Saturday, August 8, 2020

RFKJr: “The danger with the coronavirus vaccine is that you really need to test on animals first to make sure whatever the vaccine is, that we don’t get that really great immune response followed by lethal infections." Pathogenic Priming and Coronavirus Vaccines

 RFKJr: “The danger with the coronavirus vaccine is that you really need to test on animals first to make sure whatever the vaccine is, that we don’t get  that really great immune response followed by lethal infections."

Pathogenic Priming and Coronavirus Vaccines

“They realized when this same thing happened with the ferrets, that there was something that they called enhanced immune response. It’s also called pathogenic priming.

“What it means is that when you get the vaccine, it appears that you have an antibody response. But when you actually encounter the wild virus, you actually become much sicker, and it actually creates a pathway that that virus hurts you a lot more than with unvaccinated people.

“So this was 2012. In 2014, NIH, under #Fauci, developed a Dengue vaccine which had some signals in it that there was pathogenic priming. In other words, in the clinical trials they saw some signs that you could get an antibody response but get much sicker when you were exposed, but they ignored them.

“They gave it to the Philippines, and they gave hundreds of thousands of children this vaccine, and when the Dengue came around those children became horribly ill and 600 of them died.

“In the Philippines today people are being criminally prosecuted for that.

“The danger with the coronavirus vaccine is that you really need to test on animals first to make sure whatever the vaccine is, that we don’t get  that really great immune response followed by lethal infections.

“It’s very, very strange to me, and it seems almost criminally reckless that Anthony Fauci is allowing these companies to skip animal trials and to go directly to human trials.”



[A bit of a chore to decode this, but please listen to the last part about pathogenic priming. #RFKJr and @alecbaldwininsta]

@ 50:35

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