Sunday, August 2, 2020

"Considerably less frightening numbers than the 1 percent presented by Fauci"


Biden: "You got to make all of it available to other experts across the nation, so they can look and see. So there’s consensus, this is a safe vaccine."

[I like his words, but why do I get the feeling Biden'll be a vaccine pusher when push comes to shove?]


"I think it will be a very effective vaccine. That's my prediction," said Moncef Slaoui, chief adviser of Operation Warp Speed.

"My personal opinion based on my experience and the biology of this virus, I think this vaccine is going to be highly efficacious.

I wouldn't be surprised if it's in the 90% [range]."

[90%?! This contradicts everything else I'm reading.]


"considerably less frightening numbers than the 1 percent presented by Fauci"

At the time, cases were being ascertained using reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) assays, which detect the presence of viral RNA, indicating a current infection. Studies have since been done to estimate the true prevalence of infections by using serological assays, which detect the presence of specific antibodies to SARS-CoV-2, indicating a recent or past infection. These studies have consistently shown that far greater numbers of people have been infected than the reported case numbers indicate. The corollary is that the infection fatality rate (IFR) is much lower.

The CDC appears to have taken this body of science into account in providing its own “best estimate” of the overall symptomatic infection fatality rate (IFR-S), which is 0.4 percent.

One thing that’s important to keep in mind is that this number disproportionately represents elderly people with underlying medical conditions that place them at greater risk of dying from COVID-19, the disease caused by SARS-CoV-2.

Age stratified, the estimated IFR-S is

1.3 percent for those aged 65 years and older,

0.2 percent for those aged 50 to 64, and

0.05 percent for those under the age of 50

These are considerably less frightening numbers than the 1 percent presented by Fauci—not to mention the 3.4 percent presented by WHO Direct-General Tedros Adhanom in March that was widely propagated thereafter by the media.26

Adhanom, too, failed to convey that this was an inherently overestimated mortality rate, and the media followed suit in relaying the frightening number to the public, generating mass fear and panic and helping to manufacture consent for extreme #lockdown measures.



The Restatement describes all vaccines as “unavoidably unsafe” products and implicitly recommended that manufacturers not be liable for injuries if doctors administered them properly.

[ALL vaccines are "unavoidably unsafe" and their administration should be a rarity. Today there are more "required" vaccines than ever before. And the pharmaceutical sector pays big advertising bucks to corporate media. Do you honestly believe we're not being manipulated into thinking we need a COVID-19 vaccine? Resistance is not futile.]

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