Thursday, September 3, 2020

There are many plausible biological mechanisms for potential adverse effects of all the vaccines in the pipeline for COVID-19 AND People who have pre-existing PEG antibodies could experience life-threatening #anaphylaxis if injected with PEG-containing substances such as the Moderna COVID vaccine

During the 2002-2003 SARS-1 outbreak, it took about 20 months before a vaccine was made ready for human testing in clinical trials despite the fact that concerns about safety were still unresolved.

This was already way too fast compared to the usual time necessary for pre-clinical trials or animal studies to be satisfactorily completed before any ethical experimentation on human beings or clinical trials can be started.

Yet for Covid-19 candidate vaccines, clinical trials were started barely five months after SARS-Cov-2 emerged, bypassing the necessary pre-clinical studies normally required and ignoring the serious safety concerns in the previous attempt to rush a SARS-1 vaccine (which was eventually scrapped).

One major safety concern in developing a vaccine is how to get around the danger that the vaccine might actually “enhance” the pathogenicity of the virus, or make it more aggressive possibly due to antibody-dependent enhancement (#ADE), as what happened with previous studies on test vaccines in animals.

If that should happen in a major human trial the outcome could be disastrous. (1,2,3,4)

This serious adverse effect may not even be detected by a clinical trial especially in highly biased clinical trials laden with conflicts of interest involving vaccine companies.

Even when a serious adverse event is detected, this is usually swept under the rug.


There are many plausible biological mechanisms for potential adverse effects of all the vaccines in the pipeline for COVID-19.

The history of vaccination is replete with scientific evidence of adverse effects through enhanced pathogenicity, mutation, recombination, induced immune system dysfunction, and various non-specific effects following vaccination despite regulatory approval and prior clinical trials and other corporate sponsored studies that were claimed to be proof of safety.

The inherent danger of injecting microbial protein fragments, contaminants, DNA and other foreign materials into the human body is well documented in the scientific literature.

Practically all vaccines contain such hazardous foreign fragments and materials and are “unavoidably unsafe.”

Furthermore, exposure of the vaccine to other environmental hazards (pesticides, air pollutants, 5G radiation, ionizing radiation, etc.) resulting to synergistic adverse effects not captured by corporate sponsored “safety” studies is also another plausible mechanism that may result in acute or long-term injury, including death.

Safety assessments under the corporate dominated scientific milieu are grossly inadequate and oftentimes erroneous.

Pre-clinical studies and clinical trials are done or sponsored by the very corporations who sell the vaccines and they do not adequately address the plausible adverse effects that cannot be detected by the corporate sponsored studies.

There are no independent studies that could validate the claims of the vaccine manufacturers.

Therefore, there is no reason to believe that the potential benefits from an upcoming COVID-19 vaccine would outweigh the potential adverse effects, despite assurances of safety by the vaccine industry, international institutions, governments and the mainstream medical science groups.



RE: Phase III #Moderna mRNA-1273 Vaccine

Moderna’s version of the vaccine, championed by Dr. Anthony #Fauci and funded with $500 million in taxpayer dollars through Dr. Fauci’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, contains polyethylene glycol (#PEG), a molecule to which approximately 72% of the American population have antibodies and 8% have highly elevated levels of antibodies.

People who have pre-existing PEG antibodies could experience life-threatening #anaphylaxis if injected with PEG-containing substances such as the Moderna COVID vaccine.

Additionally, antibodies to PEG can both decrease the effectiveness of the vaccine and increase the risk of side effects.


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