Friday, October 30, 2020

GLENN GREENWALD’S blistering attack on the US media’s conspiracy of silence over Hunter Biden’s laptops and the serious questions Joe still has to answer over son’s sketchy Chinese and Ukrainian business deals

“But the pathologies, illiberalism, and repressive mentality that led to the bizarre spectacle of my being censored by my own media outlet are ones that are by no means unique to The Intercept.” It’s TRUE


The ideological conformity at center-left outlets has always been there but I think it became more rigid after Trump’s election, they all started behaving less like adversarial outlets and more like msm outlets that accept CIA narratives w/out question. It’s been awful to watch


Read the piece The Intercept refused to run: GLENN GREENWALD’S blistering attack on the US media’s conspiracy of silence over Hunter Biden’s laptops and the serious questions Joe still has to answer over son’s sketchy Chinese and Ukrainian business deals

#Biden #HunterBiden

[The Left is quite willing to throw one of their own heroes under the bus.]

[I’ve been bitching about this for years now and it’s only gotten worse and harder to break through the noise. If you seek the truth, you really can rely on no one else, like we could when we were kids and young adults.]


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