Sunday, September 27, 2020

Danny Sjursen, Retired US Army officer: Mark my words: an American soldier will soon die for next to nothing in #Syria

Mark my words: an American soldier will soon die for next to nothing in #Syria.


Oh, and here’s another tidbit to ruminate over: the Assad regime’s Moscow/Tehran-assisted de facto victory in the Syrian Civil War is hardly a setback for “core US interests.”

Rather, it amounts to little more than the pre-2011 status quo.

Assad’s relationships with Russia and Iran are decades old, and the Washington never had much influence or interest in Damascus anyway.

The original (purported) mission in Syria is now obsolete.

The Islamic State’s physical caliphate is history, and none of the players in Syria’s conflict cornucopia would countenance its reprise – not Assad, Putin, Khameini, nor the Kurds; heck, probably not even Turkey’s Erdogan.

Postwar Syria is a broken mess, a less serviceable ally for Moscow or Tehran, and a Levantine land full of risks and without detectable reward.

So, let’s keep our troops out of needless harm’s way, and let the “bad boys” have the place.

Finally, take a breath and remember the trivial scale of what this latest reinforcement is actually immediately responding to.

No shots were fired in a side-swiping road rage incident on Syria’s Mad Max-like roads.

As a result, seven American troops – who shouldn’t have been in the damn country in the first place – were treated for concussion-like symptoms and have already returned to duty.

Per McKenzie, again

“What saved the situation was the very good judgment of small unit US Army commanders on the ground…I’m just glad I got those kind of people out there making decisions.”

Well, ole Kenneth now has 100 more good people of sound judgment to order around in this meaningless maelstrom.

Some are bound to get killed. Thanks Obama Donald!

Danny Sjursen is a retired US Army officer, contributing editor at, senior fellow at the Center for International Policy (CIP), and director of the soon-to-launch Eisenhower Media Network (EMN).


Dear God,

May the #antiwar candidate who’ll spill the least amount of blood win.


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