Sunday, September 6, 2020

The Return of the Anti-Antiwar Left by James W. Carden

The Return of the Anti-Antiwar Left
by James W. Carden

Worryingly, the anti-antiwar Left is not going away.

Indeed, it has some powerful allies-in-waiting should Joseph R. Biden win in November.

In a recent interview with CBS, Biden protege and former deputy secretary of state Antony Blinken bemoaned the fact that the Obama administration’s regime change efforts in Syria didn’t go nearly far enough.

Indeed, Biden’s foreign policy team is stacked from one end to the other with regime change and new cold war enthusiasts who, alas, will find plenty of support from the growing ranks of the anti-antiwar Left.

Those who find this development more than mildly depressing might do worse than to take refuge in the work of genuine #antiwar voices such as Diana Johnstone’s.




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