wouldn’t they continue their terrorist strikes?”

The Mother of All #FalseFlags?
[Trump only one speaking out against Biden’s mad policies?]

@P_McCulloughMD: To go along with a Courage Discourse substack this week I told Aga Wilson what the most important question to ask in acute COVID-19! Take a listen.

@P_McCulloughMD: To go along with a Courage Discourse substack this week I told Aga Wilson what the most important question to ask in acute COVID-19! Take a listen.

CrossTalking with Tom #Luongo, Jeremy #Kuzmarov, and Andrei #Martyanov: “They’re now really feeling the heat of all their mistakes.”

Will Kiev and its Western handlers now think twice before engaging in more sabotage and terrorist assaults? The choice is theirs.

CrossTalking with Tom #Luongo, Jeremy #Kuzmarov, and Andrei #Martyanov.

@ 19:25

“They’re now really feeling the heat of all their mistakes.”


Mercola: The Trail of Blood From the COVID Jabs


Perro’s preferred remedy for this is #hydroxychloroquine, while Kory typically uses #ivermectin.

Both of these drugs bind and thereby facilitate the removal of #spikeprotein.

Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Orbán: Trump offers ‘hope for peace’ in Ukraine

“We must demand the immediate negotiation of the peaceful end to the war in Ukraine, or we will end up in World War III and there will be nothing left of our planet all because stupid people didn’t have a clue,” Trump said. “They really don’t understand … what they’re dealing with. The power of nuclear. They have no idea what they’re doing.”

Col. Doug #Macgregor on the @nytimes describing the Neo-Nazi Azov Battalion as “celebrated.”


.@UsefulIdiotpod: The US will “use anything and anyone to win. That includes Neo-Nazis and #sanctions and blowing up #pipelines.”
– Col. Doug #Macgregor on the @nytimes
describing the Neo-Nazi Azov Battalion as “celebrated.”
@aaronjmate @kthalps

The Golden Rule and the Hunter Biden Scandal: Three Questions Raised by the FBI Leak

The Golden Rule and the Hunter Biden Scandal: Three Questions Raised by the FBI Leak


Below is my column in the Hill on the noticeably narrow scope of charges referenced in the recent FBI leak from the Delaware investigation. The leak raises a number of intriguing questions in its wake.


Hallmarks of Fascism: A World Without Dissent, by @lifebiomedguru


“I feel very troubled and slighted by the left.”

Hallmarks of Fascism: A World Without Dissent, by @lifebiomedguru

‘Conform or be Cast Out! The New Model of Journalism During a Time of War’

‘Conform or be Cast Out! The New Model of Journalism During a Time of War’

Our first guest, veteran journalist of high acclaim John #Pilger will assess how the space for exceptional work, simply isn’t there anymore and how even in the presence of full information, it is taking us to a place beyond the propaganda level of 1930s Germany.

Then we will get word from Max #Blumenthal of TheGrayZone about how they were targeted for de-platforming and found that they had exposed their accusers as in fact a state intelligence operation.

Friday, October 7, 2022

German Government On Zelenskyys Remark: Chancellor Opposes Use Of Nuclear Weapons


German Government On Zelenskyys Remark: Chancellor Opposes Use Of Nuclear Weapons

“Let’s hope they aren’t at the stage of #nuclear #falseflag, because the great danger now is their panic and desperate actions to retain their … “

Thursday, October 6, 2022

Absolutely hysterical MSM narrative 24/7 that Putin – because he’s “losing”-is about to unleash nuclear weapons on Ukraine equals preparation of Western public opinion for a #FALSEFLAG

Pepe Escobar


"Zelensky stated the need for preventive nuclear strikes against Russia. Psychiatrists should give this idiot a preventive trepanation of the skull. Before he does more harm to his people and everyone else."

As much as Medvedev is spot on, it's getting more toxic by the minute. The absolutely hysterical MSM narrative 24/7 that Putin - because he's "losing" - is about to unleash nuclear weapons on Ukraine equals preparation of Western public opinion for a FALSE FLAG.

Absolutely hysterical MSM narrative 24/7 that Putin – because he’s “losing”-is about to unleash nuclear weapons on Ukraine equals preparation of Western public opinion for a #FALSEFLAG
B4 I read this, I was, unfortunately, thinking the same thing

Wednesday, October 5, 2022

#Solargeoengineering: A new tool for fighting #climatechange


.#Solargeoengineering: A new tool for fighting #climatechange

injecting sulfate aerosols into the #stratosphere so that more sunlight bounces off the Earth’s atmosphere with its “blanket covering”
#unido #climate

NATO faces a dilemma. Member states are divided on how to proceed regarding Ukraine. Nine countries want membership for Ukraine immediately, 21 disagree.

@ 14:30

“We’ve reached the end of the road here”

NATO faces a dilemma. Member states are divided on how to proceed regarding Ukraine. Nine countries want membership for Ukraine immediately, 21 disagree. Then there is the issue of what exactly Ukraine is today. Is NATO willing to ‘liberate’ the regions that are joining Russia?

CrossTalking with Joe #Lauria, Margaret #Kimberley, and Daniel #McAdams.

Tuesday, October 4, 2022

#Solargeoengineering involves spraying substances into the atmosphere that form reflective aerosols and bounce sunlight back into space.
#Solargeoengineering involves spraying substances into the atmosphere that form reflective aerosols and bounce sunlight back into space.
Check out what I found in #NASAWorldview
#unido #climatechange #GlobalWarming #agenda #tucker

Sound of Silenced Science


And the people bowed and prayed To the CoVid god they made And the Science shouted its warning In the findings that it was forming And I found that "The words of the prophets are written in Substack mail and Twitter jail, and echo against the silence.

California’s newest pro-transgender law will victimize damaged children

California’s newest pro-transgender law will victimize damaged children: On Thursday, Gavin Newsom signed into law a bill holding that, starting next year, the state will stand in for a child’s parents—any child, from anywhere in America—if the child has decided that he is so-called “transgender.&r...

Saturday, October 1, 2022

New Scientific Evidence for God: What Christianity has missed about Jesus Christ

New Scientific Evidence for God: What Christianity has missed about Jesus Christ: The new book “Behold!” turns some of the beliefs of Christianity upside down Millions of Christians revere the cross.  It is the symb...

Text of Putin’s Speech Blasting ‘Neo-Colonial’ West + Why I stand with Abp. Viganò and his analysis of the Russia-Ukraine conflict


“the overthrow of faith and traditional values, the suppression of freedom acquires the features of a “reverse religion” – outright Satanism”

Text of Putin’s Speech Blasting ‘Neo-Colonial’ West
Why I stand with Abp. Viganò and his analysis of the Russia-Ukraine conflict