Thursday, April 22, 2021

Lindell: He then shows how they have tracked each attack down to the latitude and longitude of the IP of the machines which performed them, how they routed their attacks into the target computers and through what specific networks, and what they did once they penetrated the computers.

Then, starting at 1:36:00, Lindell introduces a second piece of new material, a highly secret expert witness whose identity he conceals with pixelated masking and voice masking on the video, because apparently he will be exceptionally important in upcoming court cases.

He begins by showing how impossible it would be for the evidence of hacking to be faked due to unique signatures in the data.

Lindell then again shows the visual representation of the hacks coming in from overseas that changed votes, attacking polling places all over the country, including Hawaii and Alaska.

He then asked the expert to show just 19 hacks in five different states in detail.

All of the examined attacks came from China.

He then shows how they have tracked each attack down to the latitude and longitude of the IP of the machines which performed them, how they routed their attacks into the target computers and through what specific networks, and what they did once they penetrated the computers.

He then shows that these records produced a time-stamped record of 518,617 votes taken from Trump and given to Biden, in just those 19 specific intrusions in those 5 states.

Those attacks took 518,617 votes from Trump, and give 518,617 votes to Biden, so it was as if Biden was given twice as many votes.

Just those 19 flips would have given Trump clear, decisive victory in Pennsylvania, Georgia, Arizona, Michigan, and Wisconsin, and there were many more flips even than that, each apparently documented in such minute detail.

Again, appears the evidence is decisive, but that does not necessarily mean anything, in a court system compromised by a hostile foreign intelligence operation.

We will have to see where it goes.

#unido #Lindell #MaricopaCounty 

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