Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Current CIA Director Gina Haspel is “banking on” Trump losing in November in order to keep Spygate documents hidden

Meanwhile, co-founder of The Federalist Sean Davis noted in an Oct. 5 report that current CIA Director Gina Haspel is “banking on” Trump losing in November in order to keep Spygate documents hidden.

Citing intelligence community officials, Davis noted that Haspel, who served under former CIA Director John Brennan as the spy agency’s station chief in London in 2016 and 2017

“is concerned that the declassification and release of documents detailing what the CIA was doing during the 2016 election and the 2017 transition could embarrass the CIA and potentially even implicate Haspel herself.”

One senior intelligence official told The Federalist

“Haspel and [FBI Director Christopher] Wray both want Trump to lose, because it’s the only chance they have of keeping their jobs.

They’re banking on Biden winning and keeping them where they are.”

“It’s far more important for Haspel to block any embarrassment of herself or her agency than to have full transparency and accountability,” another senior intelligence official told The Federalist.

“She’s just hoping she can get past the election so the documents will never come out.”

“This is not a source protection issue, it’s an embarrassment issue,” the intelligence official added.

#Ratcliffe #Haspel

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