Sunday, September 6, 2020

Unleashing the Dogs of War: Chancellor Merkel Has Done It Again! “Whatever one may think of Donald Trump” - If I had to, I’d guess Biden would side with Merkel and “unleash the dogs of war.”

Unleashing the Dogs of War: Chancellor Merkel Has Done It Again!

The question, of course, is why Chancellor Merkel would follow this script and ignore all the logic surrounding the collateral contamination of Novichok that has not been seen in the #Navalny case, why she would ignore the logic telling us that the Russians never would have sent Navalny to Germany for treatment if there were any possibility of Novichok having been used and ultimately detected, why in general Vladimir Putin would ever sanction such a criminally inculpating action against a minor pest who posed no real threat to his rule.


Whatever one may think of Donald Trump’s intellectual level, he understood the Chancellor’s bait and switch stratagem perfectly well and directly came out against it, saying that he has seen no proof of the Novichok poisoning and that for the USA the PRC poses a far greater security threat than Russia.

In summation, though yesterday and in recent weeks we have not seen Merkel suffering the shakes that set off speculation over her deteriorating health half a year ago, it is high time for her to leave the world stage before she further undermines European and global stability.

[“Whatever one may think of Donald Trump” - If I had to, I’d guess Biden would side with Merkel and “unleash the dogs of war.”]

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