Friday, October 9, 2020

France clamps down on use of weedkiller #glyphosate in #farming

#France clamps down on use of weedkiller #glyphosate in #farming



“It fits in in a couple of ways," he said.

“First, if you go right back to our original economic development strategy, which arose from those public meetings, one of the principles is that the municipality commits itself to preventing damage and whenever possible remediating damage to soil, water, and air within the county.”

He said #glyphosate is a chemical that causes damage.

“It causes damage to the entirety of the ecosystem, and so it’s absolutely in keeping with the principle of our economic development strategy to act on this,” he said.

"And it’s also in completely keeping with the 2019 forestry report that was produced by our Forestry Advisory Committee.

We’d like to see the introduction of smarter, more ethical forestry management processes.”

He said the elimination of glyphosate would be one of those more ethical processes.

“We think it needs to be eliminated,” he said in the interview.

"It may or may not be worth noting that lots of regions across the world are undertaking this.

One of Europe’s largest users of Glyphosate was #Germany and the #German #rail companies and they have collectively all eliminated the use of this."


In a telephone interview, Nina Newington of #ExtinctionRebellion Annapolis County said it’s “not a total surprise” that the spraying went ahead in Colchester and Cumberland Counties.

But, she added, “It’s really disappointing to hear that they succeeded in poisoning as much forest in #NovaScotia as that,” she said…

Newington believes much more public notification is needed because, in her view:

“For the spraying to work, there has to be enough poison to kill off all of that broadleaf growth.

That means that pretty much every frog and amphibian in the area is going to get glyphosate on its skin and that’s a death sentence for amphibians because they breathe through their skin.

And you start thinking about the birds eating the seed and the hunters hunting the deer, and the whole #foodchain.

If you’ve recently sprayed and somebody like me that likes to go out berry-picking goes out berry-picking there’s really almost nothing that’s going to warn you.”

BAN #glyphosate #agriculture #monsanto #monsatan


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