Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Vaccine industry insider Paul #Offit characterizes as “unnerving” the rushed clinical trials for Dr #Fauci’s #Moderna vaccine AND Sky News Rowan Dean Brilliantly Summarizes the Catastrophe



Vaccine industry insider Paul #Offit characterizes as “unnerving” the rushed clinical trials for Dr #Fauci’s #Moderna vaccine.

In Moderna’s Phase 1 trial,21% of the high dose group experience serious illness warranting medical intervention or hospitalization.

Moderna therefore abandoned the high dose as too dangerous.

However in the Phase 2 trial 80% of the medium and low dose groups had adverse local and systemic reactions after the first jab and 100% after the second jab.

Any other medical product with this sort of horrendous risk profile would be dead on arrival.

But Dr Fauci has put $1 billion in taxpayer money into his pet project and his agency NIAID owns half the patent.

So this vaccine is too big to fail.

Instead of pulling the plug,Dr Fauci ordered 2 billion doses with guaranteed payment from the Federal government at premium prices.

According to an article last week in the Economist,Dr Fauci is paying 10 x the per dose price for vaccines as European regulators are paying for COVID vaccines.

It’s worth remembering that the statistical risks from COVID to children is zero.

Yet Dr Fauci considers it advisable to give perfectly healthy kids with zero risk a medical intervention known to sicken 100% of recipients.




Sky News Rowan Dean Brilliantly Summarizes the Catastrophe


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