Sunday, September 6, 2020


One of the praiseworthy aspects of this president is his relatively restrained approach to military interventionism, coupled with his willingness to directly engage adversaries like North Korea and the Taliban in Afghanistan, the latter which recently signed a peace agreement with the United States.

It is logical for Trump, who is skeptical of illegal wars of choice like Afghanistan and Iraq, to question why people would volunteer to fight and possibly die in such a pointless conflict.

For Goldberg, militarism is a state religion.

Questioning it is intolerable.

#tedRall #antiwar

[“You may think Trump is a turd—I do. You may want him to lose the election—I do. (I also want Biden to lose, but that’s another column.)”
If you really do care about our fighting men and women, then you won’t send them to suffer and die in endless wars.]

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