Sunday, December 20, 2020

Election Fraud With No Apparent Judicial Relief  

#ElectionFraud With No Apparent Judicial Relief

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 52% of Likely U.S. Voters think many news organizations ignored the Hunter Biden story to help his father’s presidential campaign.


None of this evidence has been rejected by any court; all have refused to consider it citing a variety of jurisdictional hurdles.

As Daniel Greenfield details, not only did the Supreme Court abdicate any judicial responsibility for hearing the contested election cases, so have lower courts.

This leaves the only remaining avenue to affect the genuine choice of the people to the Congress when it must vote on the selection of electors, a procedure clearly permitted by the Constitution. Will they have the courage to do the right thing? If they don’t, we will see fraudulent elections forever with no judicial redress. In almost none of the counties whose votes are disputed was the Dominion system examined. In Maricopa County Arizona the vote officials are refusing to honor a subpoena to provide the machines for examination. In the only county where they have been examined (Antrim, Michigan) the analyst who audited the system reports that the machines flipped Trump votes to Biden.

It has been particularly galling to me that Facebook clipped hundreds of ”go vote” messages on my page, while parking its fat finger on reliable articles on vote fraud, censoring them or warning readers away, citing fact checks written by youngsters who themselves dissembled and misrepresented.


The following is according to a Rasmussen Reports poll

47% say it’s likely that Democrats stole votes or destroyed pro-Trump ballots in several states to ensure that Biden would win.
36% say it’s very likely.


Nolte paralleled the findings of the survey with purported Democratic efforts to undermine the legitimacy of Republican presidents George W. Bush and Donald Trump. He also expressed support for Trump’s claims of voter fraud in cities like Philadelphia, Detroit, Atlanta, and Milwaukee.

“I don’t know what happened. I don’t know if there was enough fraud to overturn the results,” he said before suggesting that the outcry over the allegations could mean foul play.


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