Friday, July 24, 2020

Ignoring Biden’s near-half century of shilling for powerful interests, his support for US wars of aggression throughout his time in office, his deference to Wall Street and other corporate predators over the general welfare, his racist history and US gulag prison system backing, Brooks reinvented an unindicted war criminal multiple times over.

In a pro-Biden puff piece no responsible editor would touch, the Times discussed day one of a Biden presidency.

Written by notorious establishment defender David Brooks, he assumed a Biden November triumph over Trump in November the way the Times assumed it for Hillary in 2016.

Like most other Times columnists and contributors, his stuff doesn’t pass the smell test — polar opposite what good journalism should be, delivering truth and full disclosure at all times, rarely ever by the Times on major issues mattering most.

Ignoring Biden’s near-half century of shilling for powerful interests, his support for US wars of aggression throughout his time in office, his deference to Wall Street and other corporate predators over the general welfare, his racist history and US gulag prison system backing, Brooks reinvented an unindicted war criminal multiple times over.

No more “presidential tweets,” he roared. Republicans will pretend they never heard (DJT’s) name.”


Trump signed the first peace agreement with the Taliban; he plans to bring home the last American troops in Afghanistan before Election Day — even sooner than required under the deal. He refuses to be goaded into a new cold war against Russia, has met with the leader of North Korea and has offered direct talks with Iran — positions far to the left of hawkish pro-war Democrats like former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, former President Barack Obama and Biden.

Because most Americans are self-centered and unconcerned about brown people in other nations, it’s ridiculous yet necessary to remind you that the Afghans we bomb are real people like you and me, that Iraqis are scarred for life when their children are hobbled by American bullets, that Yemenis cry for their dead blown to bits by American missiles, that our insane decision to turn Libya from the most prosperous country in Africa into a failed state with 21st century slave auctions is an atrocity, that we have murdered hundreds of thousands of innocent people in the last couple of decades for no reason that can be justified under common sense or international law.

The United States is the greatest exporter of death, oppression and exploitation on the planet. Every human being has the duty to oppose it. We who pour our taxes into the U.S. government have the biggest duty of all to fight the war machine. That begins with holding the murderers and their enablers accountable for their — there is no better word — evil.


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