Sunday, September 27, 2020

Newly published CDC data shows that coronavirus is NOT as deadly as we originally thought; Survival rate for adults is 99.98%, fatality rate is 0.007% by Nickie Louise

Below is Infection Fatality Ratio for Scenario 5: Current Best Estimate

R0* 2.5

Age 0-19 years: 0.00003
Age 20-49 years: 0.0002
Age 50-69 years: 0.005
Age 70+ years: 0.054

Looking at this data, one can argue that, the most vulnerable age group does (Age 70 and older) does okay with an Infection Fatality Ratio of 0.054.

This CDC data should also be sufficient for everyone to feel safe, get the kids back in school, and return back to work.

The findings also cast doubts on mainstream media narratives about the potential lockdown later in the year.

Since most in our major news outlets remained silent refuse to cover the news.

The state of the media is so bad that it takes a foreign journalist to report the news.

Adam Creighton, an Economics Editor, of The Australian and Co-Host of Business Weekend at Sky News Australia, said this on Twitter

“The US govt last week updated the survival rates (i.e., IF infected) for Covid19: …Didn’t see it reported much.”



New CDC data show that Coronavirus mortality rates are now well below those for a seasonal flu.

Seasonal flu infection/mortality rates(IFR)according to Tony Fauci are .1% (NEJM).

CDC’s latest data show the COVID IFR for Americans in 0-19 age group is O.003% and in the 19-49 age group 0.02%.

Combining 0-49 year olds, which represent 64% of US population, the IFR is 0.01% which means flu is 10x as lethal as COVID.

This number is 1/50th the predicted death rates predicted by modeling funded by Bill Gates that Dr Fauci cited to justify the lockdowns.

CDC’s new data show that higher COVID IFRs for people over 65 are still lower than flu.

Furthermore,these numbers are probably inflated by unwise protocols adopted by the Northeastern states early in the pandemic of shoehorning seniors into deadly nursing homes and overuse of respirators.

These data raise three crucial questions


If Covid -19 is less deadly than seasonal flu,can we continue to justify lockdowns and mask mandates?


Is there any point in waiting around for fast tracked ,zero liability vaccines with high risk profiles and meager efficacy?


Do pandemics disappear when mortalities cease or when it’s no longer in the media’s financial interest to frighten and shame the public?

#SARSCoV2 #lockdown #RFKJr #pandemic #mortality


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