Saturday, August 8, 2020

This week YouTube also purged hundreds of other truthful videos on vaccines. YouTube’s owner, Google, is effectively a vaccine company.

This week YouTube also purged hundreds of other truthful videos on vaccines. YouTube’s owner, Google, is effectively a vaccine company.

Two subsidiaries of Google’s parent company Alphabet, market & manufacture vaccines.

Genentech’s former CEO, Arthur Levinson, runs Calico, an anti-aging drug company while Verily teams with Pharma to conduct drug / vaccine clinical trials.

In 2016, Alphabet inked a $715 million deal with Glaxo to create Galvani, another venture to develop bioelectronic medicines & vaccines & to mine medical information from Google customers.

Google’s Customer Services President, Mary Ellen Coe, sits on Merck’s board.

In 2016, Google partnered with Sanofi launching Onduo, a virtual diabetes clinic & in 2018 in another business that uses analytics to develop new drugs & vaccines.

In 2018, Google invested $27,000,000 in Vaccitech to make vaccines for flu, MERS, and prostate cancer. Vaccitech calls itself “the future of mass vaccine production.”

In 2020, Vaccitech started work on a COVID vaccine.

Google has earned over $1 billion from illegal online pharmacies & faces fines of up to $500M in current USDOJ prosecution.

Merck and GSK are partnered with Google to “disease brand” cervical cancer & promote HPV vaccines.

Google claims to provide politically & commercially neutral searches, but it systemically manipulates search results to suppress accurate vaccine safety & efficacy information & steer users toward deceptive & fraudulent Pharma propaganda.

Google’s algorithms censor negative information about COVID vaccines & positive information about therapies like HCQ that compete with vaccine.

Google censors reports that diminish public panic about COVID-19.Google’s definition of “misinformation” is: “any information, even if accurate and true, which criticizes vaccination products”.

Google says it relies on WHO as its arbiter of what information is true. WHO receives 1/2 its budget from Pharma and Bill Gates, the world’s largest vaccine maker.

Google’s orchestrated censorship across social media is crippling legitimate debates over international vaccination policies.

This is a crisis for liberal democracies.

Support Del: TheHighWire com

We need #saferVaccines

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