Sunday, October 11, 2020

'Patriot Muster' protester appears to slap TV crew's private security guard and fires a cloud of mace before the Pinkerton employee shot him dead during dueling rallies in Denver

'Patriot Muster' protester appears to slap TV crew's private security guard and fires a cloud of mace before the Pinkerton employee shot him dead during dueling rallies in Denver

    Stunning images captured the fatal shooting of an alleged 'Patriot Muster' protester on Saturday in Denver
    The protester was seen striking a private security guard hired by 9News outside the Denver Art Museum
    He then deployed a stream of mace at the guard, who responded by lifting his handgun and opening fire
    Witnesses said the two men, who were not named, had engaged in a verbal altercation prior to the shooting
    The protester was transported to the hospital, where he was pronounced dead
    Video showed the guard surrendering to riot police who swarmed him seconds after gunfire rang out
    Police said the shooter had no affiliation with a group of Black Lives Matter and Antifa activists who turned out to protest a Patriot Muster rally
    9News confirmed that the security guard was a Pinkerton contractor working to protect their TV crew  
    The guard was arrested on suspicion of murder along with a 9News producer who was later deemed unconnected to the killing
    It's unclear if the protester was armed but police said they recovered two guns from the scene

[A measure of #disorder; the higher the entropy the greater the disorder.]
[This is what happens when there's lots of disorder. More lives ruined.]

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