Wednesday, October 7, 2020

RAY McGOVERN: Trump Orders Russiagate Documents Declassified

Did Hillary Clinton Make It All Up?

If Americans had read more than what is in The New York Times, they would not be surprised at that possibility.

Are they not aware that the NYT does not carry all the news that’s fit to print?

If they looked beyond the Times, they might have learned that exactly five months ago, on May 7, 2020, House Intelligence Chairman Adam Schiff was forced to release sworn testimony by former FBI official Shawn Henry, head of the cybersecurity firm CrowdStrike, that

there is no technical evidence that the DNC emails published by WikiLeaks were hacked — by Russia, or by anyone else.

Adding insult to injury, Schiff was able to hide Henry’s testimony from Dec. 5, 2017, until May 7, 2020.

Quick! Someone tell the Times that another 5-month delay on top of that is not on.

If you didn’t know that the evidence-impoverished charge that the Russians hacked the DNC emails had fallen apart, recall that then-FBI Director James Comey deferred to CrowdStrike to do the forensics on the so-called “Russian hack” of the DNC.

There are no forensics. CrowdStrike did not even provide the FBI with a finished report.

Moreover, if you reconstruct the events at the end of July 2016 and notice how Clinton and the Democrats poured blame on Trump and the Russians with the support of the intelligence community, especially the FBI and CIA

— not to mention the full throated support of the Establishment media —

you wouldn’t need a report from Russian intelligence to figure out who might be behind Russiagate, and why.

So Mr. President, go ahead and declassify and un-redact.

But much of the information is already available — just not on “mainstream media.”

You can start by searching Consortiumnews com

#Ratcliffe #Haspel

Ray McGovern works with Tell the Word, a publishing arm of the ecumenical Church of the Saviour in inner-City Washington.

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