Konashenkov also claimed that Russian artillery and warplanes had killed more than 70 Ukrainian servicemen in the Krasny Liman area of Donetsk Oblast


Russia-Ukraine war December 30: Russia claims to never run out of missiles

Some military information Russia - Ukraine: Russia claims to never run out of missiles; Ukraine suffered great damage after a large Russian air strike.

Russia-Ukraine war on December 29: The whole front line heats up, Russia is preparing for a fatal blow?

War Information

Russian Defense Ministry spokesman Igor Konashenkov said on December 29 that Russian artillery and missile forces had attacked four Ukrainian command posts in the Kherson, Kharkiv and Dnepropetrovsk provinces in the previous 24 hours.

Konashenkov also claimed that Russian artillery and warplanes had killed more than 70 Ukrainian servicemen in the Krasny Liman area of Donetsk Oblast during the same period. According to Konashenkov, the Russian army has gained new vantage points during the offensive in the Donetsk region.

Russia-Ukraine war December 30: Russia claims to never run out of missiles

- Adviser Oleksiy Arestovych to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky announced a series of explosions in cities of the country, including the capital Kiev.

“A big air strike. More than 100 rockets fell in several waves,” Arestovych wrote on Facebook. Another adviser, Mykhailo Podolyak, said a total of 120 missiles were counted. Earlier, Russia carried out an attack on Ukraine with drones during the night.

In addition, Ukrainian leaders in the cities of Mykolaiv, Kharkov and Lviv confirmed that Russian missiles hit these areas. Ukrainian media reported several explosions in Kiev and cities such as Zhytomyr, Odessa. The Odessa and Dnipropetrovsk regions have cut power to minimize damage in case the missiles hit energy infrastructure.

Ukraine's UAV was shot down near a strategic bomber base in Russia. Governor Roman Busargin of Russia's Saratov province said that air defenses shot down a drone on December 29 near the Engels airbase, home to Russian long-range strategic bombers.

"Air defense systems shot down a drone in the Engels area," Governor Busargin wrote on Telegram. He also wrote that debris from the downed UAV damaged civilian property but no one was injured.

- Ukraine has suffered heavy damage after the Russian military continued to conduct a large-scale missile raid. According to the Ukrainian Air Force, 69 cruise missiles, including Kh-555, Kh-22 and Kalibr types, were launched from strategic bombers Tu-95MS, Tu-22M3 and Russian warships in Black Sea and Caspian Sea on energy and military targets in the capital Kiev and other provinces in Ukraine. Several S-300 air defense missiles were converted for ground attack and Kh-31P anti-radar missiles were also used in this attack.

The intense raid on December 29 still caused significant damage to the Ukrainian side. At least five people were injured and many facilities were badly damaged, according to a spokesman for Ukraine's emergency services, Oleksandr Khorunzhy.

Ukraine's energy infrastructure continues to be one of the main targets of Russia's attack during the December 29 raid. Power generation facilities in Kiev, Kharkov, Lviv and Odessa were hit by shrapnel from Russian missiles and suicide drones, causing widespread power outages.

In the capital Kiev, local authorities confirmed that 40% of people in this city are living without power. This figure in Lviv is up to 90%. Ukrainian engineers are racing against time to fix the problem. However, Ukrainian authorities admit that restoring the power system will not happen overnight.

Some related developments

Russia says it will never run out of missiles after air strikes on Ukraine. Russia will never run out of Kalibr cruise missiles, the Russian Defense Ministry said after Moscow launched large-scale missile strikes on Ukrainian cities.

The Russian Defense Ministry posted a chart on its Telegram channel, showing a cruise missile launched from a warship with the words: "(Cruise missile) Kalibr will never run out".

CrossTalking with Xavier Moreau, Maxim Suchkov, and George Szamuely. “We are in a state of a prolonged Groundhog Day.”



By any measure, the year 2022 has been transformative. The conflict in Ukraine, global inflation, growing food insecurity and the west’s demand that ‘you are with us or against us’ dominated our attention. On this edition of CrossTalk, we discuss some of these issues and more.

CrossTalking with Xavier Moreau, Maxim Suchkov, and George Szamuely.

@ 17:15

“We are in a state of a prolonged Groundhog Day.”

Tuesday, December 27, 2022

#HART @hartgroup_org Health Advisory & Recovery Team: "the precautionary principle and fundamental ethical principles of science and medicine must preclude any further administration to healthy children"

"the precautionary principle and fundamental ethical principles of science and medicine must preclude any further administration to healthy children"

Health Advisory & Recovery Team. UK doctors, scientists, economists, psychologists and academics. Sharing concerns and widening the debate on COVID-19 policy.

"Dr David #Cartland, MBChB, BMedSci, General practitioner"




General Practitioner & father Dr David Cartland calls for immediate suspension of the mRNA jabs.

Safety signal of harm is ‘unprecedented’

‘We need to stop these shots immediately pending an urgent investigation for the sake of our next generation & children’


Monday, December 26, 2022

Beneficiaries of the Pentagon's biological projects and are associated with the US Democratic Party [Ever wondered why so-called antiwar Dems so gung ho on this Ukraine debacle?]


Beneficiaries of the Pentagon's biological projects and are associated with the US Democratic Party

[Ever wondered why so-called antiwar Dems so gung ho on this Ukraine debacle?]

[Make America Good Again.]
#unido #biowaffen Dangerous #infections #tucker

Saturday, December 24, 2022

The Maiden #Mary God’s Chosen Vessel


The Maiden #Mary God’s Chosen Vessel
#unido @EdgarCayceARE #Christmas #Christmas2022 #MerryChristmas
For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given, and the government shall be upon His shoulder; and His name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, ...

Preparation for Jesus (Part 1)

Preparation for Jesus (Part 1): The story of the preparation for the birth of Jesus as told in the Edgar Cayce Readings provides some amazing details to the life of Mary and Joseph and their selection as the parents of Jesus. Edgar Cayce spoke about the Essenes, a spiritual community whose presence has since been confirmed by the Dead Sea Scrolls discovered after Mr. Cayce’s death.

Friday, December 23, 2022

#brinkmanship “We think Biden is going to war with Russia.” [We must stop this.]


https://reseauinternational.net/pourquoi-loffensive-hivernale-de-poutine-entrainera-lentree-en-guerre-des-etats-unis/ #brinkmanship “We think Biden is going to war with Russia.” [We must stop this.]

noun: brinkmanship

the art or practice of pursuing a dangerous policy to the limits of safety before stopping, especially in politics.
OSCE: Evidence of espionage for the benefit of Ukraine and NATO

Why Putin’s winter offensive will lead to America’s entry into the war?

[Can we prevent this “winter offensive” from even taking place?]

“Perhaps, cooler heads will prevail and the administration will pull back from the brink, but we think that is highly unlikely. We think the decision has already been made: We think the United States is going to war with Russia.”

Sunday, December 18, 2022

Prez international vascular society: Concerns about covid vaccines in relation to cardiovascular problems


Prez international vascular society: Concerns about covid vaccines in relation to cardiovascular problems

We must pause the mRNA jab now to stop more unnecessary harm

CrossTalking with Nebojsa Malic, Anthony Webber, and Dimitri Lascaris. “NATO is a failed alliance.”



Russia and the west survived the Cold War because both recognized and practiced the concept of ‘indivisibility of security.’ One country should not attempt to attain security at the expense of another country. This is exactly what the west has done against Russia. To the point of claiming Russia has no right to any security guarantees.

CrossTalking with Nebojsa Malic, Anthony Webber, and Dimitri Lascaris.

@ 15:45

“NATO is a failed alliance.”

Sunday, December 11, 2022

How Democrats, their pro-war Republican cohorts and the media canceled the U.S. #Senate campaign of ex #Marine and US foreign policy official Matthew Hoh.


How Democrats, their pro-war Republican cohorts and the media canceled the U.S. #Senate campaign of ex #Marine and US foreign policy official Matthew Hoh.

#unido @scheer_post @MatthewPHoh
#GreenParty #NorthCarolina

#warmongers on both sides of aisle

Derkach: Hunter’s millions: Ukrainian MP reveals new ‘Biden-Poroshenko’ tapes, claims VP’s son was paid ‘protection money’ by Burisma


Hunter’s millions: Ukrainian MP reveals new ‘Biden-Poroshenko’ tapes, claims VP’s son was paid ‘protection money’ by Burisma
‘What are we celebrating, exactly?’ Documentary examines Ukraine’s tumultuous journey, 30 years after Kiev separated from the USSR
US accuses former Ukrainian MP of money laundering

Saturday, December 10, 2022

@SolarGeoeng on Twitter: Stratospheric aerosol injection..would be used to influence #climate @ a planetary scale, seems technically feasible & is seen as affordable


Stratospheric aerosol injection..would be used to influence #climate @ a planetary scale, seems technically feasible & is seen as affordable

@SolarGeoeng no like me for some reason
Join the club!

Why the Global South Is Raising the Russian Flag-The Real Politick with Mark Sleboda

Why the Global South Is Raising the Russian Flag-The Real Politick with Mark Sleboda


"They see the Russian flag as a symbol of defiance and resistance against U.S led Western Global hegemony and as a symbol of Hope for a multi-polar world."
#unido #Africa #Africans

Thursday, December 8, 2022

One of the easiest and surest ways to be banned these days from Big Tech platforms is to reject the core pieties of the CIA/NATO/EU view of the war in Ukraine


One of the easiest and surest ways to be banned these days from Big Tech platforms is to reject the core pieties of the CIA/NATO/EU view of the war in Ukraine, even if that dissent entails simply affirming the very views which Western media outlets spent a decade itself endorsing, until completely changing course at the start of the war — such as the fact that the Ukrainian military is dominated by neo-Nazi battalions such as Azov, especially in the Eastern part of the country.

The only reason is because we saw an opportunity to trap Russia inside Ukraine all based on the view that Russia is our enemy (which is) something only Democrats should believe because they think Russia is to blame for the 2016 election and Hillary’s defeat.

Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Russia Discourages West From Pushing Its Interest At BTWC Review Conference - Lavrov - UrduPoint

Russia Discourages West From Pushing Its Interest At BTWC Review Conference - Lavrov - UrduPoint: Russia hopes that Western states will not put its interests first at the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention (BTWC) review conference in Geneva, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said on Monday.The Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention is taking place in Geneva where the member-states wi ..

John #Mearsheimer: The West is playing Russian roulette

John #Mearsheimer: The West is playing Russian roulette


So what the Russians are going to do instead is they're going to create if they can a dysfunctional rump State and that's what they're doing now
That's why they've taken all that territory number 1 and number 2 that's why they're wrecking Ukraine

Ukraine Drone Hits Russia base 150 Miles From Moscow - @philipgiraldi @Judgenap ..



advisors many of whom are probably American
to basically escalate the process to the point where Russia does something that is really stupid and provocative in return
And this will provoke the NATO U.S reaction that zelensky wants to see
I'm convinced that this is what he's playing at

@philipgiraldi @Judgenap ..

Monday, December 5, 2022

The unveiling of the new Northrup Grumman B-21 “Raider” long-range bomber, with its stealthy design, app-style updates, and $2 Billion price tag, was pure Hollywood.


The unveiling of the new Northrup Grumman B-21 “Raider” long-range bomber, with its stealthy design, app-style updates, and $2 Billion price tag, was pure Hollywood.

#unido #Kwiatkowski

Principal role is long-range strike into denied airspace with both conventional and #nuclear weapons, leveraging its improved stealth characteristics


Army plans ‘dramatic’ ammo production boost as Ukraine drains stocks

Army plans ‘dramatic’ ammo production boost as Ukraine drains stocks

#unido #ammunition #GregHayes #Raytheon #Stinger #Javelin #urTax $

[Why do I get the feeling THIS was the plan all along?]

Saturday, December 3, 2022

Images --> Video December 3, 2022


Posterity is a noun meaning "future generations." These people of the future could be your children and great-great grandchildren, or any people who are born after you. If you save something "for posterity," you're hoping that years later people will appreciate it, like a time capsule you bury in the yard.

Chomsky: Ukraine war can end in one of two ways - surrender or a negotiated settlement



Another part of the “investment” was to “fuck the EU,” as Nuland said. By sabotaging French and German efforts to sustain the Minsk II …

I guess when #Nuland said “f*ck the EU,” she really meant it.


Noam Chomsky said the war can end “in one of two ways – surrender or a negotiated settlement.” The US wants to continue the war to weaken Russia, then impose conditions on a “defeated” Russia worse than those imposed on Germany at the end the first world war, he said. The consequences of this “vast gamble” is the war must go on as long as it benefits the US as the world’s dominant power. He contrasted US “shock and awe” war methods with Russia’s more cautious approach, which has involved far less suffering and bloodshed than US wars in Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, and so on. He said the US “gamble that Russia will accept defeat” is based on illusion. He added that the euphoria in the executive offices of fossil fuel companies is unrestrained, but could lead to the end of organized human life on the planet, as the possibility of nuclear war is now casually discussed.

“Every possible path to diplomatic settlement should be pursued,” Chomsky said, “but the US and UK have sabotaged the Minsk II process and the deal between Ukraine and Russia in Istanbul last spring. “As the war continues, options become very narrow,” he concluded.

Friday, December 2, 2022

MILLIONS AGAINST MONSANTO: Mexico Will Buy Non-GMO Corn from U.S. Farmers as it Bans GMOs & Glyphosate



After years of litigation, protests, and campaigning the MORENA (Movement for the National Regeneration of Mexico) ruling party in #Mexico has banned GMO corn and soy and announced it is moving to stop the importation of GMO corn from the U.S. and ban the use of #Monsanto/#Bayer’s #glyphosate.

Thursday, December 1, 2022

Channel Z (45 Version)


Channel Z (45 Version)

#unido #eine #kleine #nachtmusik

just an old image

Dr. James Lyons-Weiler and his explosive substack Popular Rationalism EXPOSE 72 PAGES OF EMAILS between Fauci, Collins and other “experts” that prove they colluded on the Covid narrative from the start!



Dr. James Lyons-Weiler and his explosive substack Popular Rationalism EXPOSE 72 PAGES OF EMAILS between Fauci, Collins and other “experts” that prove they colluded on the Covid narrative from the start!

@ 2:06:15

“These people are the ones who will go down as being the heroes.”

#unido @lifebiomedguru

#CrossTalk on #energy: Point of no return Karen #Kwiatkowski, Michael #Maloof



#CrossTalk on #energy: Point of no return

Karen #Kwiatkowski, Michael #Maloof

@ 14:15

“It’s fascinating that they did volunteer to do something so opposite of the interests of their own people.”

Russia claims US developed ‘#synthetic coronavirus pathogen’

Russia claims US developed ‘#synthetic coronavirus pathogen’

"igor #kirillov" "synthetic coronavirus #pathogen" "#boston"

#unido #biowaffen #pathogens
“killed 80% of infected model animals, causing abnormal neurological signs and significant lung damage"

Saturday, November 26, 2022

Dan Shen ( Red Sage) : The Most Popular Chinese Herb for Circulation

The preferred TCM for promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis is Danshen, also known as Salvia miltiorrhiza, or red sage.
When circulation is poor and blood clots form and left untreated, the results can be life-threatening.

Dan Shen ( Red Sage) : The Most Popular Chinese Herb for Circulation


Thursday, November 24, 2022

All we are saying is "Give Peace A Chance!"


"The goal of the attack has been reached. All designated objects have been destroyed,” the Ministry of Defence reported.

#unido #sue4PEACE #urTax

Also today: US weapons to Ukraine continue to end up in the hands of criminals.

Sunday, November 20, 2022

Kirillov: “scheme of interaction between United States government agencies, the Rosemont Seneca investment fund, whose director and co-founder #HunterBiden, and the 26 biological laboratories found in Ukraine”



Last March, the commander of the Russian Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Protection Forces, Igor #Kirillov, claimed to have evidence of a “scheme of interaction between United States government agencies, the Rosemont Seneca investment fund, whose director and co-founder #HunterBiden, and the 26 biological laboratories found in Ukraine”.

Book of Hope: A Theopathic Guide to Health and Healing by Karen Drake


It was through faith-fueled hope, diet, prayer and non-traditional natural treatments that Karen was cured, without radical surgery, harsh chemical treatments or astronomical medical expenses.


Karen completed her Master of Ministry degree at Phoenix Theological Seminary in Theopathic Health and Healing in 2003. She was awarded her Doctor of Ministry degree in Health and Healing from Phoenix University of Theology in 2008.

Saturday, November 19, 2022

@ferozwala: 📹Footage shows the mother #Chimpanzee reuniting with her newborn cub, whose treatment was completed following complications during birth at a Kansas, US zoo


@ferozwala: 📹Footage shows the mother #Chimpanzee reuniting with her newborn cub, whose treatment was completed following complications during birth at a Kansas, US zoo #Kansas #US

Russian #POWs executed - Ukrainian soldiers cold-bloodedly execute unarmed captive Russian soldiers


#unido Russian #POWs executed-Ukrainian soldiers cold-bloodedly execute unarmed captive Russian soldiers

Videos of the mass execution of Russian military prisoners of war by Ukrainian troops are circulating on social media. This is considered a #warcrime

West Tested Narcotic Analgesics In Ukraine - Source - UrduPoint

West Tested Narcotic Analgesics In Ukraine - Source - UrduPoint: Kiev tested nasal analgesic drugs at labs found in the Luhansk Peoples Republic (LPR), developed by the West for NATO, a source tells Sputnik.In the Luhansk region, a scheme was uncovered of Western pharmaceutical companies conducting blind tests of the latest drug-containing nasal anesthetic for ..

Friday, November 18, 2022

CrossTalking with Anthony Kevin, Gilbert Doctorow, and @JimJatras @ 17:45 Zelensky the Lunatic



NATO’s hybrid war against Russia just became more dangerous and frightening.
CrossTalking with Anthony Kevin, Gilbert Doctorow, and @JimJatras

@ 17:45 Zelensky the Lunatic

[I’ve followed Mr. Jatras a long time now.]

@JudgeNap: Scott Ritter - The next thing: How do we end this conflict? Ukraine


The next thing: How do we end this conflict?
[CIA Director Bill Burns] was having a frank discussion w his Russian counterpart, received some hard truths because..not going to deviate meaningfully from stated policy of Russian govt
#unido @Judgenap

Thursday, November 17, 2022

@dufresnemin: 098 | The Holy Spirit Performs Our Words


@ 13:06

When it said the spirit of God was moving, it says he was hovering, Brooding. What was it? He was ready. He was ready and he was in motion. He was not just stationary. He knew words were coming. And he came to perform words.

#unido @dufresnemin

Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Bethel Austin - KF - Dr. Randy Clark


Bethel Austin - KF - Dr. Randy Clark

God is good at blessing
People are about to get healed
I want you to watch this video right now the rainbow sun
Leave me up in the mic so that I can share some things if I need to

#unido @Global_Awake

Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Tulsi #Gabbard: Biden's message is the wrong approach


Tulsi #Gabbard: Biden's message is the wrong approach

@ 7:20

#unido @TulsiGabbard #Tulsi

There is nothing more important in this country than protecting our God-given #rights enshrined in the #Constitution.

Monday, November 14, 2022

McCullough v big pharma zombies

 Dr. Peter #McCullough Just Struck Back 

"You can get #telehealth services from doctors who aren’t big pharma zombies "



[I’m down with that!] 

How do you weigh up the risk of action vs inaction when considering solar radiation modification? Per #Heggenes, CEO of #IKEA Foundation #solarGeoEngineering


How do you weigh up the risk of action vs inaction when considering solar radiation modification?

This video is an excerpt taken from the C2GTalk interview with Per #Heggenes, CEO of #IKEA Foundation

#unido #solarGeoEngineering #climate
Check out what I found in #NASAWorldview - https://go.nasa.gov/3EwoAmC

@ajamubaraka: Ukrainian authorities pulled press credentials of a number of Western press outlets from reporting from #Kherson.


@ajamubaraka: Ukrainian authorities pulled press credentials of a number of Western press outlets from reporting from #Kherson. The reason given was that they had not been given permission. The reason was that authorities wanted ensure images like these were controlled.

Thursday, November 10, 2022

The Opening of the #HunterBiden Laptop Could Expose the Cottage Industry of #InfluencePeddling

The Opening of the #HunterBiden Laptop Could Expose the Cottage Industry of #InfluencePeddling
#Bobulinski and others will now presumably have a chance to be heard
Other groups are also worried about what sunshine will expose in this scandal


#unido #tucker

Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Ukraine Russia war - Col Doug Macgregor


Ukraine Russia war - Col Doug #Macgregor
Judge #Napolitano


@ 10:14

Over the weekend there were tremendous demonstrations against the government in #Romania

The population in Romania is not supportive of joining a war against Russia

Tuesday, November 8, 2022

NOVEMBER - Edgar Cayce on Thanksgiving

NOVEMBER - Edgar Cayce on Thanksgiving: Edgar Cayce, often called the “Sleeping Prophet” was to give insight and guidance on many topics pertaining to body, mind, and soul. He also was asked to comment on Thanksgiving. Here is his helpful response: “It is well that you are reminded of how the pilgrims and before them the people with Moses were reminded, not in their days of plenty but in their days of hardship [40 years in the desert searching for the Promised Land with God’s guidance], to set aside a time for thanksgiving. They remembered all their joys, sorrows, disappointments, and hopes. They remembered what theirs might be if - IF - they would but hold to those promises; relying, as it was necessary in those days for a complete dependence upon the bounty of a merciful Father. The Father had a purpose in choosing them and bringing them out of their old countries, old ways, and building up their faith and morals in new ways.'

Monday, November 7, 2022

Pfizer is sharing undisclosed booster efficacy data with the WH -- #Boosters may actually weaken immune systems' ability to fight COVID

FDA cheerleads bivalent boosters, Paxlovid as research and 'rebounds' raise efficacy doubts

Pfizer is sharing undisclosed booster efficacy data with the WH
#Boosters may actually weaken immune systems' ability to fight COVID

#unido #tucker

Another Win for Sanity: #Florida Medical Boards Ban Medical and Surgical Transition for #Minors

Another Win for Sanity: #Florida Medical Boards Ban Medical and Surgical Transition for #Minors

Florida Surgeon General Joseph #Ladapo has worked to restore experience-based medicine in the Sunshine State.

#unido #children #parents

The Dark Origins of the Davos Great Reset by F. WILLIAM ENGDAHL

This is the dark origin of #Schwab’s Great Reset agenda where we should eat worms and have no private #property in order to “save the planet.”

The Dark Origins of the #Davos #GreatReset https://www.thelibertybeacon.com/the-dark-origins-of-the-davos-great-reset/

#unido @PepeEscobarPT #tucker @IngrahamAngle @TuckerCarlson #tcot

And when we have Pentagon lobbyist Lloyd “Raytheon” Austin advising the Ukrainians on the record to advance on Kherson, it’s even more crystal clear there’s nothing to negotiate.



#Berlin goes to #Beijing.

What NATOstan media will NEVER tell you.

Written BEFORE the #Scholz caravan trip.

It will take time – but it will happen.

[The sooner, the better.]

#unido @PepeEscobarPT

Thursday, November 3, 2022

The Department of Homeland Security told the Washington Post in an emailed statement on Wednesday that David DePape, 42, is an illegal immigrant from Canada.


Immigration officials confirm that Paul #Pelosi attacker is Canadian illegal immigrant

The Department of Homeland Security told the Washington Post in an emailed statement on Wednesday that David DePape, 42, is an illegal immigrant from Canada.


Wednesday, November 2, 2022

CrossTalk: "The Ukrainian people are the sacrificial lamb in all this."


The conflict in Ukraine has created deep divisions all across Europe and beyond. Today, Russia and Europe share virtually no common ground on the matter.

@ 15:45

"The Ukrainian people are the sacrificial lamb in all this."

Nebojsa #Malic, Lucas #Gage, Adriel #Kasonta