Sunday, August 30, 2020

When the Real Men in Black Tried to Hijack Hollywood’s Most Subversive UFO Show - Zabel, Friedman and Herrington

The development of Dark Skies began in late-1994 while Bryce was working at Universal as a writer on M.A.N.T.I.S, Sam Raimi’s short-lived TV show about an African-American super hero. “My assistant on that show introduced me to her husband, who was Brent Friedman. Brent and I started talking UFOs and it turned out he had been told certain things by a government insider.”

Friedman has described this incident as follows:

A good family friend of ours when I was just getting out of high school was working at a very high level in the Reagan administration. One night he took me aside and told me some of the things he was doing in the government, and he ended up telling me some pretty shattering stories. 

 A good family friend of ours when I was just getting out of high school was working at a very high level in the Reagan administration. One night he took me aside and told me some of the things he was doing in the government, and he ended up telling me some pretty shattering stories.

He knew that I’d always been into science-fiction, fantasy, and comic books, and he very casually just threw out there that ‘aliens are real, they’re here, and I’ve seen them.’

At the time I was just absolutely shocked. This was a person that I grew up with and absolutely trusted, and it just rocked my world.

With their mutual interest established, Bryce and Brent set about developing what would become their Dark Skies Bible. “Our show was really about blending the UFO phenomenon into documented, accepted world history,” Bryce told me. “Everything I had read in UFO literature ended up in Dark Skies, from Betty and Barney Hill to Majestic-12, you name it. I tried to weave it all in there.”


"Hollywood writer and producer Bryce Zabel, who spoke to the UFO Congress in 2012, spoke about “Fear and Loathing on the Trail of the Saucers.”

It was his personal account of 25 years of making many UFO and alien themed programs for movies and TV, including Dark Skies on NBC (1996).

His main “bombshell,” such as it was, was to reveal the name of the government official who reportedly confessed to working in an a secret underground lab near Washington, DC where aliens are kept.

This confession was revealed 30 years ago to #Zabel’s colleague and partner Brent #Friedman, and the name of the government official reportedly was – ta da – John S. Herrington, former Secretary of Energy in Ronald Reagan’s second term.

Apparently Mr. #Herrington is still living, although I was not able to find an email address to contact him for his version of the story.

Perhaps some enterprising researcher will be able to contact him to confirm or deny this."

#ufo #ufos #uap #uaps


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