Sunday, October 11, 2020

Monday, October 19, 2020 at 9 AM MST – 10:30 AM MST Oaklands Cemetery - Veterans and patriotic citizens will unite in West Chester, PA and place a wreath on the grave of General Butler to honor his sacrifice, his service, and his brave opposition to the military industrial complex

Monday, October 19, 2020 at 9 AM MST – 10:30 AM MST

Oaklands Cemetery


Hosted by Bring Our Troops Home, Smedley Butler and Danny Sjursen

USMC General Smedley Butler was born in West Chester, PA and his grave is here as well.

Gen Butler was the recipient of two Congressional Medals of Honor for his valor and heroic acts in war.

Nobody understood the evils of war better than General Butler.

After he retired he spent the rest of his life publicly opposing US involvement in undeclared war and even wrote a book titled “War is a Racket.”

After 19 years in Afghanistan, the death of thousands of American service members, the wasting of trillions of dollars, the Veterans of the War in Afghanistan have seen firsthand what General Butler wrote about.

War is a Racket!

It is time to end the endless wars and Bring Our Troops Home.

President Trump is doing what he promised to do in his 2015 presidential campaign.

He is taking monumental strides to bring troops home from foreign undeclared wars.

Veterans and patriotic citizens will unite in West Chester, PA and place a wreath on the grave of General Butler to honor his sacrifice, his service, and his brave opposition to the military industrial complex.


Guest speakers will include

Sgt Dan McKnight, Chairman and Founder of BringOurTroopsHome.US

Maj Danny Sjursen (author, historian, and former West Point professor)

Scott Horton (Director of the Libertarian Institute, Radio Host, and Author of Fools Errand)


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