Monday, October 12, 2020

Great Barrington Declaration: A petition calling on governments to abandon across-the-board lockdown restrictions AND #Regeneron seeks EUA for COVID-19 antibody as Trump vows to provide it for ‘free’

“Covid-related hospitalisation and deaths still remain low, with total fatalities from respiratory conditions, and deaths overall, similar to any normal year.”

A declaration of our Covid lockdown rights for society as a whole

Public opinion is turning and so is global science – so when will governments around the world wake up to the damage they’re doing?

You may not have heard of the Great Barrington Declaration. But you soon will. It’s a petition calling on governments to abandon across-the-board lockdown restrictions.

Launched a week ago today, it’s already been signed by 12,000 scientists and medics and around 200,000 members of the public.

Named after the Massachusetts town where it was written, the #GBD is the brainchild of three leading scientists from Harvard, Stanford and Oxford – including world-renowned #epidemiologist Professor Sunetra Gupta who, several weeks ago, gave such a riveting interview on our Planet Normal podcast.

The GBD calls for young people to be allowed to return to life as normal while the elderly and others with medical conditions – those at most risk of dying from Covid – are given “focused protection”.

The overwhelming majority of Covid-related deaths, the evidence shows, are among those over 70 with other pre-existing conditions.

Recorded cases are up in recent weeks – but we’re doing a quarter of a million tests daily, compared to just 20,000 during the April pandemic peak.

Covid-related hospitalisation and deaths still remain low, with total fatalities from respiratory conditions, and deaths overall, similar to any normal year.

The GBD authors insist this is not a political exercise.

“Coming from both the left and right, and around the world, we’ve devoted our careers to protecting people,” they write.

“Current lockdown policies are producing devastating effects on short and long-term public health”.


#Regeneron seeks EUA for COVID-19 antibody as Trump vows to provide it for ‘free’



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