Wednesday, November 25, 2020

#47USB #Giuliani attends #electionhearing in #Gettysburg, #Pennsylvania #47USB #Giuliani attends #electionhearing in #Gettysburg, #Pennsylvania

The Pennsylvania Senate Majority Policy Committee has held a public hearing to discuss 2020 election issues and irregularities, at the request of Republican senator Doug Mastriano.

Former New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani participated in the hearing.


Greg #Stenstrom, another poll watcher, said that in Delaware County, 47 USB cards were missing.

“As a computer scientist, an American and a patriot, it doesn’t matter who those votes were for. It was shocking to me that that could even happen,” he said.

“There is no cure for this, no remedy for this.I don’t believe as a citizen and an observer to this, anyone can certify this with a good conscience.”


Witness describes 570,000-vote ‘spike’ for Biden
Bombshell testimony at #Pennsylvania hearing draws gasps

Giuliani then asked, “When you look at this curve with all of these spikes, can you calculate how much of a vote that accounted for Biden and how much for Trump?”

“Close to 600,000 … I think our figures were about 570-some-odd-thousand,” the witnessed replied.

“And how much for Trump?” Giuliani followed up.

“I think it was a little over 3,200,” he said, drawing gasps and laughter.


During the meeting, one witness came forward to allege a suspicious ballot dump that favoured Biden.

“Normally, you would expect to see a smooth curve going up, not any big spikes,” the witness testified, referencing the “anomalies of loading those votes” and pointing to a “prime indicator of fraudulent voting.”

Giuliani asked him to confirm the volume of votes counted in 90 minutes. The witness then identified 337,000 votes in that time span.

“When you look at this entire curve—with all these spikes—can you calculate how much of a vote was counted for Biden and how much for Trump?” Giuliani pressed.

The witnessed replied: “Close to 600,000 [votes]. I think our figures were about 570-some-odd-thousand that all those spikes represent over time.”

“For Biden?” Giuliani questioned. “Correct,” the witnessed responded, counting only “a little over 3,200” votes for Trump. The crowd then erupted into gasps and laughter. “How about that?” one attendee uttered on camera.


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