Saturday, October 26, 2013

Richard Sacks Kelly Daugherty Global Skywatch Radio chemTrails geoEngineering “How Will You Kill Us?”

"Do Not Go Quietly Unto Your Grave"
Debate in chemTrails geoEngineering Community regarding Eugenics and Depopulation

An Open Letter To Our “Elite” Rulers
By Richard Sacks
Posted Monday, October 14, 2013
How Will You Kill Us?
And now, as the time you have waited for approaches, and with it your long planned culling, you have set in motion many options. Which will you choose?
What will you do to us, to remove us from this world and have the planet to yourselves, as has been your plan since ages past?
Will you unleash one of your bioweapons on us while you hide underground or take your antidotes, promised by your masters in the system above you?
Will you unleash deadly global weather patterns (that are already underway), patterns you are controlling with the chemtrails that your news minions say do not exist?
Will you unleash horrors in every land using the HAARP system, either to cause earthquakes, tsunamis and other Earth disasters, or simply to broadcast frequencies so intolerable that you will drive us mad, rushing to our own destruction just to end the pain?
Will you finish us off with poisoned food, no option but deadly GMO’s and pesticides in every grocery store item, so that we die in agony as the biotech industries’ weapons tear apart our bodies from the inside, as they were always designed to do?
Or will you leave it to economic ruin, already in progress, to drive us into desperate war with each other, no way to get food or stay warm (or cool), and just watch us kill each other in a famine-induced civil war?
And there are more options you have set for yourselves. So many more it would take many pages to list them even briefly.
You are so proud of them, anxiously awaiting the time when all will be in readiness and the decision will have been made on which ones you choose to unleash.

Mark McCandlish
The Rick Factor Show – Chemtrails with Guest Co-Host Kerry Cassidy

Show: Geoengineering Watch
Host: Dane Wigington, Russ Tanner & Richard Sacks
GeoEngineering Watch – 10/19/2013

Kelly Daugherty
Richard Sacks

See also:

It is entirely possible there may be link between chemTrails and Morgellons Disease. But until that link is proven, I suggest you seek help here:
