Thursday, October 8, 2020

Ted Rall: On Foreign Policy, Joe Biden is Worse Than Trump

Brecklynn Brown, a student at Springville Junior High

“When I watch the news, all I see is arguing between Democrats and Republicans”
“When I watch the news, all I see is citizen fighting against citizen.
When I watch the news, all I see is two candidates from opposing parties try to tear each other down.
If our leaders can’t get along, how are our citizens supposed to get along?”
“Your examples could make all the difference to bring us together.”


[When I was Brecklynn’s age, every night when I watched the news, wounded American soldiers were being carried to waiting helicopters, the conscious ones were hoping to make it off the ground.

Talk about healing the wounded psyche of an entire generation.

That’s the problem with war today. We’d all be anti-war if our media would show us the pictures like they did in the Vietnam-war era.

But the vast majority of our neoliberal corporate media today support American imperialism and interventionism abroad.

So Brecklynn, please do your homework. And please support the most anti-war candidate.

Who might that be? Like many, if not most, Americans, I supported George W. Bush when he decided to invade Iraq after Nine Eleven.

I was wrong.

I remember holding Ted Rall in contempt because he “hated” what the U.S. was doing in Iraq.

I was wrong about Ted Rall, too. Read his blog.

Do you think all of the blood we spill abroad will never be visited upon U.S.? Better think again.

#unido is still #antiwar in 2020.


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