Saturday, August 1, 2020

Non-therapeutic, toxic and potentially lethal doses of HCQ (4x higher than standard doses)

… [clinical trials] that were supposed to lay questions about HCQ safety and effectiveness to rest administered

non-therapeutic, toxic and potentially lethal doses of HCQ (4x higher than standard doses)

to 1000s of study participants.


Rather than promote the HCQ+azithromycin+zinc combination or other inexpensive therapies that have achieved real-world results, Fauci (“America’s doctor”) continues to disparage HCQ while painting a grim “no end in sight” picture in which non-evidence-based lockdowns and social distancing are the only response.

In Fauci’s recent speeches, it is difficult to find any mention of therapies at all, other than praise for the risky, high-dollar Ebola drug Remdesivir manufactured by Fauci’s pharmaceutical counterparts.

Tested in NIAID-sponsored trials, #Remdesivir has #failed to deliver any clinically meaningful results for Covid-19 patients.


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