Monday, October 5, 2020

Erdogan’s reckless intervention is fueling fighting in Azerbaijan and Armenia

#NAGORNO-KARABAKH WAR #SYRIA #erdogan #warCriminal #antiwar


Turkey’s “Syrian National Army” Confirms Deployment Of Its Members In Azerbaijan

“General” Ziyad Haji #Ubeyd, one of the leaders of the pro-Turkish coalition of militant groups known as the Syrian National Army (#SNA) confirmed that the group had sent its fighters to Azerbaijan.

The SNA commander claimed that there are 70,000 SNA members that are ready to participate in Turkish operations anywhere around the world.

Ubeyd emphasized that they are ready to go to support the Turkish Army in Azerbaijan or wherever it is, if requested.

Earlier, #Armenia claimed that at least 4,000 members of Turkish-backed Syrian militant groups were deployed in #Azerbaijan.


The Plot to Destroy Syria (video)


It’s not clear how far Russia will go to stop the Turkish-Azeri offensive; Mr. Pashinyan was democratically elected in 2018 after a popular uprising, and so is no favorite of Vladimir Putin.

But it is in the U.S. interest to stop the fighting and restart negotiations.

That will require reining in Mr. Aliyev and Mr. Erdogan and their exaggerated ambitions.


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